Are you a workaholic?

* stands up.

My name is Ultimatehero and I'm a workaholic. I'm 24 years old, I'm an up and coming hollywood screenwriter, and work has always come first in my life. Socially, I'm behind many of my peers due to having spent all these years just focusing on my work. Hopefully once I get a firm foot, I can also take a breather to play catch-up. I don't work 24/7, but I'd say 20/7 seems about right. I've made social sacrifices, but those sacrifices also got me where I am today so I don't regret it.

* sits back down and looks around hoping to not hear the sound of crickets...
Am I a workaholic?


Nope. Life's too short. I love my job, but it's what I do, and just part of who I am. Were I independently wealthy, I wouldn't quit, but I'd be extremely part time.
People complain that all I talk about is work and school, so yes, I too am a workaholic.
Man I wish I was, I'd have more money that way.

Only if you mean these guys, I've got a lot more in common with them than I do real workaholics :D
I will not sacrifice myself for any job. I take my job seriously just enough to keep it.
Not even close. Too many stupid games to play on my phone.
Nope. I only work enough to sustain myself.
Am I a what?
*posting on hype at work as I type this*

The what now?
I'm only a workaholic if I'm very passionate about something. Having said that, I'm not passionate about much.
I will not sacrifice myself for any job. I take my job seriously just enough to keep it.
Same here.

Especially with my job, I'm all about getting my tasks done as long as no one bothers me. But I don't take it seriously until it was a job I really loved doing.
Definitely not. I work only 4 hours on some days. Now if I could find a second job that is only a couple hours at night or one that would have me outside during the day, I totally would be.
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I'm working 24 hours in a span of 2 days, but no. My company - usually - doesn't allow overtime. Which is kinda nice for the whole work/life balance thing.
I've never had a job I enjoyed enough to be a workaholic.

If I ever get there, I still don't think I could be completely. I enjoy watching films and tv and reading comics and books too much.
I am a bit. I'm kind of fustrated at the moment though because I'm dealing with a difficult person.

A real ass.

It dampens my enthusiasm a bit and makes it a bit more agreeable to go home when I should
Well I'm starting acting lessons and joining a photography club this month, so that's kinda work towards something...Wouldn't say I'm a workaholic because I wouldn't have near 40k posts.
I am a bit. I'm kind of fustrated at the moment though because I'm dealing with a difficult person.

A real ass.

It dampens my enthusiasm a bit and makes it a bit more agreeable to go home when I should
Every 18 months I get a new boss.

And for the next 6 months I have to feel that way until they grow a brain.

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