The Amazing Spider-Man ASM Blu-ray: Most Wanted Features and Extras

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Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
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While the film is fresh in our brains, what do you want most on the dvd?
POV mode: the entire movie is seen from Peter's first-person perspective. (Scenes without Peter are seen normally.) :hehe:
I wouldn't mind that honestly.. but what about the scenes where Peter is subtly 'checking Gwen out'?
All of the damn scenes in the sewer involving Ratha and Lizard telling Peter about his past that were cut from the film.
I want any extension to the webshooter and suit design scenes if they have any.
A featurette on designing the costme and the Lizard.

And one on seperating ASM from the Raimi universe while respecting the source material.
The source material being the comics?
I want the scenes that have to do with Peter being genetically altered, since I like that as a possible plot.
I want the scenes that have to do with Peter being genetically altered, since I like that as a possible plot.
For some reason, I think it makes more sense considering Connors clearly stated that no test subject survived and in the game, Connors said that there was something about his blood that prevented him from turning into what would be the equivalent of Man-Spider from the comics.
- Deleted scenes

- A look on why they made the changes to the Spidey suit

- Modernizing the world of Spider-Man with how much the film focused on technology

- Developing the look of Lizard

- A look on why they wanted to create a story for his parents and why OsCorp will be playing such a large role in their film series
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Huh? Oh, for the movie I think that the spider wasn't anything that they tested on subjects, and that the spiders were just unique like that.
Huh? Oh, for the movie I think that the spider wasn't anything that they tested on subjects, and that the spiders were just unique like that.
I was talking about cross-speicies stuff in general. I don't think they used just spiders obviously.
If it was taped, I'd love to see Andrew's audition. It probably won't be there, but it'd be a cool little thing to see.

I want to see what we got with the little featurettes from before the movie released, just delved into more with footage and extra behind-the-scenes.
All of the damn scenes in the sewer involving Ratha and Lizard telling Peter about his past that were cut from the film.
Yes... I want that!

Marc Webb said that on the Blu-Ray/DVD, we would get about 4-5 deleted scenes, but they would be "unnecessary." I don't think we will get that deleted scene with Dr. Ratha and Lizard talking about Peter's parents. We will probably get more deleted scenes with Peter Parker and Gwen Stacey or something. Still excited to see what we get though.

I would really like to see a deleted scene with Connors family (if it does exist). The thing is, there isn't as much cut from the film as Spider-Man 3. There must be about 30-45 minutes worth of footage we haven't seen, where TASM must have maybe 15 minutes cut out as my best guess.
Deleted Scenes
Like over an hour of "Behind The Scenes" featurettes
Commentary with Webb, Garfield, Stone, etc
Maybe some "50th Anniversary" Documentary on the history of Spidey in comics, TV, movies, and games.
Everything mentioned already sounds great.

I know it will never happen, but I'd love to see a cut of the movie Webb originally intended to make, before it was reedited and cut down, even if the missing scenes are in storyboard form. Would love to know what the vision was intended to be.
For some reason, I think it makes more sense considering Connors clearly stated that no test subject survived and in the game, Connors said that there was something about his blood that prevented him from turning into what would be the equivalent of Man-Spider from the comics.

Even the video games gets into that very briefly.

I would say what, but I'm on my phone and don't know how to enter spoiler tags.

As for a featurette, it's already been said.

A featurette seperating itself from the first three movies and one on modernizing Peter Parker.
I want to see that cheeseburger we've heard so much about that got Garfield the role.
I want to eat it.

Oh wait, you tell me it's already been eaten?

Then I don't want to eat it. It's probably already been through sewage treatment and is in an ocean or a lake or is drinking water already.
Did peter steal the webbing formula from oscorp or not!
Deleted Scenes
Like over an hour of "Behind The Scenes" featurettes
Commentary with Webb, Garfield, Stone, etc
Maybe some "50th Anniversary" Documentary on the history of Spidey in comics, TV, movies, and games.

All of this ^^^^ with a "Making the Amazing" featurette, Lizard design featurette, and Spidey suit feature
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