Awesome X-Men Anime!!!

Yeah those are so awesome.

I love the music on one of em...."SHOCK!"

good stuff... first, I thought it was just the 90's cartoon redubbed...did they make this around the time the 90's cartoon was popular in the States? It seems it was heavily influenced from it
Yeah maybe people should watch that when they dare Comapre Teen titans to anime:o
The people who compare Teen Titans to animé are the ones who don't know animé past Dragonball and Pokémon. :down:o
I'm not a big anime fan, but that looked amazing. I'd like to see that as a full series. Magneto and Jean's animation alone puts the American series to shame.
its cool. yet i still dont like he females hair its strange.
were can i see these episodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are no episodes, evidently. These are just Japanese-made intros. I would love if there were Japanese-made episodes, though. I sure hope the new cartoon, Wolverine and the X-Men will be this cool!
very, very nice...the action scenes in the second one were HUUUGE!!!
As a Otaku myself... I have to say...

... speechless.

*snif* I will die happy and peacefully the day this intro will become a full series...
MoiBijou said:
As a Otaku myself... I have to say...

... speechless.

*snif* I will die happy and peacefully the day this intro will become a full series...


I knew you'd like this.
I'm glad I'm not alone in seeing how awesome these intros are. Several years ago, I believe it was after the X-Men cartoon series had ended, that on Sunday morning, a station other than Fox aired re-runs of X-Men, and the first intro I posted was shown over the show's end credits; the intro with Wolverine fighting Omega Red. I was always curious as to what this different style of X-Men animation was--but I loved it! I'm glad we have these things to view. I was EXTREMELY disappointed to learn these Japanese X-Men intros were only intros. I want an entire X-Men cartoon in anime art! And I want it to be a prime time show, too!
I love how the Brood look in it...

Jubilee's part is awesome.
Yeah these are pretty cool! They made them to air with the American series when it aired in Japan. I wonder if kids there were disappointed when the intros ended, the show started and it looked like ... well, the one we got.
Sketchee said:
Yeah these are pretty cool! They made them to air with the American series when it aired in Japan. I wonder if kids there were disappointed when the intros ended, the show started and it looked like ... well, the one we got.
They probably just changed the channel and watched Trigun or something. :(
Sketchee said:
Yeah these are pretty cool! They made them to air with the American series when it aired in Japan. I wonder if kids there were disappointed when the intros ended, the show started and it looked like ... well, the one we got.
It wasn't that bad...
X-Men was an awesome show. But the artwork, although good, got very cheap-looking, sloppy, and inconsistent at times--a little too often for my taste. Fox's X-Men just didn't have the energy, nor graceful animation of these Japanese intros.:o
Specter313 said:

I knew you'd like this.

An "Otaku" is a non-Japanese person who loves Anime, Manga and Japanese culture.

Yep, I love it. :D

I liked the X-Men animated series, but I have to admit the artwork wasn't that good...
Yeah those are so awesome.

I love the music on one of em...."SHOCK!"

good stuff...

For some reason, myvideo didn't play, so could you give me some details?:)
The first vid link is broken. Can anyone help?

Also the secodn one does LOOK awsome. However the 90's cartoon wasn't that bad in artwork. I liked it. It could have been better but for a 10 year old kid it was great.

Can't wait for the new Wolvie & Xmen series, sounds interesting so far.
For whatever reason, it looks like the X-Jet bends to dodge whatever the hell was blasting at it.

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