Barrel 'o' CyberMonkeys


Bad Monkey
Aug 14, 2005
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Well ive been commenting on these boards for a little while now, so I guess its time for you guys to do the same to my stuff.

Many of these pictures you guys may have already seen because i don't really get a chance (or the motivation) to things for myself (it also doesn't help that I don't have a home computer). Its only since I joined a few forums this year that i've started doing stuff.

Anyways enough with the words.

Heres something i did for deadeyes amalgam contest


Heres a entry to a comic book cover contest for another board im on.


Its bebop and rocksteady


This was my entry to the halloween contest


This is a rancor sith picture that i never finished- the rancor is the son of the one luke killed in return of the jedi. He trained as a sith to get revenge. I may have been on crack when I came up with the idea.

first time ive seen that halo cover, very nice, i wouldnt mind seeing that kind of style in a comic
Lol the RAncor Idea is just...I don't know what to say, but yeah just lol, that is just a Really cool drawing.

Great stuff on the others as well,
Love your style Cybermonkey. That Halo one is amusing, Jesus looks P*SSED! lol
Do you do your own colours aswell?
forfeit said:
Do you do your own colours aswell?

yeah- i'm in the processes of trying to give up the smudge tool in photoshop... its been my friend for so long, but you can't get any texture out of it..

The zombie spiderman was my first attempt at actually painting- I think it turned out pretty good...

Dr Doom said:

I love you... and green fonts...

i've started my attempt at this months contest (half way through my pencils). I might put my WIP's of it here because i've had a few enquires about colouring.
That Sith Rancor picture is awesome beyond reason.
good stuff love the Webbed Wolverine. Also would love to see more star wars stuff. and if you except a list of dream characters to see mine would be

Captaina America
YOU ARE SO GOOD! I LOVE YOUR ART! that spiderman one is great.
If I'm not mistaken, Image comics uses a lot of this style art. especially in David and Goliath, the big Lion that flies and blows fire controlled by a boy descended from a powerful evil nazzi but who is trying to be a good boy, or something like that.
I just love the stuff Cyber. I dont think anyone can say otherwise!
Please tell me ur working on a book we can see sometime!

and if the smudge tool works for you, KEEP IT! the stuff u have done looks very professional, it doesnt matter how you got there!
acedog_007 said:
If I'm not mistaken, Image comics uses a lot of this style art. especially in David and Goliath, the big Lion that flies and blows fire controlled by a boy descended from a powerful evil nazzi but who is trying to be a good boy, or something like that.

That has to be the greatest disciption ever of a comic that i have never read :p
Joe Madureira has probably been the biggest influence on my style over the years. I would have his babies if i could.... or at least let him touch me in my special place..

forfeit said:
I just love the stuff Cyber. I dont think anyone can say otherwise!
Please tell me ur working on a book we can see sometime!

and if the smudge tool works for you, KEEP IT! the stuff u have done looks very professional, it doesnt matter how you got there!

Thanks man :O I find your stuff reminds me of me a few years ago- i'm looking forward to seeing how your evil dead picture comes out.

Me and the smudge tool have been going steady for a while now (well a year anyway- thats how long ive been using a tablet). It does make you get RSI and due to the nature of the tool removes all texture- which is something I wanna started adding more to my pics.

As for the book thing- nah- i'm not that cool :)
I do work for a company that makes video games on occasion- so ive done some character and design design stuff. I would love to do pin ups for a living- but a dont have the persistance to do comic pages :p
CyberMonkeytron said:
As for the book thing- nah- i'm not that cool :)
I do work for a company that makes video games on occasion- so ive done some character and design design stuff. I would love to do pin ups for a living- but a dont have the persistance to do comic pages :p

I know what you mean, i prefer splash pages and covers to drawing the actual sequentials. Although im half heartedly working on something simply for drawing practice of angles, perspectives and emotions etc. Are we allowed to see some of your character designs? or are they hush-hush? Iv heard companies are pretty tight lipped about where their characters leak out to.

I always avoid colour myself. Iv had a couple of attempts, but im colour blind, so i always screw up hahaha apart from that, im just very bad at it
i thought i'd save my thread with a kinda work in progress of my entry to this months contest.

Heres the scanned inks. I adjusted the brightness and contrast in photoshop to make it the way i wanted it.


Then I blocked it in. I put each layer on a seperate layer. At this stage im not really worried about what colours I'm going to end up using- because that can come later. Its just a matter of making sure that everything has a colour.

Then it's time to start colouring. I knew that the lava cracks were going to be the main source of my light- so i decided to start there.


And some more time later


Til we have finally


Hooray now I can sleep!:)
Oh man that dinosaur pic rocks :up:
Holy crap. Thats just pure and simply fantastic. your light sourcing is absolutely amazing
Could I ask a question:
How do you do that glow ?? Like from the green lightsaber on his clothes, and from the lava on the dino's ???
excellent work, i think i faved that be bop and rocksteady on dev art
Wow, I must say how thoroughly impressed I am with your work, you've got a great sense of color and layout and it's all very dynamic. 5 thumbs up.

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