The Dark Knight Batman Begins Joke Sequel Art


Feb 7, 2005
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The other forums have caption contests or joke art threads so I think Batman should have one too. Here are my contributions. (Can a mod edit the title so that the captions part shows up on the forum list?)

Spare-Flair said:
The other forums have caption contests or joke art threads so I think Batman should have one too. Here are my contributions.


Heh Heh! You have to do up some Superman Posters and slap them in the captions forum. These are priceless.
Showtime029 said:
Heh Heh! You have to do up some Superman Posters and slap them in the captions forum. These are priceless.

I put some of my Superman Batman ones in the Superman captions thread. This could be a Batman captions thread too but I don't think I can edit the title so that it shows up with 'captions' on the main forum view unless a mod helps me. But Batman is so much easier to make fun of than Superman. Part of it is because Batman always looks so serious. With pictures of Routh - they are funny on their own...because of Routh.
If you edit your first post is there an option for advanced? If so, you can hit that and you can change your title.
Showtime029 said:
If you edit your first post is there an option for advanced? If so, you can hit that and you can change your title.

No there isn't. I can't change the title of the individual post so that it reads captions inside the thread, but people outside in the main forum don't see it because the actual thread title isn't changed.
^ the joke is that the Dark Knight can only work in the dark...
Spare-Flair said:
The other forums have caption contests or joke art threads so I think Batman should have one too. Here are my contributions. (Can a mod edit the title so that the captions part shows up on the forum list?)



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