Batman TPBs to stay away from


Oct 30, 2007
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I was just wondering what Batman TPBs are not worth the paper they were printed on in everyone's individual opinions.

For me it was definately 'City of Crime'. It was the first Batman TPB that I couldn't find anything mildly interesting in.
the new Man Who Laughs hardcover isnt worth it, as it's Man Who Laughs, and then some crap 3 part 'Tec storyline from a while back...they should have just put Man Who Laughs in the new Killing Joke hardcover....
For me it was definately 'City of Crime'. It was the first Batman TPB that I couldn't find anything mildly interesting in.

Agreed. Stay away! :cmad:

the new Man Who Laughs hardcover isnt worth it, as it's Man Who Laughs, and then some crap 3 part 'Tec storyline from a while back...they should have just put Man Who Laughs in the new Killing Joke hardcover....

People will get it anyway, just to own it. Better than coughing up 100 bucks on ebay.
Batman: War Drums was pretty crap, IMO.
Batman Secrets. The book is a turd.
i forsee this thread is going to get nasty real quick.
I liked War Games as well. I've heard a few people complain about War Drums. I'll probably still by it though, just as it's part of the whole War Games saga. I have a problem with having to complete story arcs, even if it's with uneccesarry prequels or sequels.
the new Man Who Laughs hardcover isnt worth it, as it's Man Who Laughs, and then some crap 3 part 'Tec storyline from a while back...they should have just put Man Who Laughs in the new Killing Joke hardcover....

Since I've never been able to get a hold of The Man Who Laughs, I'll definitely be buying the hardcover as soon as it comes out. They could fill the rest of the book with actual feces and I'd still buy just because TMWL is so highly regarded. I have to see for myself.
Oh, and stay away from Batman and Son. :o

I started to like the story and then it just went nuts and ended. I think the Resurrection of Ra's is a direct continuation of it though. I did look thru the Batman & Son TPB thiugh and the layout was strange, w/ the extra unrelated material in it. Just more crap to confuse the reader IMO.
It had a promising concept--bringing Batman back to the 70's (ninja man-bats and all), but it just spiraled there even a word for it? :huh:
i liked batman and son... what did suck was batman :terror with scarecrow and hugo strange. just think of their generic plots and that's the book, nothing new brought to either character:(
Morrison's whole confusing, drawn out, campy at times run actually has me not buying Batman anymore...and I'll be skipping out on 'Tec this month too as not to have one part of the big Ra's storyline without the rest....
Hush Returns sucks hard since it doesn't have a real ending!
I don't know if they've TPB'ed this, but I own in comic form the Batman/Spawn crossovers. If this is in TPB I recommend avoiding it at all costs because it's just not on par with the quality of storytelling in the core Batman comics.
Batman Year Two: Fear the Reaper is one of the worst things I ever read.
I don't know if they've TPB'ed this, but I own in comic form the Batman/Spawn crossovers. If this is in TPB I recommend avoiding it at all costs because it's just not on par with the quality of storytelling in the core Batman comics.

Amen, both Spawn/Batman crossovers are mediocre. I was super disappointed at the way Miller handled Batman, especially in the second one.
Amen, both Spawn/Batman crossovers are mediocre. I was super disappointed at the way Miller handled Batman, especially in the second one.
Actually the Miller/McFarlane version is the better one simply because of Todd McFarlane's art, the one to avoid is the version drawn by Klaus Jansen, I still have that piece of crap I think as an example of how not to do a comic book.
I don't know why, but I've just never been a fan of intercompany crossovers.
Actually the Miller/McFarlane version is the better one simply because of Todd McFarlane's art, the one to avoid is the version drawn by Klaus Jansen, I still have that piece of crap I think as an example of how not to do a comic book.
i'm not sure which one i have (it was a gift, i read it and put it away long ago) but it was crap. something about gotham being the gate way to hell or some such.
castle of the bat. it looked so cool when i was 13
Batman: Digital Justice....*groans audibly*


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