Batman v. Superman VS. Captain America: Civil War VS. X-Men Apocalypse


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Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Although, we are a week ahead of the US release of X-Men: Apocalypse, it has already been out for almost 2 weeks in some countries.

I had the other threads closed (Thanks Hunter), and now we can vote after 2 years in the making what was the better comic book movie out of the 3 most hyped ones.

Early questions to get out of the way:

  • I didn't include Deadpool because it wasn't really looked at in the same vein as the other 3 although it performed spectacularly and got great reviews and fans seemed to like it.
  • I made it public, because it's not that hard. :o
  • I can't tell you how to vote, but at least attempt to watch all 3 before making a decision. The whole, well I only watched one movie and didn't care for the others.

So let's get down to it, which of these were the best, post theatrical release?
Having seen all 3 I voted for Xmen. BvS was terrible so let's just get that out the way. I can appreciate Civil War as a great movie but I'm not invested in the characters. Spider-Man was supurb but I think fatigue is setting in for me regarding Cap, Iron Man and Black Widow. Xmen Apocalypse, whilst not being the greatest Xmen movie, kept me entertained throughout and I was very pleased with the new cast.
1. Civil War (7.5)
2. X-Men: Apocalypse (6.3)
3. Batman v. Superman (5.0)
I've seen all three.

Civil War > Apocalypse > BvS
1)Civil War
2) Apocalypse
3) BvS
BvS - 7/10. I liked the story it told, even if some of the pieces could have been much better.

CW - 6.5/10. The action and dialogue were great, but didn't care for the story overall. Started great, but I thought it was bizarre what the movie ended up being about in the end.

Dont have high hopes for Apocalypse because Mystique annoys the hell out of me and Singer feels like an outdated director, but I am very excited to see Cyke and Jean back and to see where the franchise is going next.
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I put CA:CW ahead by a whisker over XM:A. Both are really great movies. As for medal for effort.
X-men Apocalypse is definitely the most "comic-booky" of the X-men films, but it's really a mess, the editing is really poor. Civil War is leaps and bounds better.

BvS is flat out terrible. I'd say XMA is more akin to MoS, there will be some that love it, but it will be mixed opinions, but it's definitely flawed.
Wasn't there already a thread for this?

I'm interested in Deadpool vs Suicide Squad vs Doctor Strange
I have no great love for either BvS or Civil War, but I liked both well enough. If Apocalypse doesn't have characters as obnoxious as Alexander Landis or Spider-Man, it would go a long way for me.
I'll be seeing Apocalypse tomorrow. But it's a pleasant surprise to hear so many people who have seen it praising it, in spite of the negative critical reception it's getting. This may be one of the times where the consensus disagrees with the critics.
Wasn't there already a thread for this?

I'm interested in Deadpool vs Suicide Squad vs Doctor Strange

I had them closed.

This is post release. The previous one is which one are you most looking forward and which trailer did you like more.
Posted this in the X-boards:

This didn't feel like a Bryan Singer X-Men movie at all,more like a half-assed Simon Kinberg movie. A crushing disappointment,I literally had no idea what the hell I was watching more than half the time.
Random thoughts:

- The editing was very messy compared to DoFP and x2's perfect pace and transition.
-The CGI was absolutely terrible. I can't believe how cheap the movie looked. Just compare the quicksilver sequence with DoFP's.
- Apocalypse was a bad villain imo,Magneto's much more interesting and still does the heavy work. I feel bad for Isaac.
- The destruction porn was way too excessive and unnecessary.
- The young mutants were pretty good,best part of the movie.
- The Horsemen were wasted.
- The action was nothing to write home about.
- The cameo was forced.
- Fassbender and McAvoy elevate the material as always.
- The script is weak in every aspect. Damn you Kinberg.
- I can't stand JLaw's Mystique anymore.

I have to agree with psylockolossus here, I think I enjoyed X3 more than this. Kinberg needs to go,right now.

I'll be seeing Apocalypse tomorrow. But it's a pleasant surprise to hear so many people who have seen it praising it, in spite of the negative critical reception it's getting. This may be one of the times where the consensus disagrees with the critics.

Its ok and has some great moments but it has more problems than previous Singer films.

The young cast make are probably the standout.
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I have not seen civil war.

I got out of apocalypse a couple hours ago. It was nearly as bad as BvS for most of the duration, a truly boring film with really poor character work and a lot of useless, pretentious CGI. It saves itself and is elevated from horrible to merely subpar by a slightly uplifting climax. BvS in contrast never saves itself.

1) Apocalypse
2) BvS
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I have not seen civil war.

I got out of apocalypse a couple hours ago. It was nearly as bad as BvS for most of the duration, a truly boring film with really poor character work and a lot of useless, pretentious CGI. It saves itself and is elevated from horrible to merely subpar by a slightly uplifting climax. BvS in contrast never saves itself.

1) Apocalypse
2) BvS

Why haven't you seen Civil War?
After having seen Apocalypse, I'd rank them;

1. CW
2. Apocalypse

3. BvS
Apocalypse features my absolute favorites characters from these three movies, and was the most emotional experience to me. However, the plot, dialogue and pacing were all much inferior to Civil War. So I should vote for the best movie, or the one that I personally liked best for fan reasons exclusively? BvS I wouldn't even consider, what a mess.
Civil War is the best of the bunch and I think will be most peoples. Apoc is ok but a bit "flat" and BVS had moments but the most problems story wise. Its a shame its not more of a closer battle between them as would make for a better debate but the gap between each is pretty clear.
1. CW

2. Apocalypse

3. BvS

At least Apocalypse is so bad that it's good
1) Civil War
2) Pocky Fights

5) BvS

CW, fun. X:A, Not Bad. BvS, Meh.

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