Right before and after AgeofApocalypse, Sabretooth was his best storyline in my opinion.
Right before AoA, He was sequestered in the Xavier School to be rehabilitated.
He pissed off Wolverine so bad by threathening to gut all X-girls Logan likes and wants to protect(Jean, Kitty, jubilee) that Logan popped his claws in his head (Wolverine #90)
AoA(which was awesome)
Right after AoA, we find out hes lost his killer instinct and hes now as docile as a kitten.
Boomer from X Force takes care of him and brings him milk every night but everyone else hates him. (Around x-Force #45)
She finally finds out hes faking and he laughs at her for being stupid.
Shes pissed off so she throws her power bombs at him which sets him free from his restraints.
then Psylocke comes to try to stop him but he almost kills her and escapes the school. (Uncanny X-Men #327)
truly badass and machiavelic.
Since then, hes been pretty much portrayed as a dumass who likes to roar(thanks Synger) but he is one of the most vicious villains there is.
ps: if u have the chance, check out x-men unlimited #40 that shows when sabretooth and mystique met and had sex to get graydon creed.
great story and great pencils by clayton henry