Blacks voting for Obama cause of race- Women gender based voting for Palin


Aug 29, 2005
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Whether you are a republican or democrat... Share your stories here if you've seen voting based on race/sex.

I myself have been a long time Obama supporter (used to get bashed for it on here, my how times have changed :o ) and I know I can get pounced on for admitting this... I do have some black friends who don't have any policy reasons for voting Obama. Infact some have boldly said "I'm voting for him because he's black." which of course is agrravating. I even gave them a couple of talking points to let them know why they SHOULD be voting for him, such as pulling out of Iraq and not continually wasting 10+ billion per month over there... The middle class under 250,000 benefiting from his tax plans, etc.

The same goes for female friends who were undecided but now favor the Palin ticket, err oh yeah (forgot about him) Mccain ticket. I've heard them say "It's about time a woman has a chance." as if they are earning something through her symbolism :confused:
Whether you are a republican or democrat... Share your stories here if you've seen voting based on race/sex.

I myself have been a long time Obama supporter (used to get bashed for it on here, my how times have changed :o ) and I know I can get pounced on for admitting this... I do have some black friends who don't have any policy reasons for voting Obama. Infact some have boldly said "I'm voting for him because he's black." which of course is agrravating. I even gave them a couple of talking points to let them know why they SHOULD be voting for him, such as pulling out of Iraq and not continually wasting 10+ billion per month over there... The middle class under 250,000 benefiting from his tax plans, etc.

The same goes for female friends who were undecided but now favor the Palin ticket, err oh yeah (forgot about him) Mccain ticket. I've heard them say "It's about time a woman has a chance." as if they are earning something through her symbolism :confused:

You're assuming that 57% of the American people don't believe McCain can better defend our country. Also, you're assuming that people share your opinion on 'pulling out' of Iraq regardless of the situation on the ground, which Obama has said he'll do, which will only necessitate that we go BACK to Iraq to finish the job right, and that even more of our soldiers get killed in the process.
My dad's secretary, who's literally less than 10 feet away from me, was a Hillary supporter. She's now voting for McCain....just because his running mate doesn't have a penis. I've been meaning to poke fun at her, but I'm too nice.
Any woman that I have spoken to is voting for Obama-Biden. (That goes for friends, family, and coworkers.) They said that Sarah Palin was a large part of that decision. 'She does not represent what a woman should represent.'
My mother voted for Mondale-Ferraro based on gender. But she said this year there's no way she's voting for McCain-Palin, because-- in her words-- she "knows third graders who know more about this country than she does" [my mother, btw, works in an elementary school].

I don't know many women who aren't already Republican who are voting for McCain-Palin based solely on gender.
Double post.

But while I'm here-- lazur, we already know Obama is going to be bad for the military because he vowed to destroy it. Or at least, that's what you said, though you have yet to provide a source for that information.
Since we've never even had one single female or non-white candidate in the presidential the history of this shouldn't surprise anyone that people would act this way. It's not right, but neither is the fact that many people will vote for McCain because of Obama's skin color, or his name, or because they think he's a Muslim, and they hate muslims, and so on...
Since we've never even had one single female or non-white candidate in the presidential the history of this shouldn't surprise anyone that people would act this way. It's not right, but neither is the fact that many people will vote for McCain because of Obama's skin color, or his name, or because they think he's a Muslim, and they hate muslims, and so on...

Wrong :huh:

Geraldine Ferraro was Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984...
Yes, I should've been more clear. I'm specifically talking about the candidate for president.
I can only think of one woman I know (My republican leaning manager) who is voting for McCain because of Palin, and she is also one of the most uninformed voters I know right now. Reasons she likes Palin? She is pretty and dresses nice, knows how to talk to people, and she has to be smart because she was a mayor and Governor. As far as Palins beliefs and policy knowledge, that's not as much of an issue, because Obama has less exsperiance than she does.

I cant help but think that other people like my manager are voting for similar reasons. Scary times.
I can only think of one woman I know (My republican leaning manager) who is voting for McCain because of Palin, and she is also one of the most uninformed voters I know right now. Reasons she likes Palin? She is pretty and dresses nice, knows how to talk to people, and she has to be smart because she was a mayor and Governor. As far as Palins beliefs and policy knowledge, that's not as much of an issue, because Obama has less exsperiance than she does.

I cant help but think that other people like my manager are voting for similar reasons. Scary times.

I guarantee you Obama has as many, if not a whole lot more, of similar voters supporting the man simply because he is young, black, charismatic and attractive.
I guarantee you Obama has as many, if not a whole lot more, of similar voters supporting the man simply because he is young, black, charismatic and attractive.
Nobody is saying that is right either. They're saying that people who vote for people only because of skin color and sexual organs are wrong, regardless of who they support.
Nobody is saying that is right either. They're saying that people who vote for people only because of skin color and sexual organs are wrong, regardless of who they support.

I don't think voting for a person with their gender and skin color in mind is wrong at all.

Barack Obama becoming President WOULD benefit the black community across the country.

Sarah Palin becoming Vice President WOULD benefit her gender.

Shattering glass ceilings ARE important.

Now if someone votes for a candidate who have completely conflicting beliefs simply because they are black/female - thats moving into the area of foolishness.
Most people I know voting for Obama (myself included) are doing it because he inspires me that we can pull ourselves out of a national rut, and that he is a true leader. McCain isn't pulling in 100,000 people of all creeds, religions, and races to attend his rallies. Obama is.

Yes - the ability to draw large crowds should dictate your quality as a leader.

That's just not right Norm.
Godwin's Law simply dominates the Politics forum, doesn't it?

Here's another political guy who attracted large german crowds. Wasn't he a bad guy or what?:whatever:

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