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Would you like to see Blofeld in Bond 22?

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IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
Reaction score
Considering we got a reboot and everything is fair game...how would you feel about Blofeld making a return? I've always felt that the lack of a consistent villian/rival to Bond was one of the biggest problems with the latter movies in the franchise, so would you like to see, perhaps Mr. White leading to SPECTRE and possible return of Blofeld?
Considering we got a reboot and everything is fair game...how would you feel about Blofeld making a return? I've always felt that the lack of a consistent villian/rival to Bond was one of the biggest problems with the latter movies in the franchise, so would you like to see, perhaps Mr. White leading to SPECTRE and possible return of Blofeld?

I don't know where the whole legal trouble with Blofeld is at this point. But either way I don't think we need Blofeld specifically. There is nothing wrong with creating a new organization with a new leader. Instead of numbers it can be colors. Mr. White, Ms. Gray etc.. And have a new major villian for Craig's movies.
Blofeld was GREAT in the books, You Only Live Twice was a great good vs. evil story, But movie Blofeld was eh. And since they can't re-do the On Her Majasty's Secret Service and YOLT back to back story, which is Blofeld's swan song, there really is no reason to keep the character.

I'm all for a new organization to string through the movies, and a new big boss, but I think Blofeld has had his day.
Doesn't Kevin McGlory still own Blofeld? And, how is Casion Royale a reboot. I think retcon would be a better word. Then again...From Russia with Love is so far the only direct sequel. Every other Bond film is just its own thing.
I don't know where the whole legal trouble with Blofeld is at this point. But either way I don't think we need Blofeld specifically. There is nothing wrong with creating a new organization with a new leader. Instead of numbers it can be colors. Mr. White, Ms. Gray etc.. And have a new major villian for Craig's movies.
Blofeld was GREAT in the books, You Only Live Twice was a great good vs. evil story, But movie Blofeld was eh. And since they can't re-do the On Her Majasty's Secret Service and YOLT back to back story, which is Blofeld's swan song, there really is no reason to keep the character.

I'm all for a new organization to string through the movies, and a new big boss, but I think Blofeld has had his day.

Blofeld should not return, legally it's too risky and the character has been spoofed to death. But a Blofeld-like character should return, inspired by the novel Blofeld.
As long as there is a shot of a White Persian Cat being stroked incessantly, you guys can have whatever you want....

yes, if the right for the SPECTRE have returned to EON, blofeld should be in the future sequels. Bond has only one archenemy and it's him. Why copying by creating a blofeld like ? Copy has always been worst than the original one, it's like remake for films.

But for the future films, i hope that they keep him faceless with only the black cat and the SPECTRE ring has a distinctive mark. It's how the character works the best. ( and bond allready faced him in previous film, so why remaking that ? )

YOLT was fun but wasn't as interesting as the book. OHMSS is the only great film with a non faceless blofeld. And I won't mention DAF where the character was a joke...
yes, if the right for the SPECTRE have returned to EON, blofeld should be in the future sequels. Bond has only one archenemy and it's him. Why copying by creating a blofeld like ? Copy has always been worst than the original one, it's like remake for films.

But for the future films, i hope that they keep him faceless with only the black cat and the SPECTRE ring has a distinctive mark. It's how the character works the best. ( and bond allready faced him in previous film, so why remaking that ? )

YOLT was fun but wasn't as interesting as the book. OHMSS is the only great film with a non faceless blofeld. And I won't mention DAF where the character was a joke...
yes, if the right for the SPECTRE have returned to EON, blofeld should be in the future sequels. Bond has only one archenemy and it's him. Why copying by creating a blofeld like ? Copy has always been worst than the original one, it's like remake for films.

I am not talking about copying, but to use the novel Blofeld as a model. Because, let's face it, the original in the movies have been spoofed to death, and sometimes by the franchise itself! There should be a Blofeld-like character, but without Persian cat, scar, bald face, etc.
Initially, I was against it. I'm still kind of so-so about it, but then again, after seeing what they turned casino royale into and how faithful they were too it...It would be very interesting to me to see how...new and fresh(?) this Blofeld could be
I'd love to see Blofeld more hinted at than actually make an appearance [in Bond 22]. It'd be a nice way to get some dramatic tension building for the third movie (I'm assuming it's going to be a trilogy) in the series.

They'd also do well to give him a good updating/upgrading from the kitty stroking, horrendously pale, and [incredibly] bald villain from the prior series. If they can't separate him from that iconography with an equally memorable take... Then they shouldn't even bother bringing him into the series.
BLofeld has always been my favorite Bond villain, but to be honest, i'd prefer to see a new master villain at the head of a new organization... besides the legal issues surrounding Blofeld and SPECTRE, i'd just like to see some new vitality brought to the series, instead of having everything kinda going back to the previous norm... that's what i'm afraid of, with the next couple films, is that they're gonna lose sight of the direction they've started in with CR, and things could go back to mediocrity all too fast if they don't keep it on task...
Well, in the books, Blofeld was never a bald, scarred cat lover, though he did look different in every appearance due to plastic surgery. So any look is fair game for him.

A more realistic, less silly Blofeld than we've seen in past movies could easily work...

Then again, the central plot of Blofeld (in my opinion) was the whole Tracy thing, and that's been done in the movies. There's a chance that a new Blofeld would be either a rehash or a Blofeld In Name Only.

I'm pretty ambivalent about this.
I'm not so sure about making up a whole new SPECTRE like organization and leader. Since this is a reboot, and they began w/Casino Royale (the 1st bond novel), there is a good chance they'll follow this chronological pattern w/the books for the next movies. Mind you, I'm not saying their gonna make film adaptations of the books, just go with the flow of the books. That being said, there is good reason to keep up with the familiarity by bringing back SPECTRE and it's #1, and also since the books SMERSH could no longer exist in the Casino Royale timeframe. I have faith that they could bring SPECTRE and Blofeld into the 21st century better then ever.
Not sure if Blofeld would fit in with the fresh approach
I think bringing back a grand evil overlying organization headed by a 'big bad' (like Bloefeld) would be terrific. S.P.E.C.T.R.E. was a pretty major element in the classic Bond films. Plus, to be honest, the only thing that doesn't seem to go out of style or get dated by age are evil organizations. They're always going to be around, even if they aren't over-the-top 'moustache twirling' villains like the cinema used to be full of.

Evil organizations exist and they probably always will. So my vote goes to having Bond take on another S.P.E.C.T.R.E.esque organization in the next few films.
I would like to see the origin of SPECTRE and iss TRUE purpose. I think BBlofield should return. But Don't show his face until like... Bond 23. Make his face covered. Have his hand like burned up and scarred.
I would like to see the origin of SPECTRE and iss TRUE purpose. I think BBlofield should return. But Don't show his face until like... Bond 23. Make his face covered. Have his hand like burned up and scarred.

Why scarred? Blofeld is a Bond villain, not Freddy Krueger.

Cast Ciaran Hinds as a Blofeld-like character. He won't even need make up: he already looks like the novel's Blofeld.
I think 'Dr. Evil' has ensured that we will won't see the kind of Blofield that we're used to seeing in a Bond Film for many, many years.

So I'm all for the Fleming Blofeld too.
a scarred blofeld ? please no.
Blofeld is never discribed as a bald / scarred villian in the book. What make him scary is his brain and his great charism.
but I would prefer if they never show his face anymore. On screen, blofeld worked better when he is a faceless threat than when he was shown ( in DAF he was ridiculous )
a scarred blofeld ? please no.
Blofeld is never discribed as a bald / scarred villian in the book. What make him scary is his brain and his great charism.
but I would prefer if they never show his face anymore. On screen, blofeld worked better when he is a faceless threat than when he was shown ( in DAF he was ridiculous )

My favourite 'faceless threat' Blofield scene is in Thunderball were he elininates number 9 via electric chair for embezeling funds from S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

Note perfect.
I'm all for Blofeld and S.P.E.C.T.R.E. returning if it's close to the Fleming versions and nothing like the movie versions, where the only time they got close with a revealed Blofeld was in OHMSS. And I feel safe in saying the legal troubles over those characters are the ONLY reason we won't see a return of Blofeld/S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

In Dr.No and FRWL, you gotta say S.P.E.C.T.R.E. was handled very, VERY well. Not doing a faithful version of YOLT has to be seen as the biggest missed opportunity of the Bond series. Instead of an intense revenge movie, we got the very very campy DAF.
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