People come back fromthe "dead" all the time in the Marvel Universe, so that in no way is something special due to a deal with the devil here.
They are missing lots of stories here, by not following up on this new world created by Pete and the Devil.
BUt, it was a quick reboot, not a story to be logically followed up on or follow thru with new logical storys that deal with the DEAL. Instead, we've got hip 70's stories, again.
If they were brave, they'd deal with the torment Pete feels when he looks at a girl, because deep down his soul still remembers he is MARRIED, like they said, but they would be hush hush...because they do not want us to think about MJ...outta site, outta mind...never married.
If they wanted a bold new sotry idea never done before..have Aunt May find out she owes her life to the devil, and the hatred she'd feel towards Pete, and that would be a relationship between the two of them never explored before! NEver! THAT WOULD BE NEW.
Or...have PEte's life go downt he tubes in every way possible..showing how deals with the devil NEVER work.
But that is that ULTIMATE PROBLEM here with this was merely a means to an end to reboot the world. It wasn't meant to bring new stories or any logical follow thru. Joe didn't want the poof! The end. Happy New Day. Let's forget about the devil deal, smile, and pretend it's all the same and nothing ever happened...