My massive Bought/Thought. All this and I STILL missed Nightwing and Friendly. Dang it. Hope they still got copies next week.
American Virgin 2
Annihilation Nova 1
Annihilation Super Skrull 1
Avengers & Power Pack Assemble 1
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight 203
Birds of Prey 93
Bite Club Vampire Crime Unit 1
Cable Deadpool 27
Captain America 17
Crisis Aftermath: Battle for Bludhaven 1
Daredevil 84
Exiles 79
Fantastic Four First Family 2
Fury Peacemaker 3
Iron Man 7
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 11
Marvel Spotlight Daniel Way/Olivier Copiel
Marvel Romance Redux Restraining Orders
Ms Marvel 2
New Avengers 18
New Mangaverse 4
New X-Men 25
Nextwave Agents of H.A.T.E. 4
Red Sonja 9
Sable & Fortune 4
Sensational Spider-Man 25
Sentinel Squad One 4
Son of M 5
Spider-Woman Origin 5
Squadron Supreme 2
Superman 651 (2nd Print)
Thunderbolts 101
Ultimate Extinction 4
Ultimate Spider-Man 93
Uncanny X-Men 472
Wolverine Origins 1
X-Men 185
X-Men The 198 #4
X-Statix Presents Dead girl 4
American Virgin 2 - I really dunno what to make of this book. It is very, very strange. Well, with two issues to go I guess I'll pick them up just to see where the story's going.
Annihilation Nova 1 - Nova's the last of his people, and as a result their supercomputer had DLed the full Nova Force into him! Plus, Drax! Not a bad start. Wonder if Nova's gonna keep the new look past this event or if he's gonna go back to the classics at the end. It's definitely better than the one they gave him for the Warriors vol. 2.
Annihilation Super Skrull 1 - So the Super Skrull pissed off his own empire and now needs Reed Richards' help to recruit his own army to fight with. Gonna be interesting to see how all these events come together into one cataclysmic event.
Avengers & Power Pack Assemble 1 - Miss Taskmaster since his last mini? Well, he's here and still decked out in his new duds. Not a bad issue considering the cute all-ages motif. Makes me think I should make an effort to read those X-Men ones.
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight 203 - The Ripper is...Mr. Freeze! With the cold motif throughout the story, you had to be really dumb not to see that coming. But, it was still a good mystery and the story had a touching end.
Birds of Prey 93 - More training and more about the crime doc. Turning out to be an interesting story. Can't wait till these year later titles start explaining what just happened over said year.
Cable Deadpool 27 - So we learn why Cable wants Apocalypse back and now the former Wild Pack's gonna be gunning for them both. I never thought this series would go the distance, but somehow they manage to find the steam to keep on chugging. Kudos.
Captain America 17 - The Secret of the town revealed! A tie in to the Special! And more things to keep you around for more. Probably the best Cap's been since vol. 3.
Daredevil 84 - Bullseye. Kingpin. Now the Punisher? Is it next month yet?
DMZ 6 - The war heats up as summer brings a heatwave and a drought, plus now Matty's playing messenger for soldier radicals. Tell ya, if ever there was a book AGAINST NYC tourism, this'd be it.
Exiles 79 - Future Imperfect, baby! Proteus Hulk vs. the Maestro, and the Exiles caught in the middle! Another good issue. While they may not be spending a lot of time focusing on these alternate realities for the fans of these stories, the issues haven't suffered for it. It's just uber cool to see the familiar faces and places and the Exiles having to deal with them. Can't wait for Heroes Reborn.
Fury Peacemaker 3 - This issue flowed a bit better than the others, but moments are still confusing and the story really isn't all that catching. I've seen better Fury war stories in the past, even without the MK brand on them.
Ms Marvel 2 - An all-out action issue against...the Brood! The pacing for this isn't too far from perfect. Still a little drawn out but overall I'm digging the new Ms. Marvel. Although, I dunno why everyone likes the name so much. Warbird sounds way cooler and is more appropriate for a former Air Force pilot turned super powerful heroine.
New Avengers 18 - The Avengers find out who and what Michael is while they try to launch a counter offensive. Finally, the WHOLE team assembles in a single issue. (Do we count Ronin?) And at least they're finally fighting a threat worthy of the Avengers. No more b-list villains and ninjas. Now, let's see how long that lasts.
New Mangaverse 4 - An all-out battle, the villain revealed, and a new new Avengers? Interesting.
New X-Men 25 - The plot thickens as we find out Stryker's crusade has been sparked by...NIMROD! Plus, a traitor in the ranks? Also, the death of Wallflower! Next issue should be fun! My only thing is, I coulda sworn Stryker gave up his holy war back in X-Treme X-Men. I hope they address that arc and explain this second 180 he's pulled. Unless I misread something before, which is possible.
Nextwave Agents of H.A.T.E. 4 - Yeah, okay, I'm done bothering with this book. It's trash. Not funny, not interesting, and the butchering of a lot of good characters. But of course this thing will get a HUGE cult following like X-Statix did. Trash.
Sentinel Squad One 4 - While nothing spectacular, it is a good book with good art. And of course, what's a Marvel book lately without one traitor in their ranks? Seriously, look at all the recent books where you've had one person against friends or a team. It's getting so you just can't trust anyone in the MU no more.
Son of M 5 - The mists turn desperate mutants into power junkies. There's a twist for ya. Gonna love to see how this wraps up, one of the better HoM resulting minis to come out.
Spider-Woman Origin 5 - Not bad. Bendis did a nice job putting all the pieces together. We'll see how Drew does in her own series next year and hope they can keep up the hype they're drawing around her. Although, all these new female books I doubt will have the longevity that Spider-Girl, their bastard child book, had.
Superman 651 (2nd Print) - So Clark rejects the notion of playing hero again and Lex hordes a stockpile of Kyrptonite. Gotta wonder what he's up to with Supes out of the picture for a year now. I tell ya, 52 can't come out fast enough to get me caught up on all this stuff.
Thunderbolts 101 - A set-up fro the next arc and an explanation for the sudden Songbird/Zemo alliance. While not much happens in the issue, we do get a lot of questions which will keep people around who want answers, like what exactly ARE Zemo's motives? Also sorry, Nighthawk fans...looks like his membership was temporary.
Ultimate Extinction 4 - Well, Ultimate Gah-lak-tus is definitely turning out to be much different from his 616 counterpart. I'm just hoping after 4 issues of set-up we don't get ripped on the payoff.
Ultimate Spider-Man 93 - Deadpool comes off like he has more of his faculties than 616's. Not too bad, the issue at least is full of action instead of dialogue for a change. And at least Bendis finally changed things up and had Spidey loose a boot INSTEAD of his mask. For once.
Wolverine Origins 1 - The first issue sets us up on the beginning of Wolvie's path with the return of Shiva! Lotta people complain about not much happening in this, but like any good mystery you need to set up the players and the situations before you can dig into the meat of the thing. So, I can wait to see what develops. Not thrilled with the art, though. Dillon's fine on Punisher, but with those awesome covers we need a better artist to compliment them.
X-Men The 198 #4 - Meh. Hasn't really been catching my interest. Let's see how it all wraps up then I'll comment.