Well, I read Flash Rebirth today. Before I actually do my thoughts I just want to say I didn't buy this myself. I bought it for a friend of mine who isn't close to a comic shop and I see occasionally. I don't support the decision to bring him back and felt it was unneeded. I wasn't even going to read it at all but I decided to anyway.
Also, please excuse any bad spelling or grammar; in writing this I realized how long winded it was and I need to get to work so not much time for proofreading. I apologize.
Well, to the actual issue. Honestly, nothing really seem to happen in this issue. We see a murder of two police scientists at the very beginning and, what I'm assuming, is the main villain of this story (He's wielding a lance with a Flash lightning bolt at the tip). In his thoughts we see he is apparently the one who has brought Barry back. Here I admit that I'm not fully caught up in my Flash lore so I'm not sure if this guy is new or if we are suppose to know him.
After that it basically delves into people preparing for parties and a massive parade to celebrate Barry's return and reminiscing about him, everyone seems to be happy except Bart (More on that later). After a little of this from every angle we cut to Barry Allen and Hal Jordan meeting and talking. Barry seems to be somewhat uncomfortable with the fact that he's back and says that he 'shouldn't have come back' from the Speedforce.
After speaking with Hal pretty extensively (little more of this later) Barry takes off in his full Flash attire. This is intertwined with a piece of his past where we see the murder of his mother and arrest of his father. Suddenly, Savitar pops up right beside Barry from the Speedforce. Barry naturally runs after him and does catch him, but as he does Savitar literally disintegrates into ash and utters the words, 'You were the beginning, Allen and you're the end...". After this we see all the Speedsters (Wally, his kids, Bart, Jay, etc.) having some sort of reaction. That's were the issue ends.
The only part I didn't is that there is a point in the book where it cuts to Iowa and we see a burned corpse of someone wearing the Flash uniform. I thought this was part of flashback in Barry's life, but neither of the kids really look like young Barry later in the issue. Once again, maybe it's some of my ignorance of Flash lore and history otherwise I'm not sure if it's significance was shown.
Anyway, as I said the only person not all that happy about Barry's return is Bart Allen, now back as Kid Flash. As the Teen Titan's prepare their party Wonder Girl says something to the effect that Bart should be happy because the Flash is back and Bart replies, "No, Wally West is the Flash, Wonder Girl". That...is pretty much how I feel about the situation. I know Barry was first and Wally began as his sidekick, but I've pretty much grown up knowing only Wally West as the Flash. I knew who Barry Allen was and I had went to back issues and read of him and I have nothing against this character or anything, but Wally West is just my Flash. Plus, to be fair, Wally has been the Flash for nearly 25 years and I think it's worked fine. Maybe if Allen didn't have such an amazing and meaningful death I could at least see this move (like Hal Jordan), but I really don't see it that way. I guess I get to play the part of the fan who's stuck in the past with his characters or whatever and cross my fingers that one day his Flash will be the main Flash again.:/
Even with all that said and, I admit, maybe I am reading into this a little too much, but it seems that Barry's doubt of him supposing to come back might be a way of Johns (or Big D or a lot of other writers combined) giving a nod to the fact that maybe he really shouldn't have brought him back and really only did it because he felt about the same way about Barry as I do about Wally. Probably not, but that's almost how I felt about it as Barry spoke, maybe it was more just me impressing my feeling upon the writing, but I don't know.
Lastly, though, Hal pretty much pats ol' Barry on the back and says to shut up that complaining and put a big smile on because he's back by God (Ok, not exact wording, but that's the jist of it). And really, what can I do honestly. Not read Flash? Sure, but hey, Barry is back for the better or the worst. Whether or not it changes it probably won't change for a damn long time, so I guess I just got to shut up that complaining. Of course I won't, but I probably should until one day 20 years from now (If this board exists, or if the comic medium exists or we humanity exists for that matter) I can argue with some yong'un why Wally should be back and I can pull out a lot of ******** reasons.
Anyway, Good Night and Good Luck.