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Big comic week and I actually enjoyed the majority of them... so cool beans. As always, reviews are spoiler-full and honest. You don't like that, go watch videos with kittens and butterflies instead.
Starting at the top of my stack...
Green Lantern 52 - While the issue was cool, and didn't really repeat the same old "I'm your dead sister, die!" motiff, it still felt a bit like filler... nowhere near as good as the previous two issues with the Spectre in them.
The part I did really like though was seeing the White Light coming into existence and then the birth of Parallax, Ion, Predator, and the other creatures of the rings. And I love that they were all done with a mix of scientific history and Biblical history.
Sinestro as the White Light Ranger is appealing but I figured we wouldn't learn much with him until BN 8, but it's still interesting. After the last two issues and most of the other Green Lantern tie-ins, I knew this issue had to basically end where it started so that you could fit it in between BN 7 and 8, but leave it so that if someone is only reading BN, 7 to 8 still flows. I actually like that, but still, it does stunt the story just a bit.
Nonetheless, it was a good issue, and overall I'm very pleased with Blackest Night in general. I can't wait for next week's conclusion and eager anticipating everything that comes next!
Black Terror 9 - I really enjoyed this issue. While I'm a big supporter of the Project Superpowers line, I keep finding myself thinking while beween issues "Was it really that great?" But everytime I read a new issue I remember why I like it.
This issue reminded me a lot of what I liked about comics when I started reading. The first arc was 4 issues only, and it was good. This issue is stand alone and the next issue starts a new arc that doesn't seem to reach overly far. When I started reading comics they were a few stand alone issues, a small arc, and then a stand alone issue or two follows it. This lay out made the multiparter stories feel more special while making the solo issue stories feel like they are moving the tales of the character along at a quicker pace. It feels like you're really getting to know the character, even if you aren't really getting much information out of it.
So this issue has the Black Terror feeling guilt over the death of a hostage in a Bank Holdup. It was inadvertantly his fault, in that she was struck by a bullet that ricocheted off of his chest, and so he has now arrived at her grave to pay his respects. However, her ghost begins haunting him to further plague him. We eventually learn that it isn't her ghost at all but a former colleague of the Black Terror's called Mystico. After thousands of years of living, his heart is taken by one of the members of the Supremcy name the Mad Magi, and so in order for him to get it back so he can finally die, he was supposed to claim the soul of the Black Terror. Mystico was once a hero, however, and he once again comes to this mentality and helps the Black Terror foil the plot. Mystico finally lies to rest but gives BT a ring in exchange for his help, this ring gives him one thing he greatly desires... and in this he receives a freakin' awesome ghost ship!
Good issue written by Phil Hester and drawn by Jonathon Lau. I like Project Superpowers but I think this ongoing is far superior in quality. It's more focused and better written in my opinion. Good stuff.
X-Factor 203 - Eh... pretty bleh issue. I used to love X-Factor until somewhere around the 20's. Then it got kinda boring. I dropped it until the issue where Siryn has Madrox's baby and thought I'd try it again. I was hooked all the way to the conclusion of the Summers Rebellion storyline, but suddenly 200 comes around and I am so bored of this title that I'm debating making it one of my drops. I actually enjoy almost all the Avenger titles better than this one and I'm likely dropping all of those, so why not this one?
My problem is that I love the characters themselves, even if the stories are hit and miss subpar. I'm a huge Generation X fan so Monet getting time is a good thing (though she was always my least favorite of the kids). I've always loved Guido and Madrox, and Layla's really grown on me. I don't care as much for Richter, Longshot, or Shatterstar, but they're likable enough to keep me reading... and the Jury's out on Darwin still.
Now this issue, I liked parts, but all in all I was pretty bleh. I liked seeing the reference to the Generation X storyline of how Monet was trapped in Penance's shell for years while Emplate drew the energy out of her. I also, at first, liked learning that Guido has a thing for Monet... that is... until I thought about their ages. Guido was introduced as a guy who wasn't exactly young. Maybe somehwere in his 30's. He looks younger now and may have de-aged behind the scenes, but he's never come off as young. If I had to guess, I'd say he's mid-30's at best, mid 40's at worst. Monet, however, was introduced at the age of... what... 15 or 16 if I'm remembering my Gen X correctly. I think Skin was the oldest at 17 so she's at least younger than that. So nowadays I'd put her still no more than 18 or 19. So that's likely a 15 age differance and serious robbing of the craddle on Guido's part.
I mean, I don't really care enough to be against it, as they'd both be consenting adults, but it's just kinda wierd. I'm actually more in favor of the Darwin attraction than the Guido attraction.
Oh, and the reveal that the main villain is Baron Mordo... does nothing for me. Heard of the guy, don't think I've ever read anything with him in it. Don't even remember who's villain he's supposed to be.
Uncanny X-Men 522 - Okay issue, about typical of Fraction's run this far. The big thing is that Kitty's back, but she's stuck in Ghost form (like she was after the Mutant Massacre years ago). We get a little insight of what Emma thinks of Scott's leadership, that he's got to work harder at it than some other leaders in the Marvel Universe.
And the final bonus story felt very pointless, but to be fair, I was bored before I even finished the first page and ended up just skimming it. I'm not sure what the point of it was, but if it seems like it becomes relevant down the road I'll come back and give it a better readthrough.
Secret Warriors 14 - Good issue, though I will say that I am shocked at Viper's death. I'm wondering if there's more to that but I can usually spot those coming a mile away and this feels fairly final. I'm sure someone can bring her back later, but this was still a bit of a shock for me.
I'm officially at the point where I don't know where Contessa's loyalty lies. At first, I thought she was infiltrating Hydra for Nick, but now I'm not so sure. And the scene with J.T. and Quake was good. I had a feeling it was going that way, but I don't know what I think of it.
I remember the first few issues were all build up and felt a bit 'bleh' before the payoff being well worth it. It kinda feels like that now, so I'm hoping the payoff of Wake the Beast will be just as good or better, or at least lead to other amazing things in the title.
Starting at the top of my stack...
Green Lantern 52 - While the issue was cool, and didn't really repeat the same old "I'm your dead sister, die!" motiff, it still felt a bit like filler... nowhere near as good as the previous two issues with the Spectre in them.
The part I did really like though was seeing the White Light coming into existence and then the birth of Parallax, Ion, Predator, and the other creatures of the rings. And I love that they were all done with a mix of scientific history and Biblical history.
Sinestro as the White Light Ranger is appealing but I figured we wouldn't learn much with him until BN 8, but it's still interesting. After the last two issues and most of the other Green Lantern tie-ins, I knew this issue had to basically end where it started so that you could fit it in between BN 7 and 8, but leave it so that if someone is only reading BN, 7 to 8 still flows. I actually like that, but still, it does stunt the story just a bit.
Nonetheless, it was a good issue, and overall I'm very pleased with Blackest Night in general. I can't wait for next week's conclusion and eager anticipating everything that comes next!
Black Terror 9 - I really enjoyed this issue. While I'm a big supporter of the Project Superpowers line, I keep finding myself thinking while beween issues "Was it really that great?" But everytime I read a new issue I remember why I like it.
This issue reminded me a lot of what I liked about comics when I started reading. The first arc was 4 issues only, and it was good. This issue is stand alone and the next issue starts a new arc that doesn't seem to reach overly far. When I started reading comics they were a few stand alone issues, a small arc, and then a stand alone issue or two follows it. This lay out made the multiparter stories feel more special while making the solo issue stories feel like they are moving the tales of the character along at a quicker pace. It feels like you're really getting to know the character, even if you aren't really getting much information out of it.
So this issue has the Black Terror feeling guilt over the death of a hostage in a Bank Holdup. It was inadvertantly his fault, in that she was struck by a bullet that ricocheted off of his chest, and so he has now arrived at her grave to pay his respects. However, her ghost begins haunting him to further plague him. We eventually learn that it isn't her ghost at all but a former colleague of the Black Terror's called Mystico. After thousands of years of living, his heart is taken by one of the members of the Supremcy name the Mad Magi, and so in order for him to get it back so he can finally die, he was supposed to claim the soul of the Black Terror. Mystico was once a hero, however, and he once again comes to this mentality and helps the Black Terror foil the plot. Mystico finally lies to rest but gives BT a ring in exchange for his help, this ring gives him one thing he greatly desires... and in this he receives a freakin' awesome ghost ship!
Good issue written by Phil Hester and drawn by Jonathon Lau. I like Project Superpowers but I think this ongoing is far superior in quality. It's more focused and better written in my opinion. Good stuff.
X-Factor 203 - Eh... pretty bleh issue. I used to love X-Factor until somewhere around the 20's. Then it got kinda boring. I dropped it until the issue where Siryn has Madrox's baby and thought I'd try it again. I was hooked all the way to the conclusion of the Summers Rebellion storyline, but suddenly 200 comes around and I am so bored of this title that I'm debating making it one of my drops. I actually enjoy almost all the Avenger titles better than this one and I'm likely dropping all of those, so why not this one?
My problem is that I love the characters themselves, even if the stories are hit and miss subpar. I'm a huge Generation X fan so Monet getting time is a good thing (though she was always my least favorite of the kids). I've always loved Guido and Madrox, and Layla's really grown on me. I don't care as much for Richter, Longshot, or Shatterstar, but they're likable enough to keep me reading... and the Jury's out on Darwin still.
Now this issue, I liked parts, but all in all I was pretty bleh. I liked seeing the reference to the Generation X storyline of how Monet was trapped in Penance's shell for years while Emplate drew the energy out of her. I also, at first, liked learning that Guido has a thing for Monet... that is... until I thought about their ages. Guido was introduced as a guy who wasn't exactly young. Maybe somehwere in his 30's. He looks younger now and may have de-aged behind the scenes, but he's never come off as young. If I had to guess, I'd say he's mid-30's at best, mid 40's at worst. Monet, however, was introduced at the age of... what... 15 or 16 if I'm remembering my Gen X correctly. I think Skin was the oldest at 17 so she's at least younger than that. So nowadays I'd put her still no more than 18 or 19. So that's likely a 15 age differance and serious robbing of the craddle on Guido's part.
I mean, I don't really care enough to be against it, as they'd both be consenting adults, but it's just kinda wierd. I'm actually more in favor of the Darwin attraction than the Guido attraction.
Oh, and the reveal that the main villain is Baron Mordo... does nothing for me. Heard of the guy, don't think I've ever read anything with him in it. Don't even remember who's villain he's supposed to be.
Uncanny X-Men 522 - Okay issue, about typical of Fraction's run this far. The big thing is that Kitty's back, but she's stuck in Ghost form (like she was after the Mutant Massacre years ago). We get a little insight of what Emma thinks of Scott's leadership, that he's got to work harder at it than some other leaders in the Marvel Universe.
And the final bonus story felt very pointless, but to be fair, I was bored before I even finished the first page and ended up just skimming it. I'm not sure what the point of it was, but if it seems like it becomes relevant down the road I'll come back and give it a better readthrough.
Secret Warriors 14 - Good issue, though I will say that I am shocked at Viper's death. I'm wondering if there's more to that but I can usually spot those coming a mile away and this feels fairly final. I'm sure someone can bring her back later, but this was still a bit of a shock for me.
I'm officially at the point where I don't know where Contessa's loyalty lies. At first, I thought she was infiltrating Hydra for Nick, but now I'm not so sure. And the scene with J.T. and Quake was good. I had a feeling it was going that way, but I don't know what I think of it.
I remember the first few issues were all build up and felt a bit 'bleh' before the payoff being well worth it. It kinda feels like that now, so I'm hoping the payoff of Wake the Beast will be just as good or better, or at least lead to other amazing things in the title.