Bought/Thought, March 31st, 2010 - SPOILERS


Jun 20, 2001
Reaction score
Blackest Night #8: Good conclusion to the event. Loooong time coming, but good nonetheless. As expected the event ended with the resurrection of various major characters. Some were obvious, others were surprises, and the reasons for the choices are apparently going to be made clear later on, according to Ganthet.

Some of the returnees I absolutely despise, but Aquaman, the Martian Manhunter, and Ronnie Raymond make me quite happy. Deadman is a big surprise, but I'm very much looking forward to what they do with him, since he's so defined by being dead. Someone mentioned that they should start calling him "Aliveman," which I would totally support. :hehe: Black Hand gets a fairly ironic ending, as the Indigo Tribe has apparently taken him captive and conscripted him into their ranks. Compassion of a sort, I guess, since they're giving him a purpose and stopping his self-destructive behavior, but a pretty cruel version of it given that Hand obviously doesn't want it.

As for the rest of the issue, Nekron's defeat was handled as well as can be expected. I liked the White Lantern Corps' being composed entirely of resurrectees (major resurrectees, I guess I should say, since practically every superhero has died and come back at some point). Sinestro as the White Lantern went away pretty quickly, which is a shame; then again, there was that Green Lantern issue that dealt with him. The Anti-Monitor and Maxwell Lord are going to cause problems for everyone, I'm sure, but I'm not really interested in seeing either again, so I'll probably just ignore whatever they turn up in next.

As with most really huge, universe-wide events, the ending of this issue wasn't so much a conclusion as a hint at the upcoming status quo for the DC universe. Can't say I'm really that interested in Brightest Day, but I really hope someone does something worthwhile with Aquaman and J'onn now, and I also hope we can finally get a JLA with a decent roster of big names again instead of this endless parade of losers and also-rans we've had for the past couple years.
Fantastic Four #577: Another fantastic issue (pun actually not intended, believe it or not). This series is positively bursting with creativity. I love how Hickman is taking familiar bits of Marvel lore and expanding on them to create new characters and races. Sometimes it doesn't work out so well (see Secret Warriors' ******ed "SHIELD = HYDRA" revelation from last year), but with the FF it's all going swimmingly.

This issue on our tour of mysterious hidden races, we learn that the experiments on Earth that gave us the Inhumans were not the Kree's only such experiments. Turns out there are Inkymellians, Inbadoon, Incentaurians, and Indire Wraiths (Inwraiths?) as well, and they've all gathered on the former site of Attilan on Earth's moon to await Black Bolt's return and, it seems, invade Earth. While that last part is kind of disappointing since it would seem to cast the In-whatevers as villains rather than another wondrous new civilization like the ones we've seen in previous issues, the concept as a whole is pretty intriguing.

Eaglesham's art is just beautiful, as always. His Inkymellians in particular struck me as really lovely and majestic--which they should be, given that they're effectively a whole race designed to play on kids' romanticized notions of horses and unicorns and ponies and such (they were introduced as the guys who gave the Power Pack their powers).

The only way this series could get any better is if it went out into space and interacted a bit with Marvel's cosmic series. It'd be especially cool to see Major Victory's reaction to his buddy Yondu's Centaurian forebears while they're still in their heyday as a strong, proud race of millions or billions or however-many.

This series is fast becoming one of my favorites every month. It doesn't quite recapture the strength of the individual FF members' characterizations from the Waid/Ringo era, but it more than makes up for it in the fun, wonderful, out-there sci fi backdrops. Can't wait to see what all these seemingly done-in-one issues are building toward.
Blackest Night #8 - a decent finale for the event. There are some lightning-fast plot movements in the opening half (Anti-Monitor returns! For two pages!), followed by the closing part, which is more or less entirely just welcoming (or attempting to apprehend) the newly-returned. One can see the reason for most of those coming back (bringing back a few members of Flash's rogues gallery, another Marvel Family member for whatever story with them Johns has in mind, the long-awaited Aqua-Return, etc.); be interested to see what Jade returning does to Kyle/Soranik, though I really like that relationship (and, in-universe, their love just brought him back from the dead; overselling it a bit, I think).

Fantastic Four #577 - the final "Prime Elements" issue, and I think it's easily the strongest of them. Overall, I think this 'arc' was a bit of a disappointment; one can appreciate Hickman's desire to use a single-issue storytelling format, but the result in all but one case (this one) is an issue that works much better as setup for long-term plot elements than as a story (they're virtually all just "the FF visit some corner of their mythos, run into a new race, get their story, and leave"). This one ends on a more interesting plot element, which would seem to suggest that the Inhumans will be at least temporarily exiting the cosmic books in the near future. Eaglesham continues to be a very good Four artist, apart from Reed's annoying persistent stubble (though that's been downplayed a bit here). I like the idea of other races of Inhumans (similar to the idea the Celestials did their Human/Eternal/Deviant setup elsewhere).

She-Hulk Sensational #1 - Jen's turning 30, but she's kind of in character limbo at the moment (as she meta-ly notes in the first story here), so here's a little feature. The first story, by Peter David, is a riff on A Christmas Carol (Jen complains about this as well, and the actual title is "The She-Hulk Story that's a riff on Christmas Carol"), with Stan Lee in the Jacob Marley part, and the Savage She-Hulk, Slott-era She-Hulk, and Misstro-She-Hulk ("We're dipping into that well again? A female version of the Maestro?") representing past, present, and future. The second, by Brian Reed, is a teamup of Jen, Carol, and, er, Veranke (since it's set before Secret Invasion) to bust HYDRA, those eminent losers. For a She-Hulk Special, this really seems more like a Ms. Marvel story, but it's a fun teamup. The art is really nice. And there's a reprint of the nude jumprope issue from the Byrne era.
Dark Wolverine #84 I didn't enjoy this issue as much as the previous one but only because it just sorta ended kinda abruptly. The Asgardians chased out Bullseye/Hawkeye and his Hammer cohorts and they leave Daken behind, who's just standing there all blissfull because what? He feels like he's in control of hsi destiny? I didn't get it. But the book still had it moments --


Gotta love them manly kisses. :D
I have actually had a rough weekend and since I only bought two books (FANTASTIC FOUR #577 and REALM OF KINGS: INHUMANS #5), I actually think my Examiner review covers everything I would have just retyped here in different words. I figure for one week, at least, I can be lazy.

So, my reviews are at this link here:

To join the chorus, FF #577 really was great. It was my Book Of The Week. This week gave me the chance to really talk about what has made the John Hickman run on the title great, and I ran with it.
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Starting with some X-Men stuff:

Cloak And Dagger - This one shot was good, but disappointing for me as well. The biggest thing that made me excited about Utopia was that Cloak and Dagger, along with Namor, were joining the X-Men. I've been disappointed in their lack of panel-time in Uncanny and I was curious why they weren't being used. It was Faction that brought them in after all.

Well, this issue answers that for me... it's because they leave. The issue begins with Dagger training alongside Anole, Rockslide, and Graymalkin and feeling like she belongs. Dr. Nemesis shows up and informs her that, according to his studies, she is in fact NOT a mutant, as she was reconned to being back in the 90's I think. This disappoints her and she starts to feel out of place.

Elsewhere, Cloak has started seeing an old friend from their old neighborhood and he's developing this life in secret from Dagger but she turns out to be someone who wants to help Tyrone lose his powers so they can be together. We later learn that she has powers herself but has sworn them off. She turns Cloak into some pro-human group (I assume to be the Purifiers based on dress but it could be Hammer... they never really say) and they try to brainwash Cloak out of using his powers.

Dagger realizes something is wrong and tries to get the X-Men to help her find Cloak, but believing it to be a lovers quirrel Cyclops refuses and Storm is too busy, so she goes it alone. She's eventually followed by Dr. Nemesis and Anole and together they save Cloak. Feeling themselves out of place Cloak and Dagger decide to leave Utopia, claiming it is for the mutants but not themselves. And so they return to the old Church that's always been their home and they're basic normal Cloak and Dagger again.

Disappointed :( I love the idea of them with the X-Men and nothing came of it at all. But all in all, the issue itself was good, and I like Brooks's art.

X-23 - This came out last week but I just got it. A solo story about X-23 that ties in her past with her X-Men ties, and then her NYX ties. She is with Wolverine and Jubilee looking into a mystery but she becomes sidetracked when she picks up the scent of her old NYX buddies. She spends time with them and becomes mentally contacted by the Gamesmaster, but refuses his offers. Eventually she makes peace with her old NYX buddies for leaving and not telling them, and she and Wolverine go off into the night as always.

It was actually a pretty boring read, but I like X-23 so it was tolerable. The only part that really made me excited was when you learned the abstract art dude that looks like no one in particular was actually Gamesmaster. He was one of my favorite villains in the 90's that I'm sure was forgotten, but the fact that he's shown up here gets me excited. Maybe someone has plans for his return.

New Mutants 11 - By far my favorite SIEGE tie-in to date. Every other tie-in has always just been random character or team vs Asguardians. Thunderbolts have varied from this a bit but it's still the basic forumla, add spear and Mighty Avengers. This one, however, was TOTALLY differant.

Back during the Utopia storyline, Cyclops had Moonstar retain her Valkryie powers from Hela to challenge Ares. It is now time to repay that dept. So Hela gives Moonstone her godly powers once more, but not to aid in the battle in any way, but rather to guide the souls of the dead Asgardians to Hel where they should be. It was interesting because Moonstar heroic nature called for her to save the still living, but in doing so she condemned many of the dead for not guiding them sooner. Gillen, who also writes Thor, bounces off of his Thor tie-ins in having Tyr, who was mortally wounded in the last issue of Thor, appear with the dead as the lead character, but then revealed that Tyr was only near dead and still lives, thus, isn't taken by Moonstar and returns to the land of the living.

This was a very creative tie-in that I wish more could have been like. Though I like this book and its characters, this was the tie-in I was least looking forward to, feeling it very obligatory... but it turned out great. And I like Niko Henrichon's art a lot. I first noticed him in Vaugn's Pride of Baghdad... and then in the prelude issue to New X-Men's Limbo arc that brought back Magik. His stuff is very good.

Gillen took over writing duties for Zeb Wells on this issue and I don't know if it's perminant or just for one issue. Wells has done fine on the book, but if this is Gillen's quality on the title then I say let the man stay! And the same with Henrichon!

X-Force 25 - The final of Necrosha! Bleh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the story... but as many have said before, it's very ill-timed. If it was one of it's kind it would have been amazing, but alongside Blackest Night it really does pale in comparison.

But looking at it fairly, it was a good issue on it's own. The biggest thing for me was two small deals. You see Cyclops blast Banshee out of the window and then suddenly the rest of the dead are taken to be consumed by Selene. And when it's all over Cyclops mentioned some of the returned dead escaped before Selene could kill them. So this tells me that they're planning a true Banshee return, or at least opening the window, and that makes me VERY excited!

Now, other things about the issue I liked was the battle between Wither and Elixer that drew on their time togehter during Academy X and New X-Men. It was well done and for a fan of them both from that time like me, it was very sad to see Elixer ultimately kill Wither... even if Wither had gone nuts and already killed fellow student Onyxx an issue or two back. Wolverine kills off Senyaka, which was expected, but no big deal because Senyaka's powers allow him to return easily enough. I'm glad to see that now evil Blink survives and escapes along with Dazzler's sister. I was really impessed with how well written and respectful the Warpath/Thunderbird fight was. And I love seeing Vanisher actually fighting alongside X-Force by choice. If nothing else, Kyle and Yost have made me love his character when I couldn't care less about him before.

The final battle with Selene was a bit of a let down, though it did pull factors from previous issues of X-Force to see it done, which was nice. I'm more interested in the fall out. In a conversation between Wolverine and Cyclops we learn that the team basically quits. It seems Wolverine, Domino, and Vanisher are still on board, but Warpath's quit having made his pease about his brother's death. Elixer's quit having a hard time with what he had to do to Wither. Wolfesbane's mentioned as being done (and I'm guessing going to New Mutants soon), and X-23 is cut by Wolverine himself just because he says so (remember, he didn't want her there to begin with).

So X-Force is currently Wolverine, Domino, and Vanisher. Cyclops says they still need an X-Force so I'm wondering what the book will be like following Second Coming.

X-Men: Second Coming Chapter 1 - This issue was good but it was entirely expected. Even with trying to dodge any previews, all I saw was Bastion's face and the Pride smiley armor guys on a cover and that's all I needed to expect this entire issue.

Cable and Hope show up in the modern day X-Mansion ruins. They're attacked by the Pride units and then by the Humanity dudes with the white masks. Bastion is the big bad of the story along with his Human Councel that he resurrected in the first arc of X-Force (Cameran Hodge, Stephen Lang, Boliver Trask, Graydon Creed, and William Stryker).

There were a few things I liked about the issue though.

The reveal of the 3 dead mutants due to Necrosha and Cyclops's stressout about them. We knew Onyxx and Diamond Lil died but now we also know that Meld died. I like that because I was always curious what became of Meld. For all of you who don't know, Meld was a mutant in the Sentinel Squad O.N.E. mini during Decimation who used to fly a Sentinel but ran after saving someone's life or something like that. I liked him there and thought him forgotten. Neat to see him have a finalized ending. And it's good to see the stress of everything finally really weighing on Cyclops.

The X-Men's attack on those followin Cyclops and Hope was awesome. The badguys were just talking in their 3 vans and you turn the page and it's a 2 page splash of Colossus, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler smashing through their windshields, along with Psylocke, Angel, and X-23 adding to the attack right in the middle of the road. Awesome scene! During this attack we see Wolverine and X-23 kill in full X-force mode and Nightcrawler flips out about it and there's a bit of an argument regarding the way things have been between Nightcrawler and Psylocke, and Wolverine.

Cyclops divides the team into 4 groups and you can see what comics are represented there. Domino and Vanisher are in San Fransisco for something I'm assuming will happen in X-Force. Rogue and Namor remain on Utopia in case of an attack, something I'm assuming will happen iN X-Men Legacy. The New Mutants are put together minus Illyana to go to the midwest and prepare for a call (that way they can be anywhere in the country in minutes). And the main X-Men along with Illyana go after Cable and Hope (as explained above)... and I assume they represent the Uncanny team.

It was a good first issue, now I'm real excited to see where it's leading. I've dodged spoilers the best I could, so now with Bastion and the Pride revealed in the first issue, I'm going in blind and I am majorly excited for the rest of the event!
Realm of Kings: Inhumans - I think the overall theme of the issue is... Medusa's a B!!!!!! We basically learn that she's been using Maximus to cause strife to make the Kree feel they need the Inhumans. She beats the crap out of Gorgon for speaking up against her methods so adamantly. When we learn that the Kree are subseptable to mutations in the Void, she claims they've discovered the key to make them Inhuman-like, and she tells the Inhumans that she will use the Shi'ar as test subjects in this endeaver.

Honestly, I like the Inhumans, but I don't really care for the direction Abnett and Lanning have taken Medusa, and overall this mini has been fairly disappointing. Ra-venn is killed, Davos is easily defeated. Maximus and Medusa are both going darker than I'd like.

I like the furthering relationship between Ronin and Crystal, but that was it.

This mini was a bust for me. Imperial Guard was MUCH better.

Blackest Night 8 - Great issue and a good closer to the event. It leaves enough to keep you reading what comes out of it, but is enough of a final to make it feel like a final... much like the Sinestro Corps War was.

The biggest question is, why were those returned, returned? I'm assuming it's going to be covered in Brightest Day, since the first two covers show two of them.

Those returned: Anti-Moniter, Maxwell Lord, Zoom, Hawk, Jade, Captain Boomerrang, Ronnie Raymond, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl (Shiera), Deadman, and Osiris.

Other tidbits... Flash, Wonder-Woman, Lex Luther, Mera, Atom, and Scarecrow have all lost their rings through one way or another. Ganthet seems to still be a Green Lantern though. Sayd goes with Larfleeze as his personal Guardian as promised. With Nekron dead, Barry and Hal confirm that Dead is Dead again... (I hope). They also back up the Batman & Robin arc that says that Bruce's skull wasn't his because he didn't recognize anyone when it was resurected. Of course, we know that it was a clone of Batman.

Good issue. Good event. Now I'm excited for whatever comes next.

Hobbit's Best and Worst of the Week:

Best: New Mutants 11
Worst:Realm of Kings: Inhumans 5

The differant take on Siege in New Mutants was great. Tying it in with a previous major Dark Reign storyline was also good. It was written and drawn well. A perfect comic for me.

Inhumans was just a big let down all around for me and wasn't at all up to the standards of modern Cosmic Marvel. I typically love Raimondi's art but he draws a frighteningly horrible Gorgon, and I wasn't very big on the twist last issue (as you know by now). I was hoping something in this issue would really sell me on what I've been let down on so far and it only made it worse. There's one good thing in this entire series I liked (Ronin and Crystal) and this issue didn't have enough of that to win me over. It wasnt' bad by any means, but certainly not good in my opinion.
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The Anti-Monitor's resurrection really worries me. I hope we don't get another event where he's the big bad. I know Johns is enjoying personally dismantling every last bit of Crisis on Infinite Earths and all, but I'd really love to at least have the main enemy of that story still remain tied 100% to that story. CoIE redefined the DC universe. It should have at least a few elements that are left entirely unique to itself.
I've never read CoIE so I have not real connection to the aspects of the story. I came to DC with Identity Crisis, stayed through Infinite Crisis, and remained on the Green Lantern titles and Spectre appearances ever since. The Anti-Moniter is neat, but if he returns and plays a big role somewhere, I wouldn't mind.

I expect this Brightest Day series to somehow play out the Anti-Montier's story, along with the other resurrected.
First off, I am so horribly excited for Second Coming, and it seems that it's going to bring to a head the past two or three years of X-Men stories. (I'm worried for Cyclops) :(

As far as Blackest Night: Ressurect all these characters for good, yet no Ted Kord!?! Gahh! :argh:
JH, if the C&D was lukewarm fer ya, you'll be happy to know you'll have another chance at a possibly better fix in the coming months. There's a mini due out, and if ya wanna gauge how good it could be, just check out the Punny story in Girl Comics #1 and the upcoming Emma Frost one-shot.
X-Men: Second Coming was actually pretty good :S
It seems like a lot of people think that Cyclops isn't going to make it out of Second Coming alive. I don't know why anyone is getting that idea. He'll probably get the boot from the X-Men if anything. Cable's the one that's probably gonna die.
I'd love it if, like, Pyro, Toad, and some other notoriously evil mutants just mysteriously showed up in Cyclops' room one night, went, "Message from (insert whoever the big mutant baddie is now): this is your fault; you changed the rules of the game," and then immolated him. Poetic justice. :up:
Pyro's been dead for kind of a while.
So f***ing resurrect him already. Geez, do I have to think of everything? :argh:
First off, I am so horribly excited for Second Coming, and it seems that it's going to bring to a head the past two or three years of X-Men stories. (I'm worried for Cyclops) :(

As far as Blackest Night: Ressurect all these characters for good, yet no Ted Kord!?! Gahh! :argh:

Haven't you paid attention to BOOSTER GOLD? Ted Kord's resurrection would mean unraveling all of "solid time" itself! :dry:
I ate a bowl of fruitloops to celebrate the end of Blackest Night, the Universal Sparklefest!

Everyone is now back! To do...something?
I'd love it if, like, Pyro, Toad, and some other notoriously evil mutants just mysteriously showed up in Cyclops' room one night, went, "Message from (insert whoever the big mutant baddie is now): this is your fault; you changed the rules of the game," and then immolated him. Poetic justice. :up:

You want Mark Millar to start writing X-Men?
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I want Cyclops to get assassinated for starting an assassination squad. It was supposed to be a whole vicious cycle thing...

I want Cyclops to get assassinated for starting an assassination squad. It was supposed to be a whole vicious cycle thing...

That's not really a good characterization of X-Force; they've never assassinated anyone. And one imagines the people you named would approve of Cyclops' targets being killed, given that they were constantly trying to do the same thing (and, so far as I know, have never been above killing the X-Men anyway).
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Well, yeah, but the alternative would be something like Beast coming back to kill Cyclops in his bed, and I wouldn't want them to drag a good hero down to Cyclops' level.
You're not really getting this whole vicious cycle thing are you?
I want Cyclops to get assassinated for starting an assassination squad. It was supposed to be a whole vicious cycle thing...


I'm just saying if you want a comic where the villains show up out of nowhere and gank heroes because the Rules Have Changed I know a writer who will totally write you that comic.

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