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Bought/Thought, April 28th, 2010 - SPOILERS


Jun 20, 2001
Reaction score
Siege: Secret Warriors was interesting. I can sympathize with Alex's anger at the President as the guy at the top of the chain who's ultimately accountable for everything in his administration, but I'm surprised he completely ignored both Norman and the Sentry, who are directly responsible for his father's death. I suppose we could chalk that up to the fact that he's a kid and he doesn't really grasp the complexities of politics or he didn't know that Osborn was acting completely against the President's commands with the entire Siege fiasco. His letter at the end was still pretty chilling, though. Gods have a way of getting past whatever mortals throw at them. I like that.

Anyway, the issue overall was pretty cathartic, but I would've liked to see a little bit more than just Alex killing dozens upon dozens of Secret Service agents. Nick and Cap's feel-good subplot felt very tacked-on, too. And yet the issue overall was still fairly enjoyable, probably for the most part because of the flashback to Ares and Alex's talk about gods vs. death. I liked that Hickman had them acknowledge that death is not a big deal to gods (or comic characters in general, but I suppose they have to keep up some of the illusion). Vitti's art was solid, although I always prefer Caselli.

Mighty Avengers: Wow, spoiler much? So it looks like Loki's either severely injured or dead as of Siege #4. Nice to know, I guess. I'm not sure if we're supposed to infer that Hank somehow saw it coming; if so, it makes his offer for Loki to join the Avengers a couple issues ago a lot more understandable.

As for the main plot with Ultron, it's wrapped up nicely. I figured Jocasta would wind up marrying Ultron because of an interview Slott gave a day or two ago, where he mentioned that Jocasta was named "Jocasta Pym" in the flash-forward framing device for Secret Invasion: Requiem's reprints. The fact that Ultron decided to call himself "Ultron Pym" in this arc couldn't have been a coincidence, and the whole revelation about Underspace made it pretty clear that Hank is still in love with Jan and wouldn't randomly marry Jocasta himself.

Pretty good send-off for the Mighty Avengers. It's not really an ending since it ties right into Siege at the end, but I suppose Siege is the real ending for this entire era of Marvel before the Heroic Age starts. I'm really looking forward to Gage's work on Pym in Avengers Academy. As much as I love Slott's peculiar take on Pym in MA, it felt sort of awkward at times; I think Gage is better overall at character development.

Thor kind of treaded water this issue. It was great to see Balder use 1) his light power (even if it was just to attract the Asgardians' attention) and 2) his brain by finally kicking Loki the f*** out. Loki covered his tracks well, but suspicions were mounting to the point that it was becoming ridiculous that no action was taken against him. Heimdall's testimony and Loki's own admission that he's mischievous because that's his nature seemed to be the final straws.

Nice to see Tyr and Volstagg man up. Kelda didn't even bother me; guess I'm getting used to her nonsensical storm powers. But they weren't enough to distract from the fact that this issue really should've been the climactic showdown between Thor and Clor. Instead, neither of them even appear in the issue, and all the secondary characters Gillen throws at us aren't enough to keep this issue from feeling a bit awkward and empty. Next issue looks like it'll have the big fight (if the cover is any indication, which, granted, covers often aren't) instead. Also, I'm kind of tired of the dueling art styles in this issue. Would've been nice to have Tan and Elson alternate issues instead of a couple pages of Elson, followed by a few more pages of Tan, then back to Elson, etc.
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Figure I might as well add to Corp's one post before I read a few more books. Lots came out this week...including 4 different covers to Invincible Iron Man!!! (My shop put all 4 in my box, so I got them...not to mention quite a few Variant titles with Iron Man being featured.)

Ultimate Avengers 2 #1

Interesting first issue, introducing us to the Punisher of the Ultimate Universe. While this issue pretty much focuses on him, it's all to set up the beginnings of this new Avengers group, which will get their orders from Nick Fury. Nick, with the help of Cap, captures Frank Castle...who becomes the USAgent of the Ultimate Universe...and, the next person they have there sights on Luke Cage. :yay:

Siege: Secret Warriors One-Shot

So-so issue, and probably my least favorite of the five Siege one-shots. We get some action from Ares' son attacking the White House, in order to send a message to the president...while we get Nick Fury and Cap teaming up to battle the bad guys near Asgard. Just like with what Corp said, I was wondering why Phobos bothered to attack the President and all the Secret Service agents, when the real people he should have gone after is Norman Osborn and The Sentry. :dry:

Mighty Avengers #36

Here is the problem with Siege #4 being delayed two weeks...we get all these various teasers about what happens after Asgard falls in this week's Siege tie-ins. I much would have prefered to read Siege before next four issues; but, what can you do? It's just the way things are lately at Marvel.

Good final issue of Mighty Avengers, even though we are seeing some of the final scenes of Siege in regards to Loki vs. The Void. Thankfully, not all is revealed. And, I'm kind of happy this series comes to an end. I love Slott...but, this Mighty Avengers series just hasn't been on par with the Slott I've known and loved over the years. This whole Ultron storyline was just kind of "meh." :dry:

Thunderbolts #143

Some scenes in Mighty Avengers are repeated and expanded on further in this issue of T-Bolts. I love this series...but, by next issue, it seems the "Old Order Changeth" yet again. Awesome conclusion to this grouping, and there are some really nice scenes involving those members of this group who weren't as evil as they portrayed themselves. Great fight scenes...and, the ending lets us know that Luke Cage will be taking over leadership of this team come next issue. :yay:

Thor #609

Another enjoyable issue; but, I'm really interested to see where things go from here after Siege. Loki kind of sets himself up to appear to be the savior of Asgard...but, Balder isn't buying it. He ends up getting exiled (and, maybe even more after we read Siege #4)...but, did the seeds of discontent get sewn? I loved the scenes with Volstagg and Kelda most of all. :yay:

New Avengers #64

Bendis really likes to present two different parts in these issues, where the beginning gives us a flashback to a scene between Norman and The Hood explaining their relationship with each other...while the second part of this book is much more interesting, as we see Loki take away The Hood's Norin Stones, thus taking away all his powers. There are a few nice scenes...but, it's really a tale of two different stories. I was bored with the first part of this issue, but loved the second. For that reason, I'll give it a simple :dry:.
Punisher was introduced in the Ultimate Universe years ago, but has thus far only been in Ultimate Spider-Man in quite a few stories.
You know what would be great? If Loki's apparent "death" helping the heroes against the Void actually turns out to be another illusion. That would be a goddamn masterstroke for someone who loves messing with people as much as Loki does, in fact. :D
Easily rectified by a good writer retconning Loki's death scene in Siege later on by showing an unrevealed "what really happened" sort of thing. You know, like how Whedon went back and showed us "what really happened" to Colossus when he very clearly died on-panel in order to cure the Legacy Virus. :)
The Colossus thing was a huge cheese wheel of a retcon. :p
But now we've got Colossus back. Sometimes even crappy retcons are good. :)
But then they just turned around and killed
. :(
Did they? That blows. But I'm sure he'll be back in a couple years, at most.

I read Madame Xanadu at lunch. This arc lost me a little bit with the awkwardly placed flashback issues to Nimue and Morgana's youth, but it became awesome again when the Martian f***ing Manhunter turned up in his old disguise of John Jones. I love how he totally confounds Madame Xanadu because he's not mystical yet he has all kinds of powers. I don't want to diminish what Wagner's doing with Xanadu herself, but I feel like this book really shines with its guest stars. The Phantom Stranger, Kublai Khan, Marco Polo, Zatara, Wesley Dodds, and now J'onn have all been portrayed in such a wonderful, organic way that complements the story perfectly. Their presence enriches the story and makes me smile without becoming a distraction at all. I really hope Wagner keeps doing stuff like this as he takes Madame Xanadu through the ages. And of course Amy Reeder Hadley's art is elegant and gorgeous, as usual.
Yes, he was the big death in X-Force during 2nd coming. :(
Haha, oh well. It happens to every second-string character eventually.
Captain America #605 - decent finish to the arc, though I think the dynamic of Bucky and 50s Cap could have been played up a bit more than it was.

Invincible Iron Man #25 - there's a lot of very familiar plot points at play here, between stuff from the films and the latest "Tony rebuilds everything" plot (Tony even says at one point that he's never built his fortune from the ground up before, which is totally wrong), but it's one of the better issues of the series that I've read.

Mighty Avengers #36 - kind of an odd finish in a lot of ways; decent, but it never soared like it had the potential to, which is fairly typical of Slott's run, I think.

Siege: Secret Warriors #1 - well, Alexander certainly reacted differently than I had expect; hard to see how he stays on the team.

Thor #609 - competent, if not exemplary, though Balder sort of stops acting like a total chump and actually displays some sort of light-related ability, which was cool.

Thunderbolts #143 - a nice finish to the Diggle era (there's definitely a trend here of writers leaving the end of their setups to someone else, as Diggle himself wrapped things up for Ellis, and now Parker here finishes Diggle's team).

Wonder Woman #43 - some of the best action of Simone's run, which has often fallen down in that respect, though Achilles gets the best feat, which is kind of odd.

X-Force #26 - "Second Coming" hits the one-third mark with an affecting issue, aided by Choi & Oback's utterly superb art.
OMG! Just read the issue. JH is NOT going to be happy!!!

X-Force #26

Like with the previous issues of Second Coming, we get a ton of action, including a big fight scene involving ... well, that might be giving away the spoiler a bit too much. HUGE issue, and not some lame-ass death of some character we've hardly ever seen, like Ariel in the last chapter. Good issue that finally gave this event some significance. :yay:

Amazing Spider-Man #629

Nice ending to the Juggernaut/Captain Universe storyline. Loved seeing Juggy get the power at the end of this book...but, not that excited with the prologue to the next story involving The Lizard. (I'm seriously bored with Curt Conners.) :yay:
Because he's not Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, or Jean Grey. :oldrazz:

I don't know, I guess he might be higher. I just never really think of him as that high on the X-Men's totem pole. I guess I associate him more with Excalibur because that's where he was when I was growing up.

Anyway, The Walking Dead was pretty solid. Hell of a last page. It made me really uncomfortable. I guess in spite of all the horrible things Rick has done over the course of the series, I've still always thought of him as "the good guy." I tended to justify everything he did by saying he was pushed into it or he had no choice or it was to protect the others. The idea of him actually being the villain to this poor group of other survivors who seem, at least on the surface, completely innocent and wholesome and decent kind of shocked me (in the best, character-driven sense, not the Michael Bay/Mark Millar sense).

It's ironic that we've seen Rick literally tear other human beings apart in his wrath, yet the mere insinuation that he'd actually be so... unfair... as to usurp the dream of an idealist (as far as we've seen) like Douglas kind of rocks my perception of the very foundation of the character. Kudos to Kirkman for that. Introducing Douglas and his more "normal" people to emphasize just how far Rick and his group--it almost feels more proper to call them a gang at this point--have fallen was a great idea, and this is definitely one of the better issues of the series in a long time because of it. Here's hoping he can live up to it in the remainder of this arc. I really hope he doesn't give us a copout and reveal that Douglas and his people are really horrible; we already know they're covering something up, but Kirkman's already played the cannibal card and I have a hard time coming up with anything else that could cast them as worse than what Rick and the gang have become.
Loki dies?

Bah... He's a God. God's don't die...except for the ones they want to die.
Easily rectified by a good writer retconning Loki's death scene in Siege later on by showing an unrevealed "what really happened" sort of thing. You know, like how Whedon went back and showed us "what really happened" to Colossus when he very clearly died on-panel in order to cure the Legacy Virus. :)

Or Cap with the magical time travelling gun...

Oh wait...that ruined one of the best written issues of the past 10 years...I forgot! :doh:
Cool! I just finished reading Walking Dead, too...and, that last page was EXTREMELY CREEPY and made me look at Rick in a completely different way.

Walking Dead #71

Two very different zombie titles, being Walking Dead and 28 Days Later, really compliment each other nicely. 28 Days has a lot more zombie action, while Walking Dead is more about the dangers of your fellow humans. This issue really stresses that point, as Rick and the gang have been accepted into a new community (or, generally accepted, with some new characters having reservations), and they are slowly testing the waters. Lots of interesting things are going on in this issue...the most of which is that final page, which will completely change how you feel about Rick from this moment on. That last page alone gives this issue a :woot: from me.

Northlanders #27

Another great issue. We get two spectacular battles, as Hilda must go retrieve her daughter from Jen. I loved Boris standing up for Hilda..and, really liked seeing the extent that a mother will go to protect their child. One more issue to go, and I can't wait to see how it all ends. :yay:

Secret Warriors #15

This is really an odd title for me. I enjoy it; but, half the time I'm a bit confused about what the heck is going on from time to time. Also, the story never really advances much. We don't get much in the terms of action..most of the time, it's just a bunch of talk with all these various different scenes each issue. At issue #15, I have to admit I'm tired of this constant dragging of this storyline that's been pretty much been going on since issue #1. :dry:

X-Men Forever #22

Surprise, surprise! Tony Stark isn't the bad guy the X-Men think he is. He turns on the Consortium..but, to little effect. We get a spectacular battle in space; and, things don't look too hopeful for Beast in the end. (Obviously, falling for Jean Grey is a death sentence.) As I've said, I love this title. Anything can happen, and it's cool to not know whether Beast will survive the next issue or not. :yay:

Invincible Iron Man #25

DC has Brightest Day, and Marvel now has Heroic Age. (Boy, they are both very similiar.) This issue of Iron Man is very much like Faction's previous storyline: Very wordy! We get a new armor, Tony Stark takes his company in a totally new direction, and HAMMER takes on a new role. It's not a bad issue, and I am interested in the HAMMER dealings...but, I'm afraid it's all going to be dragged out, like we've seen in this title before.

I've got mixed feelings about my grading of the issue. Not sure if it's a :yay: or a :dry:. Guess it should be somewhere in the middle.
Or Cap with the magical time travelling gun...

Oh wait...that ruined one of the best written issues of the past 10 years...I forgot! :doh:

Why did it ruin that issue?

I don't see why a ****** retcon would ruin an issue you read years ago.

Each comic is like a baseball game. You take the win or loss and then play another day. Just because you lost this game doesn't take away your Trophy from back in the day. Or the No-Hitter. Or the 3 Run homer game you and your friend went to back in High School.

Just take the loss and come back to the ballpark another day.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
I don't see why a ****** retcon would ruin an issue you read years ago.
That wasn't a retcon; time travel was clearly involved in some way since two issues earlier (and explicitly confirmed in the following issue).
Invincible Iron Man #25

DC has Brightest Day, and Marvel now has Heroic Age. (Boy, they are both very similiar.) This issue of Iron Man is very much like Faction's previous storyline: Very wordy! We get a new armor, Tony Stark takes his company in a totally new direction, and HAMMER takes on a new role. It's not a bad issue, and I am interested in the HAMMER dealings...but, I'm afraid it's all going to be dragged out, like we've seen in this title before.

I've got mixed feelings about my grading of the issue. Not sure if it's a :yay: or a :dry:. Guess it should be somewhere in the middle.
HAMMER still exists? I would've thought Steve would dismantle it and reinstate SHIELD.
Ultimate Avengers 2 #1

Interesting first issue, introducing us to the Punisher of the Ultimate Universe. While this issue pretty much focuses on him, it's all to set up the beginnings of this new Avengers group, which will get their orders from Nick Fury. Nick, with the help of Cap, captures Frank Castle...who becomes the USAgent of the Ultimate Universe...and, the next person they have there sights on Luke Cage. :yay:

We don't know is Bruce's mentor's name going to be Luke Cage or not. It could be just a whole new character as it already seems to be.
It's late and I'll likely get my reviews up tomorrow.......

Freakin' X-Force!!!! :mad:!!!

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