Bought/Thought October 8th, 2008


Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
I only grabbed Marvel Zombies 3 part 1 and I actually loved it.
I like how it is being incorporated into the 616 and I like the characters involved.

Machine Man, Zocasta, Morbius, Portal, and they even had Siege for a bit... I was so excited... And then... :csad:

Has A.R.M.O.R. ever been featured in a Marvel comic before?
They're more covert then S.W.O.R.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Did they create another division? I never really had interest in Marvel Zombies...since it's just a cash in franchise.

I hope next we get A.X.E. and S.P.E.A.R.

or maybe P.A.N.S.E.Y.
Part I: Gail Simone

Secret Six #2

The second issue of DC's probably-destined-to-be-shortlived Secret Six series, and it continues to be pretty good. Much as with Marvel's Agents of Atlas, I've never been nearly as in-love with the previous stories featuring these characters as a lot of fans have, but it's perfectly enjoyable, and more than worth paying for. The Secret Five (sixth member pending) bust into Alcatraz (fiction writers just won't let that prison close and turn into a museum) to free everyone's favourite rapist, Tarantula (now that Doc Light is dead, that's easier competition), while Catman distracts Batman for the duration by slugging it out with him. It's a decent fight, but it frankly feels a bit wrong to see Catman holding his own against Batman, irrespective of their skill sets. But Simone doesn't bring Bruce in just to have Catman humiliate him, so fair enough. The new villain is not particularly interesting, as of yet, but everything is perfectly entertaining. Now, there is the unfortunate implication that we'll be seeing more of the aimless mercenary Cheetah we've been getting for a while (interesting to see her show up here instead of in Wonder Woman). Scott's art is customarily strong.

Wonder Woman #25

Okay, now this is more like it. This is the second time that Simone has had a four-issue arc followed by a briefer two-parter; the first of those, "Ex-Patriate", didn't really work, despite some strong individual scenes; this one, seeing Diana go to Hollywood to deal with the potential Wonder Woman movie, is far stronger. The first issue was bogged down with a lame Nemesis scene, but this one is 100% Nemesis-free, and extremely witty besides (although his spectre returns chillingly on the final page; don't go there, Diana). The Queen of Fables puts in her third appearance, finally confronting Wonder Woman solo, which took surprisingly long, given that her whole character motivation revolves around Wonder Woman and she was introduced like five or six years ago. I remarked in my review of #24 that there wasn't a huge amount of Hollywood satire included, but apparently Simone was just saving it all for this issue; we get an extended tour of the Wonder Woman movie (with Diana as observer), and Simone ruthlessly attacks hack writers (film, nominally, but more then one comic writer would also fall under this umbrella) on various fronts (Diana's "real father", the Amazons hating men schtick, even the debate over whether or not Steve is Diana's love interest). The actual fight with the Queen is a bit abrupt, but it's very cool. And the story caps off with a nice scene (until the aforementioned chilling part). Bernard Chang's art is excellent; I never understood the criticism of his first stint (#18-19), but he's really stepped it up, including such minor details as some really excellent panel borders. The fight scene with the million versions of Diana is a bit confusing, but that probably goes with the territory.
Crossed #1 (okay guys, I promise this is my review:oldrazz:)

If there is one word to describe Crossed #1, it's disappointing. When I heard that Garth Ennis said that this would be the sickest **** he'd ever written, I was hooked. After an...interesting Prologue back in July, issue #1 is finally out. After about 9 months after the outbreak, Thomas and a group of lucky survivors who are hiding in the caves from the Crossed and struggling to survive. Let's talk about the good first. When Garth said that this would be intense, he wasn't kidding. Even on the front cover it shows the Crossed on an airplane throwing children out and ripping apart everybody else, and throughout the book, a few cringe-worthy moments. Thanks to great art by Jacen Burrows, this book is just above mediocre. Now onto the bad, coming Garth Ennis, this is very dissapointing. He definitely has a good concept, something that turns people into crazies where they will rape and kill anything they find. But we've seen this way too many times before. I was hoping to see Garth's sick, black humor everywhere, but he tries to write a serious story, which I don't blame him for, but fails. Sure this book is superior when it comes to violence and all, but I need more than that. If it wasn't the forgettable characters, and bland dialogue this comic would be legendary. Even though, this issue was disappointing, we still have eight to go, hopefully will get better, but I'm not holding my breath. (C-)
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Marvel Zombies 3- PICK OF THE WEEK! This. Was. AWESOME. Marvel Zombies 2 was pretty mediocre. The ending just kind of left me feeling like maybe the concept had run its course. Sure, I've been there for it all, and there have been some fun tie-ins, but nothing has really captured that same sense of creepiness that the first mini had. Until now. There is a fantastic horror movie vibe to this entire issue. The opening sequence is creepy as hell! It's ironic that Kirkman isn't writing this volume, because this is pure zombie bliss. And the art! Kev Walker is astounding! I wasn't that excited going in, but I can't wait for next issue! I really hope that Van Lente keeps it up, because I haven't had this much fun with zombies since the last Walking Dead hardcover (vol.4 needs to get it's ass HERE). It's funny, Van Lente's totally got me digging Morbius, and I'm pumped for more Man-Thing, two characters I've never had any interest in. Great job, man. 9/10

Transformers Animated- This is quickly becoming one of my most anticipated books every month. With a few months until Season 2 comes out on DVD, this is keeping me perfectly entertained. The opening story felt kind of phoned in, but the main story was fantastic. 9/10

Iron Man- And here's one of my other new highly anticipated monthly reads. A very solid conclusion. Fraction does a great job of showing why Tony is more than just the suit, and Larocca keeps up the pace. 9/10

Spider-Girl- One of the better issues in a while, although I have no idea where any of this is going. Seriously. The back-ups were both pretty good. The Colleen Coover story was cute. I wouldn't mind seeing these continue. 8/10

Transformers Spotlight: Sideswipe- This arc could have really benefited from an extra issue or two. It felt like they rushed this out so they could get cracking on All Hail. That having been said, I liked the finish. There's a great little geek-out moment (what can I say? I like the Pretenders), and some other good character moments. 8/10

Avengers/Invaders- Well, there's an ending I didn't see coming. Krueger seems like he could use a little work getting the New Avengers voices down, but otherwise, solid. 7/10

Punisher War Journal- I'm not sure what it is, but this is the first issue Chaykin's done where I was actually sort of impressed. Something just felt better throughout the whole issue. I thought maybe it was a different colorist, but it's still Delgado. Strange. 7/10

Transformers: Saga of the Allspark- Complete crap. Seriously, just a total waste of my money. The Ironhide story was alright, but totally filler, and the Starscream one was pointless and doesn't even tie-in with IDW's movie continuity. You'd think someone would screen for that. Bleh. 2/10
Secret Invasion: Inhumans #3: Wow. Medusa's a tremendous b**** now. Still, Ronan's appearance was cool and Karnak using his weakness-sense in broader ways than just seeing that an opponent's got an important bundle of nerves somewhere was even better. I love Karnak, and I love that he and Gorgon keep teaming up. They make a great odd couple. Raney's art continues to be surprisingly consistent, too. Good stuff all around, except for Medusa being a total *****ebag.

Action Comics #somehugeassnumber: Meh. This arc started out with lots of promise, but as soon as the true Brainiac appeared, it began a downward spiral leading to... this. And this sucked. Superman pushes Brainiac around for a bit, Supergirl flies really fast, Kandor comes back to the surprise and astonishment of no one, and Jonathan Kent dies to the surprise and astonishment of no one. Seriously, I don't get why Johns seems to have been trying to make the ending suspenseful; Jonathan's death was choreographed like a motherf***er all the way through. Still, we're one step closer to Johns' super-duper-awesome Silver Age redux, so I'm sure he's patting himself on the back somewhere thinking "mission accomplished!" Me, I'm dropping Action Comics and never looking back until Johns and his nostalgic bulls*** is long gone.
Crossed #1

If there is one word to describe Crossed #1, it's disappointing. When I heard that Garth Ennis said that this would be the sickest **** he'd ever written, I was hooked. After an...interesting Prologue back in July, issue #1 is finally out. After about 9 months after the outbreak, Thomas and a group of lucky survivors who are hiding in the caves from the Crossed and struggling to survive. Let's talk about the good first. When Garth said that this would be intense, he wasn't kidding. Even on the front cover it shows the Crossed on an airplane throwing children out and ripping apart everybody else, and throughout the book, a few cringe-worthy moments. Thanks to great art by Jacen Burrows, this book is just above mediocre. Now onto the bad, coming Garth Ennis, this is very dissapointing. He definitely has a good concept, something that turns people into crazies where they will rape and kill anything they find. But we've seen this way too many times before. I was hoping to see Garth's sick, black humor everywhere, but he tries to write a serious story, which I don't blame him for, but fails. Sure this book is superior when it comes to violence and all, but I need more than that. If it wasn't the forgettable characters, and bland dialogue this comic would be legendary. Even though, this issue was disappointing, we still have eight to go, hopefully will get better, but I'm holding my breath. If you want a great zombie story, I reccomend Walking Dead which has a lot more than just gore to entertain readers. (C-)

Dude, write your own reviews, or just post links.
I dropped Trinity.

Sorry, but I couldn't give two ****s less about the first random chick that could do tarrot card magic, and I sure as **** don't give a damn about some stupid black preggers chick who can draw magically.

What a **** issue, and the staff had us believing that the story would pick up and be much better after the first 17. Last time I trust those guys.
Dude, write your own reviews, or just post links.

I thought after the berating we gave him last week, he wouldn't resort to just copy and pasting other reviews in hopes of us just assuming he wrote that. :dry:

I dropped Trinity.

Sorry, but I couldn't give two ****s less about the first random chick that could do tarrot card magic, and I sure as **** don't give a damn about some stupid black preggers chick who can draw magically.

What a **** issue, and the staff had us believing that the story would pick up and be much better after the first 17. Last time I trust those guys.

Good choice Souless. :up:

As much as I love Supes, I just can't justify spending money on that garbage. The writing is horrible, the main three are mis-characterized, and they continually go over the same information again and again.

Plus Bagley is a beautiful artist, but his art alone does not make a comic worth buying. (Just ask Dread and his USM hate) :p
I feel like every time I don't get it, that issue turns out to be a good one. It's all over the place but I do like the enigma character, though tarot's crappiness counteracts that.
It is tough to read about Hawkman, Tarot, and Konvikt week in and week out, but the rest of the story is okay.
If by ok you actually mean crappy nonsense....then you're right. :up: :huh:
I don't know, it's had moments. The first issue was pretty good. The idea behind it is pretty interesting and the idea of a world minus the trinity is a fun concept to play around with. The villain backup stories have all been good too. It's worlds better than countdown.
It's not hard to be better than Countdown though. Heck, Loebs Ultimates 3 is better than Countdown. :p

You are right though, the first issue was a great opening to the series, but issue two came along and swiftly started the spiraling into nonsense and horrible characterization that the series is in now.
It's got it's ups and downs, but lately it's had more downs than up's. And Tarot + Random Badsituation Drawing Black Lady for the whole book make for a comic I'd rather burn than read.

Although Alfred was pretty badass in it.
I hated the concept when it was introduced in I haven't read any of them. I only skimmed over the first two series..if this one is anything like those...then I'll care for it just as much.
Did they create another division? I never really had interest in Marvel Zombies...since it's just a cash in franchise.

I hope next we get A.X.E. and S.P.E.A.R.

or maybe P.A.N.S.E.Y.

Dan Slott created Blackjack, agent of G.R.A.M.P.A. for that 50 cent AMAZING FANTASY #15 issue from the new volume a few years ago. Unfortunately, Mastermind Excello/Cho won the internet poll.

Action Comics #somehugeassnumber: Meh. This arc started out with lots of promise, but as soon as the true Brainiac appeared, it began a downward spiral leading to... this. And this sucked. Superman pushes Brainiac around for a bit, Supergirl flies really fast, Kandor comes back to the surprise and astonishment of no one, and Jonathan Kent dies to the surprise and astonishment of no one. Seriously, I don't get why Johns seems to have been trying to make the ending suspenseful; Jonathan's death was choreographed like a motherf***er all the way through. Still, we're one step closer to Johns' super-duper-awesome Silver Age redux, so I'm sure he's patting himself on the back somewhere thinking "mission accomplished!" Me, I'm dropping Action Comics and never looking back until Johns and his nostalgic bulls*** is long gone.

I heard about this from THE DAILY NEWS yesterday (great to know with the economy in turmoil, two wars in the Middle East, and a presidential election in the mix, NY newspapers always have time to cover comic book news), and all I could think of was, "Didn't they do that in the movie 32 years ago? Why does Superman look like Reeve in the artwork? Does DC have any bloody idea how to appeal to any fan who is under 45 and isn't afraid of any new idea since 1986?"

For all the complaining people do against Joe Q, he's a friggin' EIC mastermind compared to Dan DiDio, whose chief accomplishment appears to be making creators flee DC single file.

Plus Bagley is a beautiful artist, but his art alone does not make a comic worth buying. (Just ask Dread and his USM hate) :p

No, you don't. :o

I feel sorry for Bagley, I really do. He's a great action artist (even if he suffers from "same face" syndrome) who has had some lengthy runs on A-List books, but it appears his skill in drawing quickly and turning out decent art has allowed him to pencil some of the worst stories there are. Like Salvatore Larocca back when he was attached to Chris Claremont's hip (and hey, he drew some of Kirkman's turd Ult. XM run, too). It's like someone made a bargain with Satan for drawing talent and professional success, but only with some cluster **** stories. Bagley's had to draw symbiotes so many times, I wonder if they haunt his dreams.

So it is a shame to hear TRINITY is becoming a bust, especially since it's written by Busiek, right? He used to be good. Does the DC office have radiation coming from the bulbs that makes once decent writers churn out sub par stuff?

My reviews will come later today. Last night I just wasn't in the mood to type for 2 hours after work. :p
Anyone else find it ironic that Marc loves Marvel Zombies? :p

Yeah, such a tragedy I buy stuff I enjoy reading. I guess I just never saw the appeal in buying a series for years so I could write long-winded discussions on a message board of about 20 people about how much it sucks and doesn't deserve to sell. Tell 'em Steve-Dave!


Anyway, I love Zombies in general. Walking Dead is fantastic, but Kirkman really dropped the ball on the last MZ, so I'm glad Van Lente is getting a shot.
This is my review. That was just one time!

Yeah I'm gonna call ******** on that, sorry. Look at everyone's reviews, even dread's epic ones have a definate personal feel to them like someone talking. Now I go to what you've got there and it sounds like an edited review, it sounds like it's explaining to an audience rather than giving your personal opinion. It's very dry and formulaic, it touches on the story without going into details, and references other interviews and projects from an insider like mentality. I write and edit from time to time and you're following a review format to the T, and I doubt that's how you normally speak or that it's coincidence.

If I'm wrong I apologize, but I don't think so.

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