Aquaman #7: Another month, another underwhelming issue of Aquaman. There's nothing wrong with this issue, really. Just like there's nothing wrong with any of Johns' other issues. I just keep reading the comics and feeling like this isn't Aquaman, though. Not my Aquaman, anyway. Not the Aquaman whose adventures I enjoyed under David, Veitch, Arcudi, Pfeiffer, et al. I don't care about this Shin guy or his obsession with Atlantis or his problems with Aquaman. I don't care about whoever "the Others" are. I don't even care about Mera, who's so obnoxiously rage-fueled all the time that she irritates me. The only undiluted enjoyment I got out of this issue was Black Manta's introduction, and I think that might be because he seems to be completely unchanged since the relaunch. Aquaman sort of appears unchanged, but there are lots of little things that add up to a different character. It leaves me feeling vaguely uneasy whenever I read these new comics, even though, as I said, there's really nothing overtly wrong with them. I just can't seem to get into them. I'm considering dropping the series altogether, but I'll probably give it at least a few more months.