Boy burns down church, and boasts about it on game forum

He must have thought he would get an Achievement. :csad:
playing that xbox 360

oh snaps ..I use that website
He must have thought he would get an Achievement. :csad:

Haha, he was waiting to hear the magical sound out of no where. But seriously this kid is not smart at all.
JediKnight12345??? That's the same combination on my luggage!!
And people wonder why I don't post at GameFAQs anymore. :dry:
What a complete and total *****ebag!

Yeah, as if the rest of us gamers didn't need more bad press for the conservatives to blame video games for other peoples problems.
Yes, he was playing that Devil May Cry, which, coincidentally, takes place in a church! And the "hero" is inside there, destroying it! I smell conspiracy....:o
they should blame message boards instead... oh wait.
could have been going for a ren and stimpy like stoopid.
wow im subscibed to gf i know of the user but never read those posts what a tardd..
Better. Poor grammar is the devil's playground.
I wanna kick this kid in the balls. What kind of dickweed burns down a church and to add on what kind of kid posts pictures of it?
What a complete and total *****ebag!

Yeah, as if the rest of us gamers didn't need more bad press for the conservatives to blame video games for other peoples problems.

It's not just the conservatives: (Senator Clinton)

And, this conservative blames violence on the individuals committing the violent acts.

I can't tell you how many times I've played "Half-Life"--it never made me want to shoot a scientist in the back of the head with both barrels of a shotgun.

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