Free presbyterian church punishes girl for being abused

Dude, Christianity isn't infallible. Don't be so sensitive when situations point that out.
bored said:
Dude, Christianity isn't infallible. Don't be so sensitive when situations point that out.

I don't mind pointing out faults, I've pointed out a few myself... it's when people constantly point out faults and fail to see or note it's good points. Christianity has far more good points than bad or questionable ones... but you won't see some people on these boards talk about that. They just focus on the things that make the church/faith look bad and run it to the ground. Racists, bigots, homophobes, they're all the same. People who run down religion in such a way are no differant than a person who trashes on African Americans or Homosexuals. Yet, for some reason it's okay on the hype.
JewishHobbit said:
I don't mind pointing out faults, I've pointed out a few myself... it's when people constantly point out faults and fail to see or note it's good points. Christianity has far more good points than bad or questionable ones... but you won't see some people on these boards talk about that. They just focus on the things that make the church/faith look bad and run it to the ground. Racists, bigots, homophobes, they're all the same. People who run down religion in such a way are no differant than a person who trashes on African Americans or Homosexuals. Yet, for some reason it's okay on the hype.

Know why that is? Because it's different everywhere else. Me, I live in Kansas, a "Jesus this, Jesus that" place where even mentioning that there are negative aspects to Christianity basically gets you branded some kind of devil-worshipping monster. Everyone and their mother has heard a million times in their life about the good things to come out of Christianity, so there's really no point in bringing it up when ever something negative from the religion is discussed. It doesn't justify something like the story this thread is about, and bringing it up isn't going to make anyone change what they've said.
bored said:
Know why that is? Because it's different everywhere else. Me, I live in Kansas, a "Jesus this, Jesus that" place where even mentioning that there are negative aspects to Christianity basically gets you branded some kind of devil-worshipping monster. Everyone and their mother has heard a million times in their life about the good things to come out of Christianity, so there's really no point in bringing it up when ever something negative from the religion is discussed. It doesn't justify something like the story this thread is about, and bringing it up isn't going to make anyone change what they've said.

eh, I find your excuse crap and just that... an excuse for religious bigotry.

But I'm going to stop. I'm not in a good mood and I'm saying stuff I'll later regret, and I apologize in advance. I'm off to bed and hopefully I'll be able to discuss with a respectable and rashional mind tomorrow.
JewishHobbit said:
Yeah, I forgot. Christianity is the hieght of all things evil, lead by an evil god, and followed by blind fanatics who can't think for themselves. I've heard this crap way too much around here. I can think of tons of great things about the bible that God's done for people, and wonderful things he's said, and firmly just laws... but you only focus on the questionable things and preach them to anyone willing to listen. I'm curious what would happen if you actually spoke unbigotedly (is that even a word?!) and showed a fair comparison to the faith. I know you know it, you simply ignore it. I respect your knowlege, but I'm growing less and less tolerant of your one sidedness and bitterness.

And some of these may be right or wrong, but I want your opinions on some things...

1) The God of today, yesterday, and tomorrow... how does the bible refur to this? In what context? Where?

2) God didn't come to change the law, but something else happened to change the way the law applies... can you explain this?

3) What does the old testiment say about what happened at that church, and what does the New Testiment say?

4) How many churches have you attended that have suffered from the above problem that you can firmly say that this is a christian thing widely practiced? I'm not meaning the crap you read online or hear on television, as that's very much one sided... I mean that you have personally attended. Now let's compare that to the amount that I've visited or attened and the ones that i know faced things similar to this and how they treated it. What would be the ratio and who would have the more accurate say... a person who knows first hand... or a person who read it online, or talked to a bitter person or two?

Sorry, I've had a bad day and am grumpy. I'll probably come back on tomorrow and regret the harshness of this post... but for now I just need sleep. Sorry if any of this is offensive, I'll be more respectible tomorrow.

Whew, I really grow tired of having to teach you Christians what exactly it is that your supposedly "HOLY" scripture says, but *sigh*.....I, guess I'll (sob)...DO IT AGAIN...:rolleyes:

One moment.:)
1) Ps 90:2, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God."

Mal 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."

James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Rev 1:8, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
2) No! I can't! Because, that is a Hee-YUGE hole in the story!

Any casual student of the Bible can easily see that the Laws that God gave changed like cuh-

One day, if a woman squeezes a man's balls, you are commanded to cut off her hand and not to show any pity for her.

The next day, if you work on the sabbath, you're a criminal.

The next day, if you DON'T work on the sabbath, you're a hypocrite.

One day, the Old Testament is fullyin effect. The next, we can eat pigs sacrificed to BAAL. One day, if you actually have sex with some girl to which you're not married, you should be put to death. The next, if you even LOOK at a women with a sexy body, and dream of touching it, you won't see the Kingdom of Heaven, and...the next, if you're a ****e, no one who's ever told so much as a white lie can dare to accuse you.
Questions 3) and 4) are just "grumpy" and, I'm having trouble understanding them.

Hope you, got the...sleep you needed.:confused:
I have been following this case for over a year, first from within the FPC, and then, following my resignation because of it, from outside, in the interests and cause of natural justice.
JewishHobbit said:
eh, I find your excuse crap and just that... an excuse for religious bigotry.

But I'm going to stop. I'm not in a good mood and I'm saying stuff I'll later regret, and I apologize in advance. I'm off to bed and hopefully I'll be able to discuss with a respectable and rashional mind tomorrow.

I'm glad you realized that what you said would be problematic. I'm a Jew who grew up a minority in a culture obsessed with reminding him that that's what he is, so I don't take kindly to people becoming so sensitive about Christianity.
Why did they see it as being her fault?

They seemed to think that a 13 year old girl can seduce a grown man. In the church leaders words "She needed to be punished for her part" of the whole fiasco.
personally to think that a any 13 year old couldn't seduce a man basing this on 13 year olds all aparently being innocent is a lil naiive.

however based on this case, it doesn't seem like this is one of the times that backs up this theory.
Wilhelm is the christian jesus of religious debate. It should be a show on CNN or something. :(
Wilhelm-Scream said:
When little school girls intentionally dress in those sexy "little school girl" outfits, they're asking for it.

BTW, is that not a little disturbing? I open up BOTH of our free weekly papers here and some magazines to the BACK pages, and there are always "escorts" and videos and whatnot that brag about all the girls dressed up like little catholic schoolgirls.......and it's some legal-aged skank, but she's got her hair in pig-tails and she's sucking on a lollipop with a mock-innocent look on her face.

This is a very common fetish, and yet people are outraged when people are attracted to under-aged girls.

It seems to me that if you locked up every closet pedophile or every closet "statutory-rapist" on Earth, Earth would be a deserted ghost town.


At least when my last girlfriend asked me to role-play, it was as "old professor" and "COLLEGE co-ed".

Thats always something that disturbs me. We had a national Sunday paper decide to have a name and shame campaign about kiddie fidlers (leading to some paediatricians getting beaten up by the morons that read these papers). the following week, the same paper published front page pictures of a young actress (who was above the age of consent) in all the sexy lingerie, thrusting her boobs at the camera, and all the other poses that are normal for these things. Nothing wrong with that, except the actress played a 15 yr old character in a soap. basically, the message being, "phwoooarrrr...shes virtually a real school girkl. in lacy hipsters"

i found it all to be a tad hipocritical

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