BP to Storm: "Anyone but Wolverine" on WATX#24 (Preview)


Ororo Munroe's Boyfriend
Nov 27, 2007
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Why does Black Panther doesn't want Wolverine for Storm?

Here's the Wolverine and The X-Men #24 Preview.






Or Gambit? I mean, at least Wolverine's healing factor probably gets rid or the decades of STDs.
Wolverine and Storm is a terrible idea, I just can't see Storm going for him at all. Mind you, she did fancy Doc Doom in one issue, so I guess there's no accounting for taste.
I love the Storm/Wolverine pairing. They're just so perfect for each other.
"Because he's the best there is at who he does"
If I remember correctly, wasn't there a little something between Ororo and Logan in the arc where her and T'Challa reunited back in adjectiveless X-Men? Or at least there was something from Logan's side that T'Challa picked up on? I can't quite remember, and I think it might have been an arc that spanned two titles so I only read half of it, but I remember some tension there before she decided to stay in Wakanda and marry T'Challa.

Am I remembering that completely wrong?
I love the Storm/Wolverine pairing. They're just so perfect for each other.
I have no problem with it either other than all of Logan's hookups are so.. temporary. He never stays with anyone for long. You'd think she'd want someone more stable.
they've teased at a Storm/Logan pairing for a while

and yeah, I imagine BP's not comfortable with it cuz Logan's a total ****
Been with centuries worth of woman, he's hairy and probably terribly smelly, and writers in the past have pointed out that his.. *ahem*.. equipment is disproportionate to his small stature

PS. that word's censored?? really?? children running this place, I swear...
I don't know that he is undersized, only once did he hope that it would grow back bigger... :p
oh haha yeah that's true, but i remember some older X-Men Annual where Jubilee and Kitty were shocked, in a good way, when they saw him nekkid
one o' these days they'll add that to the Marvel encyclopedias, lol
they've teased at a Storm/Logan pairing for a while

and yeah, I imagine BP's not comfortable with it cuz Logan's a total ****
Been with centuries worth of woman, he's hairy and probably terribly smelly, and writers in the past have pointed out that his.. *ahem*.. equipment is disproportionate to his small stature

PS. that word's censored?? really?? children running this place, I swear...

Haha, that's what BP is really worried about. There is a reason Wolvie gets all the ladies he does, yet is short, hairy, and an arse.
oh haha yeah that's true, but i remember some older X-Men Annual where Jubilee and Kitty were shocked, in a good way, when they saw him nekkid
one o' these days they'll add that to the Marvel encyclopedias, lol


We all know Jubilee wanted to ride the Logan Bone Coaster and be her first. :o
^^^ that may be one of the most disturbing things I've ever read on the hype.

I immediately regret starting this conversation now, thanks

And you know damn well that thing ain't maintained down there on Logan....just look at all the hair on his back and chest.
well, that was when characters were allowed to age
I assumed they were both college age when reading that, maybe 19 for jubilee and 21 for kitty

it was only recently that Marvel randomly decided Jubilee was still only 17
What does Wolverine think about his surrogate baby sisters are checking out his Lil' Canucklehead?
well, that was when characters were allowed to age
I assumed they were both college age when reading that, maybe 19 for jubilee and 21 for kitty

it was only recently that Marvel randomly decided Jubilee was still only 17

Jubilee was originally about 15 when she leaped from the mall to Australia via Gateway's portal (UXM #244), but Scott Lobdell saw it otherwise. In the Generation X collector's preview, he decreed that Jubilee was 13 1/2, and as her writer, his word was law on the subject. Near the end of the run of Generation X, in issues #65-69, she says she's 16.

I pretty much give up keeping up with ages now :dry:

Or Gambit? I mean, at least Wolverine's healing factor probably gets rid or the decades of STDs.

Nah, probably just keeps it at bay, I'd say wolverine gives eight types of herpies (mostly undiscovered ones) to pretty much anyone he shakes hands with.

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