Bride kills groom hours before wedding

Why is the story placed in the "entertainment" category on the website? Yahoo, man. :dry:
he shouldn't have peaked at the dress beforehand. the ladies get CRAZY about that.
It looks like this is a case where the groom really does have cold feet.


LOL, yeah we can make the jokes, but vice versa the guy wouldn't even have the luxury of it if he had stabbed her to death.
During her arraignment she stated to check him again, unable to comprehend he was already dead. This woman has serious mental issues, seriously. :dry:
Why is the story placed in the "entertainment" category on the website? Yahoo, man. :dry:

That's messed up but I also noticed they have a reaction poll. The first option is Happy ( which is at 7 percent).
What did she think would happen when she stabbed him? He would laugh it off and they would get married? She's a PSYCHO!
I can easily see this happening. Some people have serious anger management issues and fits of blind rage are very common... the knife being close by being the ultimate unfortunate coincidence. Some people just pick up whatever is closest to them and start using it as a weapon... I've seen it.

As for myself, I've been hit by a woman before but I would NEVER stay in a relationship where a woman tried to attack me with an object. There had to have been a history of this, there's no way it could have been the first time in their relationship she has attacked him with an object.
During her arraignment she stated to check him again, unable to comprehend he was already dead. This woman has serious mental issues, seriously. :dry:

First stage of grief is denial. *shrugs* To be fair, her lack of admittance isn't a sign of serious mental issues (not that she needs any, considering she stabbed the guy).

I almost thought this was fake...the names are ridiculous...Na Cola Brewster...
She did it in front of their kids and close family members too, crazy.
LOL, yeah we can make the jokes, but vice versa the guy wouldn't even have the luxury of it if he had stabbed her to death.
It might have gotten a little closer if a guy had stabbed his wife hours before their big Superbowl party or something.

It's "amusing" because of the whole bridezilla thing. It's likely she cajoled him to get married in the first place so....yeah.

Yeah, I'd have the kids taken away. :o Poor kids.

With a name like "Coca Cola Duracell Franklin" how could you not?
Coca Cola Duracell Franklin...

That made me lmao so hard :woot:. Damn if only I could change my username to that...

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