Georgia teens raise money to support integrated prom

All I read was "South Georgia" and it all made sense.

****ing morons........come out of the stone age
Wow, between this and ending slavery in Mississippi, the South is finally moving into the 20th century.

Good for them.
This is pathetic. Not what these teens are doing. They are being responsible intelligent logical adults whereas the adults are being childish bigots. How is it someone hasn't sued that POS school?
So are mixed race people not allowed to attend either prom?

This is dumb. I would be embarrassed as hell if that was my home town.
Sorry, but this is why the South opens itself up to jokes. Southern Hypsters can swear up and down that stories like these shouldn't reflect on them, but as long as there are stories like these it'll be hard to take the south seriously at all. I feel bad for the students, normal people and the Hypsters from down there who have to endure these kind of embarrassments, but embarrassments they are and I can only say "damn, what the hell is wrong with your state?"
"Senior Quanesha Wallace, a black student, was elected homecoming queen this year"

Glad they pointed that out, I was thinking Asian.
How is that even legal in the US ?
( to segregate )
Good on the students, shame on those that still perpetuate this kind of crap.
All I read was "South Georgia" and it all made sense.

****ing morons........come out of the stone age
My hometown is Georgia. I grew up near Atlanta and i whole heartily agree with this statement! :up:

Which is why i probably moved away in the 1st place! i read "Georgia" and was "oh.. now it makes sense! I am still waiting for them to discover "Fire" in some parts of that state!
Isn't this just straight up against the law? This and North Carolina trying to institute an official religion are making my teeth hurt every time I hear the phrase "state's rights." Go to hell, you're not your own country and you lost the goddamn war.
"The reasoning seems to be same in all the cases: The school districts stopped sponsoring proms and left it up to student groups, which decided to hold separate events."

Hmm seems like crap, saying it's all up to the "student groups" in the end the buck always stops at "adult groups". Some administrator or parent still calls the shots when all is said and done. Would love to know what the penalties are for showing up to the prom not assigned to your skin color. What's the water fountain and bathroom situation in school?
We're in the 21st century & people still practice this racial bigotry, crap??!!! I'm sure there are good people in that state, but it only takes a few rotten apples to ruin it for everyone else!! Oh Georgia!!! :facepalm:
The students are absolutely right when they call it embarrassing, and they are being far more mature than the incredibly, incredibly childish adults who are behind these events being segregated.
I still wonder how can this be legal in a country which pride itself to be a beacon of freedom ? Please explain.
I still wonder how can this be legal in a country which pride itself to be a beacon of freedom ? Please explain.

Haven't you heard? Every other country in the world (of which there are only 9; Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, France, England, Japan, Korea (singular) and Mexico--Canada doesn't really count, as it is make-believe, like Westeros and India) is inferior to the United States at every single possible thing, because America is great at everything and has nothing to learn from anyone else in the world.
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I wasn't trying to mock the country, I just can't grasp how this can be allowed in America.
I don't know the Constitution but I would imagine this kind of things is against it.
I wasn't trying to mock the country, I just can't grasp how this can be allowed in America.
I don't know the Constitution but I would imagine this kind of things is against it.

Because it's being done privately. In America freedom also means having the freedom to be a complete idiot as these adults are being. People have the right in their private citizen status to be as bigoted as they want to be. Now if the school was paying for these proms then that would be another thing entirely since the school is a part of the state and that would in effect be state sponsored segregation...which IS illegal.
That is one giant loophole.
In France, you could not do that.
And now you see why there is so much discourse around here. I love the country, always will, but I also know we have some ****ed up ways.
It sounds like a way for the school district to wash their hands of the responsibility. They want to keep the status quo, but they know they have no legal ground to stand on, so the proms became privately operated as a means to maintain the racism.
That is one giant loophole.
In France, you could not do that.

Well that's why many here would say your country isn't as free as it should be. Freedom is a double edged sword. You can't say you're free if you're not also free to make the wrong/disagreeable choice. That's why we have a bill of rights.
We are free to be idiots and make wrong choices just like you but refusing access to a school party because of color is beyond being an idiot or wrong, it is called segregation based on skin color and it is against "La Déclaration des Droits de L'homme" ( our Bill of Rights ).
I can't open a private club and refuse access base on skin color.

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