Burton/Schumacher's Batman vs Christopher Nolan's Batman


Oct 9, 2010
Reaction score
Going by the polls that The Batman and DX made in the Misc. Comics Films part of the board, it got me to thinking...and now, this poll has been created! Pardon me if this has been done before, but I haven't been able to find it, but with this being just for DC films as a whole, I thought this could be a fun poll and not totally biased one way or the other.

So, make your choice!
WHY is the name BURTON even there with Schumacher??? They're as different as "Nolan/Schumacher". Give each one their own spot, although I can tell you right now you're better off just putting "Burton" VS "Nolan".

I like certain elements of Burton's (first film, and maybe some of the imagery of Batman Returns, but mostly '89 for me) with element's of Nolan's. Neither gets it 100% right, but the '89 Tim Burton Batman is still the BEST to this day, IMO.

Let the hate begin.
Yeah Kevin, I agree. Batman89 is a superior production, and Shumacher's two bombs will make the vote lopsided in favour of Nolan's trilogy.

I was so thrilled to watch '89 on its opening day in release here in Australia - Burton got it right!
When they're in the same continuity, I'm going to place them together. Sorry if you don't like it that way, but it is what it is.
Here are things I liked better about Burton's Batman:

- The score (definitive Batman, fellas)

- The batmobile (and I'll add the batplane, and even the batboat from Returns up there as well)

- the batsuit (It looks like a creature, like the actual BATMAN, Batman in the Nolan film always looks like a guy dressing up as Batman instead of a creature, hence the armor/mechanical look)

- the batcave. It was just awesome and all around cool looking. Exactly what I think of when i think of Batman. Nolan's was pretty mundane.

- Keaton was a better Batman. There. I said it. His Batman voice is awesome and he looked cooler, and he kept his cool. He was like the Batman of the comics. He never flew off the handle or became a screaming maniac. There is a reason why people make fun of Bale's (or Nolan's) Batman on youtube/college humor so much, doing the voice/character that way lended a lot of ridiculousness to it.

- Gotham city. Anton Furst got academy award cred for his Gotham City. That's how Gotham should like, not too far from reality but it should be its own world

- permawhite Joker WITH laughing gas. Laughing to death is still 100 times more terrifying to me than a dude slashing my face. It's a contrast, which is what the Joker is. I think Nicholson and Ledger are neck and neck, but I knew Nicholson could do it since he is the Joker in a lot of ways in real life (to perfect for the part), Ledger was kind of a shock for me, so that definitely makes me hold his performance in a higher regard, although I will say they are equally as good at the end of the day.

- The 89 film is a Batman movie, not a "Burton" film, not a "Nolan" film, not a "crime drama"

....now here's what I liked better about Nolan's films:

- That Bruce Wayne's parents were killed by a common street thug (Joe Chill) without any ties to future Batman villains. They get the origin right in that respect for the most part. I do wish the Waynes had attended a movie instead of a play (a play about BATS of all things...what the ****, but I get it I guess) I do wish they'd have shown him travelling the world and perfecting his detective/disguise/chmical/skills and athletic prowess more, but maybe next time.

- Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon. Perfect casting, the guy was born to play him

- The Batman/Gordon relationship being prevalent throughout the series. This was done perfectly, IMO, exactly how it should have been done and how I always wanted to see it

- Bruce Wayne being a socialite and doing some overall Bruce Wayney things - there isn't much of that in either of the Burton films, or as much I should say. Little things like Bruce being asleep at the meeting in TDK I liked.

- The multiple villains Nolan weaved into TDK without making us notice too much; I liked that the Scarecrow was in every film and Two Face was in TDK - although I think both could carry their own films. People complain that the villains are sometimes given too much spot in the Batman films, but for me, half of Batman has always been his villains.

- Catwoman's portrayal in TDKR - just a petty thief. I may have liked Burton's Catwoman costume better, but let's face it, in no way is Nolan (or many other directors) ever going to be able to touch Burton stylistically, which is both a good and bad thing on some days, although I did not think Catwoman's costume was bad on the whole in TDKR. I liked her portrayal as just a thief better than some freaky woman who was pushed out of a window revived by cats - even though that was cool in its own way, it's very Burtony and NOT Batman, and ultimately not what I want to see in a Batman movie (in addition to his Penguin creation, DeVito was perfect casting, but Burton effed it with having him play his high school creation he called "The Penguin" instead of the actual comic book character of The Penguin, I still enjoy some of DeVito's scenes though)

- That Batman himself does not kill (Depending on the circumstances I can see how this rule being violated as an exception sometimes, however on the whole I believe it should be maintained that the character does NOT kill, ever for the most part)

...having said all that, neither have got it 100% right so far, the best incarnation of Batman is still, to this day Batman: The Animates Series. A movie done with that style and tone is my ideal Batman film, even something along the lines of what they did with the Zorro film by Martin Campbell from the nineties, keep the level of fun/swashbucklerness of it that gets you excited about the character in addition to the dark and the heaviness and the seriousness and mystery and suspense of it, then you got the perfect Batman movie. Along with Elfman's and/or Shirley Walker's Batman score and the 89 or animated series batmobile of course. :)
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When they're in the same continuity, I'm going to place them together. Sorry if you don't like it that way, but it is what it is.

They're in the same continuity in the same way that Superman Returns is continuity to ALL (yes, that includes 3 & 4) of the Christopher Reeve films. Which is to say they're selective continuity, which is not REAL continuity at all. If anything it's an excuse for laziness because you're not creative enough to come up with something good or are afraid you won't be able come up with something better or at the very least just as creative or good as what the previous films did.

In fact, I'd say there's more continuity with Superman Returns and Superman 1 & 2 than there is Schumacher's and Burton's Batman. Hell, even Batman Returns is barely a sequel to the '89 Batman, and that IS continuity.

Bad form, sir.
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Again, sorry if you don't find this accurate enough for you, but it is what it is.
Nolan by far. I'd rate the films individually:
The Dark Knight Rises-9.9/10
The Dark Knight-9.9/10
Batman Begins-9/10

Batman Returns-2/10

Batman Forever-5.5/10
Batman and Robin-2.5/10
And I thought my jokes were bad.
Yeah Kevin, I agree. Batman89 is a superior production, and Shumacher's two bombs will make the vote lopsided in favour of Nolan's trilogy.

Why bother even voting then. I have yet to meet any Batman fan whose favorite Batman movie is either of Schumacher's Batman films, the OP should have went Burton VS Nolan. It's misconstrued. No way am I ever going to vote Schumacher's in favor of Nolan's, which is what you have to do up there if you prefer the first Burton film. Bad form.

I was so thrilled to watch '89 on its opening day in release here in Australia - Burton got it right!

:up: Never had the privilege of seeing it in the theater, but I do remember my first time seeing it - Batman fan for life. :woot: I envy you, I would love to see the 89 film in a theater someday. That's how it was meant to be experienced. I think it'd be awesome.
Nolan by far. I'd rate the films individually:
The Dark Knight Rises-9.9/10
The Dark Knight-9.9/10
Batman Begins-9/10

Batman Returns-2/10

Batman Forever-5.5/10
Batman and Robin-2.5/10

That about sums it up.... but lower TDKR to an 8, Batman Forever to a 4.5 and Batman and Robin to a 1 (just for MST3K purposes).
For me:

1.) Batman '89
2.) TDK

3.) Batman Begins

4.) The Dark Knight Rises
5.) Batman Returns

6.) Batman & Robin

7.) Batman Forever

Yeah, I prefer Batman & Robin to Batman Forever, B & R was at least honest about itself with what it was, Forever tries to make you think it's a good movie when it isn't and it's attempts to engage come off as way over dramatic, I hate watching any of it, B & R I can at least look at and laugh at some of it and accept it for what it is, although I will admit I enjoyed parts of it as a young kid.
as much as i liked michael keaton, i think it would have been perfect if jack donaghy got the role. of course he's a ******** so that didn't happen.
Except it isn't what it is. At all. That's your broad sweeping.

Lol. It is what it is.

When you look up Batman in film on wikipedia, Burton and Schumacher gets the same listing, while Nolan gets his own. Burton/Schumacher exists in the same universe. It's only when fans want to divide the two just because they prefer Burton over Schumacher, they're only blinded by not viewing them as the same.



Funny how you're not trying to give this kind of reasoning to that other poll comparing the Superman series of films with the Batman series of films that includes...Schumacher's films :cwink:
I wonder how lil' Anno would have felt if Nolan left after TDK and someone else took the reigns as the director/story teller and went in a completely different direction.

Hmm, I bet I know.

Also, the Keaton Batman would definitely use a bat credit card, show up at fashion shows as a guest, have a neon color Batmobile and the like. That's exactly what his character would do. Anno's on the ball right there. Wikipedia and the dvd box sets said so. Makes me wonder though, if there's a box set of all 7 Batman films, does that mean the Nolan Batman is the Burton and Schumacher Batman? :awesome:
Lol. It is what it is.

When you look up Batman in film on wikipedia, Burton and Schumacher gets the same listing, while Nolan gets his own. Burton/Schumacher exists in the same universe. It's only when fans want to divide the two just because they prefer Burton over Schumacher, they're only blinded by not viewing them as the same.



But they're not the same. There are too many continuity differences for that to be true. The Schumacher films are to Burton's Batman what Superman Returns was to the Reeve Superman films, not what Superman 3 and 4 are to Superman 1 and 2. Not the same.

Funny how you're not trying to give this kind of reasoning to that other poll comparing the Superman series of films with the Batman series of films that includes...Schumacher's films :cwink:

I wasn't aware there was such a poll. And it all depends on what the purpose of said poll is - is it to compare the "modern" Superman films with the "modern" Batman films or is it strictly "Donner VS Burton"?
I wonder how lil' Anno would have felt if Nolan left after TDK and someone else took the reigns as the director/story teller and went in a completely different direction.

Hmm, I bet I know.

Also, the Keaton Batman would definitely use a bat credit card, show up at fashion shows as a guest, have a neon color Batmobile and the like. That's exactly what his character would do. Anno's on the ball right there. Wikipedia and the dvd box sets said so. Makes me wonder though, if there's a box set of all 7 Batman films, does that mean the Nolan Batman is the Burton and Schumacher Batman? :awesome:

:up: This. And Keaton's Batman wouldn't be caught dead at drive thru.

Also, wikipedia is....editable, open for the public to do. :wow: I may have some work to do later... :cwink:
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I wonder how lil' Anno would have felt if Nolan left after TDK and someone else took the reigns as the director/story teller and went in a completely different direction.

Hmm, I bet I know.

Also, the Keaton Batman would definitely use a bat credit card, show up at fashion shows as a guest, have a neon color Batmobile and the like. That's exactly what his character would do. Anno's on the ball right there. Wikipedia and the dvd box sets said so. Makes me wonder though, if there's a box set of all 7 Batman films, does that mean the Nolan Batman is the Burton and Schumacher Batman? :awesome:

For someone who tried to be respectful on the Batman boards...you have quickly devolved my friend. You should get your attitude checked at the door :up:

But they're not the same. There are too many continuity differences for that to be true. The Schumacher films are to Burton's Batman what Superman Returns was to the Reeve Superman films, not what Superman 3 and 4 are to Superman 1 and 2. Not the same.

You can continue to think this. That's fine. But I'm done trying to defend my poll. At least people are voting rather than arguing.

I wasn't aware there was such a poll. And it all depends on what the purpose of said poll is - is it to compare the "modern" Superman films with the "modern" Batman films or is it strictly "Donner VS Burton"?

Superman I-IV vs Batman - B&R.

Go on, take your rants there.
People weren't even 100% on "Nolan's Batman" until after TDK came out. Now everyone worships the guy. No hate, but that's just how it is.
:up: This. And Keaton's Batman wouldn't be caught dead at drive thru.

Speaking of Mcdonalds, the Nolan Batman never got any cool collector cups or glasses like the other ones did. All he had were junky foreign toys.

That takes him down a notch or two.
Did you not see that armoured shell on Burton's Batman's car? It was his car protector while he went in to grab his McDonald's. He'd never go drive thru and sometimes he guets hungry in rough neighbourhoods. I heard one time someone stole his Big Mac and he shoved a bomb in the guy's pants.
Did you not see that armoured shell on Burton's Batman's car? It was his car protector while he went in to grab his McDonald's. He'd never go drive thru and sometimes he guets hungry in rough neighbourhoods. I heard one time someone stole his Big Mac and he shoved a bomb in the guy's pants.

Good point.

Wait a second . . . why would he need an armored shell to go through the drive through?

Also, why would he need to go to a fast food joint when he has Alfred to make him some sandwiches?
Superman I-IV vs Batman - B&R.

Go on, take your rants there.

It's not the same and you know it. You can't splice the Batman films into two categories like that when you're looking at Batman as Batman subdivisions VS Batman subdivisions, you're looking at it under a much larger microscope there than when you're simply looking at "Batman VS Superman". When you sub-categorize em to play against each other you have to do it right. :hehe:
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