Bush, Dems, Reps working together on immigration


Jan 16, 2006
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Bush praises senators for immigration deal
Proposal offers path to citizenship, stiffer border security, worker program


Updated: 1 hour, 42 minutes ago
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CRAWFORD, Texas - Thankful for a breakthrough, President Bush on Saturday praised senators of both parties for delivering a potential deal to overhaul U.S. immigration policy.
The compromise aims to grant legal status to millions of people in the country unlawfully, stiffen border security and create a program for temporary workers. It also would reshape requirements for new immigrants and take measures to prevent illegal workers from getting jobs.
“I realize that many hold strong convictions on this issue, and reaching an agreement was not easy,” Bush said in his weekly radio address.

“I appreciate the effort of senators who came together to craft this important legislation,” he said. “This bill brings us closer to an immigration system that enforces our laws and upholds the great American tradition of welcoming those who share our values and our love of freedom.”
A victory for Bush is far from assured. The proposal must get through the Senate, where debate begins Monday, and the prospects of such a plan are also uncertain in the House.
An unlikely alliance of liberal and conservative lawmakers championed the proposal, which was announced Thursday after months of private talks among senators and the White House.

‘All the elements required’
The president used his radio address to tout the deal and build momentum for it, without expressly lobbying lawmakers to vote for it. For Bush, approval of a comprehensive plan to improve immigration — a thorny, complex matter — would be a signature second-term achievement.
The package faces opposition from both sides. Conservatives say it is too lenient on those who have broken the law; liberals warn it would be unworkable and unfair to migrant families.
Yet Bush said the deal has “all the elements required for comprehensive immigration reform.”
The proposal orders that border improvements and a worker identification program must come first, as a trigger to other changes.

‘Skills ... that will help America’
Among the key points, illegal immigrants could come forward and seek a “Z visa” and — after paying fees and a fine — ultimately get on track for permanent residency. That could take several years. Heads of households would have to return to their home countries first.
Guest workers would have to return to their home country after periods of two years. They could renew their visas twice, but would be required to leave for a year in between each time.
The deal also proposes a fundamental reordering of immigration priorities, moving the system from one based on family to one primarily designed to meet the needs of U.S. employers.
Bush said the deal would end “chain migration” by limiting the relatives who can automatically receive green cards to spouses and minor children.
The point, he said, is to build a system for “immigrants who have the skills, education and English proficiency that will help America compete in a global economy.”
Bush spoke from his ranch, where he and first lady Laura Bush are spending the weekend.

hmm sounds a bit sketchy at points,but its a step in the right direction.

cept the whole leaving the country does'nt make sense to me.
Yeah I dont' feel good about that part either, but it is a step in the right direction. Mass deportation is not a realistic option, and having millions of people out of the reach of civil rights, the law, arrest, paying taxes is an unacceptable option.

They might not have been born here, but this is still America.
Yeah, I think I'm more in line with the neo-cons on this one {God I can't believe I just said that :wow:}. This seems like amnesty to me and that didn't work in the 80s and I doubt it will work now.
can't we just throw all illegals out
one of em backed into our car despite us repeatedly honking
I say let the Klan handle em! :o

Seriously, I normally would support this, but if you do this now, you are a)saying its ok to come in illegally IF you can sneak in b)sooner or later one of those terror cells(Bin Laden's boys) will get in will be here legally.........dang it! That's now what I wanted to say....but it was something related to that! Sorry peeps! Bad day at work and I started drinking and bam! I'm online .....not drunk.........but very tipsy! :(
Yeah, I think I'm more in line with the neo-cons on this one {God I can't believe I just said that :wow:}. This seems like amnesty to me and that didn't work in the 80s and I doubt it will work now.
I agree with you.

I feel like I need another shower. :csad:
so what solution do you guys prefer, keeping in mind that mass deportation is not even possible?
Secure the border, go after the companies, and deport all that can be found, the rest will take care of themselves as jobs dry up.

Agreed, these people have no business in America. Giving them amnesty is basically telling them that it's okay to come in illegally. If we punish companies they won't give them jobs, we take away the jobs and they go back to where they come from.
Secure the border, go after the companies, and deport all that can be found, the rest will take care of themselves as jobs dry up.

one problem with that. It's sick and disgusting, not the going after the companies, just the rest of it.
one problem with that. It's sick and disgusting, not the going after the companies, just the rest of it.

Care to explain why it’s sick and disgusting? We’re not beating them or shipping them off to camps, we’re just sending them back to where they belong.
Care to explain why it’s sick and disgusting? We’re not beating them or shipping them off to camps, we’re just sending them back to where they belong.

no your not. mass deportation is not even possible. what your talking about is a sudden 10 milliion homeless people, if your plan even worked.

Most likely if we tried that, it would be just like it has been. The exact same situation. I should have also put aside from securing the border. I'm all for that of course. We secure the border, and prevent illegal immigrants from continuing to come over here, but as for the ones that are already here, we just have to make the best of the situation.

Not to mention I dont' even want all of them kicked out. It's wrong. A lot of them have been here for decades, built lives and families. Over 50% of them are married to American citizens. They aren't evil human beings. They just believe in America and what it has to offer.

Were really lucky as Americans. We have it pretty good here, compared to the rest of the world. People tend to forget that when it comes to the immigration issue. They want to enjoy low prices manufactured by people busting their butts for 2 dollars an hour 60 hours a week, but when it comes time to show a little compassion with a path to citizenship, they go all selfish on em.

Many of them deserve a little appreciation for their hard work and labour they have given this country.
no your not. mass deportation is not even possible. what your talking about is a sudden 10 milliion homeless people, if your plan even worked.

Most likely if we tried that, it would be just like it has been. The exact same situation. I should have also put aside from securing the border. I'm all for that of course. We secure the border, and prevent illegal immigrants from continuing to come over here, but as for the ones that are already here, we just have to make the best of the situation.

Not to mention I dont' even want all of them kicked out. It's wrong. A lot of them have been here for decades, built lives and families. Over 50% of them are married to American citizens. They aren't evil human beings. They just believe in America and what it has to offer.

Were really lucky as Americans. We have it pretty good here, compared to the rest of the world. People tend to forget that when it comes to the immigration issue. They want to enjoy low prices manufactured by people busting their butts for 2 dollars an hour 60 hours a week, but when it comes time to show a little compassion with a path to citizenship, they go all selfish on em.

Many of them deserve a little appreciation for their hard work and labour they have given this country.

I don't think anyone has called them evil, but allowing amnesty suggests that we're okay with illegal immigration. Let's not forget that a great percentage of these people wind up commiting some crime.
Also, 99 percent of these people end up doing nothing, why do we want to immigrate more poor?

Did you know that the wages have gone down in the construction and landscaping industries? That's because these people are willing to work for much less than American citizens are.
I don't think anyone has called them evil, but allowing amnesty suggests that we're okay with illegal immigration. Let's not forget that a great percentage of these people wind up commiting some crime.
Also, 99 percent of these people end up doing nothing, why do we want to immigrate more poor?

Did you know that the wages have gone down in the construction and landscaping industries? That's because these people are willing to work for much less than American citizens are.

It would be much easier to deal with crimes in the illegal immigration world, if these citizens were given a path to citizenship, and they didn't have to be too afraid to call the police.

These guys have performed a lot of hard labour for decades. It would be wrong for America to lure them over here with opportunity, profit off of them for decades because they work for next to nothing, and then either send em back or cut off their only source of income. I realize that it was businesses that lured them over here, but it was American business.

These people worked hard and gave to America.
they dont belong here period..ship'em back...this is sending the very wrong message. ''its saying come on in as long as your not caught''..wtf. I guess you cant deport the peeps that are here now. We gotta secure the borders so nobody else can get in illeagally.
It would be much easier to deal with crimes in the illegal immigration world, if these citizens were given a path to citizenship, and they didn't have to be too afraid to call the police.

These guys have performed a lot of hard labour for decades. It would be wrong for America to lure them over here with opportunity, profit off of them for decades because they work for next to nothing, and then either send em back or cut off their only source of income. I realize that it was businesses that lured them over here, but it was American business.

These people worked hard and gave to America.

It's our fault that people (who broke the law) hired them. It's illegal to hire an illegal immigrant, it's not like the American people as a whole took advantage of them.
Agreed, these people have no business in America. Giving them amnesty is basically telling them that it's okay to come in illegally. If we punish companies they won't give them jobs, we take away the jobs and they go back to where they come from.

:up: You hit the nail on the head, man.
This is a slap in the face of those that are doing it the right way!

Bush is wrong on this!

And how are these illegals going to pay a fine when they don't make enough money to begin with??? And because of their lack of education and reading skills, never will.

And what about those darn "anchor babies". Yep. Jose' and Maria may not be educated, but they ain't stupid. In that "worker period" they'll have 6 kids (all of whom are American citizens). Thus not have to be deported for not paying a dime or learning english.
I expect all of you demanding that we throw out all the illegals to go into the fields and take their places picking vegetables for $2 per hour, btw. :up:


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