Bush's Economy-Boost Plan=Free $$!!!

seriously, nobody cares about this? If this happens, it basically translates into about $800.00 for single people, and $1600.00 for adults . . . of course, I'm not holding my breath until I see a goddam check in my hands, but this is the first cool thing Bush has done in his 8 shytty years as "president" :o
Hell, if Bush gave me a check for $800 bucks... I would gladly spend that money. As you say and I agree, this would be the only good thing he's done for people.
^fk yeah!!! I could really use $800 . . . we might be seeing this money as soon as a month or two from now . . .
Would that count for us unemployed folk who don't own their own places? If not, then I really don't care.
He did something like this back during his first year as president, sending everyone a $300 check, however, back then we had a surplus, now we don't, so where the f is this money coming from?!?!?!
He did something like this back during his first year as president, sending everyone a $300 check, however, back then we had a surplus, now we don't, so where the f is this money coming from?!?!?!

Funny, I never saw a check.
He did something like this back during his first year as president, sending everyone a $300 check, however, back then we had a surplus, now we don't, so where the f is this money coming from?!?!?!

Nowhere; it'd just add to the deficit and the next president will have to take care of it, or the future generations will have to pay for this problem.
Funny, I never saw a check.

I don't think I got one either . . . I was def working then, but I might not have been eligible cuz I'm not sure if I filed that year . . .
He did something like this back during his first year as president, sending everyone a $300 check, however, back then we had a surplus, now we don't, so where the f is this money coming from?!?!?!

Although it sounds really nice, im in agreement with amazingfantasy15. Where the F*** is the money coming from???
From the article:

He also called for tax relief for individuals — probably to come in the form of one-time rebates. But he did not say how much money Americans would get to keep or the amount of other tax incentives that could be in the package. Nor did Bush detail how the nation would pay for such a plan.

^big surprise, there :whatever:

yeah, where is any of the money coming from, though? where's the money for the war coming from?
From the article:

He also called for tax relief for individuals — probably to come in the form of one-time rebates. But he did not say how much money Americans would get to keep or the amount of other tax incentives that could be in the package. Nor did Bush detail how the nation would pay for such a plan.

^big surprise, there :whatever:

yeah, where is any of the money coming from, though? where's the money for the war coming from?

This reminds me of that scene in the Simpsons where Mark McGwire asks if the people want to know the horrifying truth, or to see him hit dingers, and they all say dingers :woot:
Tax cuts would be better than a Check that comes from Magic Money.
^I agree, but shyt; offer me free $800 and ask me if I care about the consequences now and the answer is obvious . . .
Funny, I never saw a check.

Sucks to be you, I definitely got my check, too bad I got it just after having to miss a week of work unpaid, so all it did was supplement the money I didn't make for not working that week.
Sucks to be you, I definitely got my check, too bad I got it just after having to miss a week of work unpaid, so all it did was supplement the money I didn't make for not working that week.

that blows . . . yeah, I actually cashed out my 401k last year after my company was acquired, so I might actually have to pay that money back too :~S
it's far too late, and too impractical, to be pulling a Clinton.:o
^yeah . . . it's like; let's give everyone money to spend that we don't have . . . where is that money coming from? I don't understand economics very well :(
Congress will never approve it as there isn't enough money to do it. And that is what Bush wants. He is trying to paint the Democrats as bad guys for the upcoming election season. Here is Bush, trying to hand out 800 bucks to the common man, but those elitist Democrats in Congress say no. The sad part is, because it is an election year, the Democrats may just be stupid enough to call his bluff and then our government would start handing out money we don't have. Both parties suck :csad:
Meanwhile didn't he manage to get the Dems to pour more money into the Iraq War?:huh::down
Congress will never approve it as there isn't enough money to do it. And that is what Bush wants. He is trying to paint the Democrats as bad guys for the upcoming election season. Here is Bush, trying to hand out 800 bucks to the common man, but those elitist Democrats in Congress say no. The sad part is, because it is an election year, the Democrats may just be stupid enough to call his bluff and then our government would start handing out money we don't have. Both parties suck :csad:

now it all makes perfect sense . . . fkn Bush; fkn politics :down

I think it was Dennis Miller that said "Whose deficit is this, really?! who do we owe money to and can't we just say fk you?" hahaha

anyway, we don't have money for the war either, but that's not stopping us from spending :down

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