C lister proposals


Jul 4, 2005
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There are a few revamp threads around so i apologise for repetitiveness’ . Anyway i just read part of the 'Official Iron Fist' thread and it occurred to me how many Marvel characters have made te successful transition from C lister to B/A lister. Now my comic book history is nothing to 'marve'l about and im sure there disagreement about whether or not these characters where in fact C listers, by i request you bear with me. These are some of the characters who have made the successful transitions;

Daredevil, and consequently Bullseye and Electra
Luke Cage, consequently Jessica Jones
Spider Woman (Contraversial, I know)
Bucky/Winter Soldier, consequently the Red Skull
Ares (Not quite there, but he's getting there)
Maddox/Multiple man
Kitty Pryde
Emma Frost
She Hulk

To name but a few.

Which other C listers would you like to see re-invigorated/revamped to B/A lister level ? Which characters would you like to see get the 'respect' they need ?

Some of my suggestions;

Karnak, Ikkaris, Vision, The original Photon to name but a few ....
I like She-Hulk, Cage, and Bucky, so too me they were never c listers...but I'll give you those. But Daredevil? A c lister? No way.
Anyone who has had their own series for over two years is not a C lister.
Cloak & Dagger
Silver Sable & The Wildpack

C listers?


A lot of what I thought were "C-listers" have gotten a lot of play recently.
I propose that we stop calling them C-listers.
I liked the Micheal Collins version of Deathlok, never read the whole series though, just parts in the middle, and some of his guest appearances elsewhere.
Sort of had the tragic element to him, possibly something could be done with him.

Has Sleepwalker done anything since his series ended? He was alright.
Silver Sable
I think Silver Sable would be cool, and WonderMan as well. Silver Sable cos she'd bring a different kind of vibe to the male dominated world of the mercenary. And Wonder Man cos he has badass powers, yet never seems to do a lot.
I'd like them to bring back more pre-Fantastic Four characters.
I would like to see someone do more with Wonderman

Wonderman could be great with a good writer.

Cloak & Dagger

Love to see a Cloak and Dagger comic by Brian.K.Vaughn

Multiple Man/Jamie Maddrox has been awesome for years I was so glad when he got his own mini. The dupes gaining him knowledge thing was great idea too. If only over writers where as creative with some mutants powers.

Would love to see Pete Wisdom comic by Warren Ellis and perhaps reunite Chamber with his orginal powers/apperance in a good X book which doesn't let him be the angery rookie all the time.
Would love to see Pete Wisdom comic by Warren Ellis and perhaps reunite Chamber with his orginal powers/apperance in a good X book which doesn't let him be the angery rookie all the time.

oh man, remember when Chamber was in Uncanny, and they had him dating some popstar? sweet sassy mollassy that was about the lamest thing ever... ok, that goes to The Draco arc in Uncanny, but still
I'd like to see the Inhumans, I read that they have never really had their own successful title. I'd also like to see some pre FF characters, just a few though and no monsters.

I don't know because I am not sure who is a C Lister and who isn't. I'll come back with some later.
Would Batrock the Leaper be a C lister? I think I could think up some c lister bad guys, and maybe a few good guys.
I think it would be nice to see Spider-Man not written as a C-Lister.
I think it would be nice to see Spider-Man not written as a C-Lister.

In a world of indestructible men with healing factor, Supersoldiers, Gods, Hulks, Sentries, Spider-Man is a C-lister. What I'd rather see him treated as is a C-lister with dignity.

Daredevil is a D-lister in terms of power...but at least he's a man who stands on his own two feet, not a snivelling whiney 27 year old who still lives with his aged aunt.

One character I'd like to see more of is Pluto. I always enjoyed him+ thought he was a cool alternative to Loki in terms of supergod villain.
In a world of indestructible men with healing factor, Supersoldiers, Gods, Hulks, Sentries, Spider-Man is a C-lister. What I'd rather see him treated as is a C-lister with dignity.

Totally agree.

To me that's part of the charm. In THEIR world he SHOULD be a badass b/c-lister... On the outside in our world he's A-list :up:
In a world of indestructible men with healing factor, Supersoldiers, Gods, Hulks, Sentries, Spider-Man is a C-lister. What I'd rather see him treated as is a C-lister with dignity.

Daredevil is a D-lister in terms of power...but at least he's a man who stands on his own two feet, not a snivelling whiney 27 year old who still lives with his aged aunt.

One character I'd like to see more of is Pluto. I always enjoyed him+ thought he was a cool alternative to Loki in terms of supergod villain.

Oh GOD no... he was the only Greeco/Roman God who didn't act like a $%^ half the time. The last thing I want to see is Hades/Pluto done as a villain. The only way that would work is if he was done as a ruthless business man like Shear-Kahn in Tail-Spin, it might work, but I doubt they will pull it off.
Oh GOD no... he was the only Greeco/Roman God who didn't act like a $%^ half the time. The last thing I want to see is Hades/Pluto done as a villain. The only way that would work is if he was done as a ruthless business man like Shear-Kahn in Tail-Spin, it might work, but I doubt they will pull it off.

That's a great way to use him the way you described it; like a Business man.
Totally agree.

To me that's part of the charm. In THEIR world he SHOULD be a badass b/c-lister... On the outside in our world he's A-list :up:

I'm not saying that Peter should be more powerful. I'm not a Hulk fan so I don't to see being more powerful as being more interesting as a character, in fact it's often the opposite, but Bendis had been writing Peter with a certain lack of competence that's really out of character. The hallmark of Spider-Man was always out thinking and out maneuvering stronger and more powerful foes, Bendis had been writing that well in New Avengers.

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