Horrorfan said:It was a joke
But they should do a dd game like pheonix wright, ace attourney and DD can shout ''OBJECTION'' only to be told ''dude, you know you're standing in McDonalds, right?''![]()
lars573 said:True but his 360 degree radar sense doesn't give detail (esentially he sees like a frog only in all directions at once) like if your sowing skin to cloth instead of cloth to cloth.
Gammy v.2 said:
Or he could have a special power move in the game where he yells "OBJECTION!" and then the bad guys freeze, and he beats the crap out of them![]()
JackBauer said:y'know, I'm starting to hope good ol' Matty Murdock doesn't make the cut, just to see what Gammy'll do.![]()
lars573 said:Or the bad guys could all have air horns and when they set them off it makes the screen go black when you play as him.
Horrorfan said:But that's against the law![]()
We walk the streets at night, we go where eagles dare.
They pick up every movement, they pick up every loser.
With jaded eyes and bleechers you thnk they really care.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about baby baby.
Her omlet of disease awaits you noon time meal.
Her mouth of germacide seducing all your glam.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby baby.
Let's test your virtual fame and see how long you last.
That tapping in your retna unbusoms all your past.
With jaded eyes and bleechers you think really care, let's go where eagles dare.
We'll go where eagles dare.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby.
I ain't no goddamn son of a b*tch, you better think about it baby baby.
Gammy v.2 said:I hope Matt Murdock sends you both to a Federal "Pound me in the ass" Prison![]()
lars573 said:First he'd have to see me commit a crime, oh wait! Then he'd have to find me and identify me from a police line up, oh wait.
No I don't think Matt Murdock will be sending me to a federal butt-phuck prison anytime soon. Cause Canada doesn't have any. And even then he'd have to come to Nova Scotia to find me.
Horrorfan said:But...but my ass is just for you![]()
Horrorfan said:I don't know what I'd do...I might not even be able to play dead rising for at least a couple of days![]()
Gammy v.2 said:That's so wrong....yet so right
Just call Activision and Raven...MAKE SURE THEY DON'T SCREW UP
Exact date, btw?![]()
Spidey-Bat said:Trust me, you'll want to miss it.
Holy Necro-Bump, Batman!
Regardless of this thread being 2 years old, I'm still sad about True Fantasy Live Online being canceled![]()