Sequels Cast Morbius! The living vampire! in a Morbius & Lizard, Spiderman film.



I'm going with Dani Filth of Cradle of Filth. Second choice, The guy who played Kraven in the Underworld films.
Realy wondering what others choices are, So lets hear em'!
Morbius is one of the lesser spectacular villains and is just another generic vampire. I doubt if he ever shows up in a Spidey film.
waiting on the michael jackson pics
Morbius is one of my favourite Spidey villians ever, but i'm not quite sure he would fit into the universe of the movies for some reason, he seems a tad too dark.

And if they cant get a dark character like Venom right, i dont particularly want them to try Morbius. But at the same time, i wouldnt be angry if they used him.
morbius is the only strand of deceny left for a blade film to come back to form, leave him for blade...
^ how about a Spidery/Blade, team up, movie lol
I don't want any werewolves or vampires in the Spidey films myself.
Agreed. Morbius for a 'Blade' movie. No to 'Spider-Man.'

Get Kraven and Lizard, kill off Gwen, marry off Pete and MJ, roll credits, and end the movies till a few years down the road and then start casting new villains and a new Spider-Man, MJ, etc.
^ how about a Spidery/Blade, team up, movie lol
potential but at the moment, spidey isn't cool enough to handle a film on his own, let alone team up...

he'd just turn into his ultimate counterpart and probably be more a hinderance than actual help
Morbius would never work as a villain, I'm sorry but he just wouldn't.
Morbius would never work as a villain, I'm sorry but he just wouldn't.

I think it would work because he is not a classic vampire. He was created thru science. It'd be an interesting cinematic take on a classic archetype.

Personally, I'd like a solo Morbius film. :up:
I think it would work because he is not a classic vampire. He was created thru science. It'd be an interesting cinematic take on a classic archetype.

Personally, I'd like a solo Morbius film. :up:
The problem with all these villians is that they are created through science. Except, some are original like Sandman and Ock, but Morbius is not.
So Moribus was just born a freak?
No he had some blood disease and tried to cure it with testing on Vampire Bats and some other stuff. Then he became a genetic vampire.

And I too wouldnt mind seeing Morbius in a movie, but given his status as a villain I really doubt they would use him, which is a pity. And I really doubt there gonna make another Blade.

So I say have in star in a straight to DVD animated Spidey :hyper:. Really Marvel should be taking advantage of their animated films. Instead their coming up with horrible ideas like Next Avengers :o
I wouldn't mind see Morbius in a Spider-Man movie, so long as they retain the genetic vampire idea. It could be a science experiment gone wrong, or he gets bitten by some damn monkey rat or something. As long as they don't make him some kind of super natural force. Even so, I doubt we'll see him make it to a big-screen spidey movie.
I don't think Morbius would work good in a Spidey film. I do like Morbius though.

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