Citizen V question...

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
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Is it Citizen "Vee" or Citizen "five"? I've never been clear on that.
V as in Vee

Zemo clarified that in Thunderbolts #1
and I believe it was Morrison who ****ed with everybodies heads by revealing Wolverine wasn't Weapon Ecks, but Weapon 10, right?
Elijya said:
and I believe it was Morrison who ****ed with everybodies heads by revealing Wolverine wasn't Weapon Ecks, but Weapon 10, right?
Yep. I liked that, actually.
Elijya said:
and I believe it was Morrison who ****ed with everybodies heads by revealing Wolverine wasn't Weapon Ecks, but Weapon 10, right?

That's sort of stealing from V for Vendetta. V partially being named after his room number. V as in Room 5.
but V is definitely named Vee. There was never any confusion about that. I don't feel it was stolen
when Morrison let loose with the Weapon 10 thing, my jaw hit the floor. Then, added to that, it was in the same storyline that introduced Fantomex, the best X-Character in 5-8 years.
Yeah, I liked the whole Weapon Plus thing. That particular point of Wolvie being weapon ten, not so much the actual story though.
Elijya said:
but V is definitely named Vee. There was never any confusion about that. I don't feel it was stolen

I suppose, but the two seem very similar.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Citizen V been around longer than the other V?
I liked Morrisson's X and Ten thing with Wolverine. It always seemed lame that an X-man was part of a completely unrelated Weapon-X programme. So I thought the Ten reveal was pretty neat
Elijya said:
and I believe it was Morrison who ****ed with everybodies heads by revealing Wolverine wasn't Weapon Ecks, but Weapon 10, right?
I don't think I really questioned it before that.
Weapon Plus was lame, accentuated only by horrible artwork. Fantomex is pretty cool, tho.
Far more interesting was the revelation that Captain America was Weapon I, IMO.
Yeah, another brilliant moment in Morrison's phenominal run.

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