BvS City Battles in BVS.

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Superman didn't punch Zod through buildings. Where are people getting this from. He did put Zods face through some Windows of one building. Zod was winning most of that fight.
Exactly. Zod dominated the final fight for the majority. He did all the throwing through buildings, and the building which collapsed was due to Zod's heat vision. However I didn't really like Superman letting that ship crash into Metropolis earlier on. He could have done something there.
Exactly. Zod dominated the final fight for the majority. He did all the throwing through buildings, and the building which collapsed was due to Zod's heat vision. However I didn't really like Superman letting that ship crash into Metropolis earlier on. He could have done something there.

I guess they could have made him do something else. But the circumstances seemed dire as Zod was about to destroy the hyper drive.

I guess they should have had the ship fall in the ocean.
I liked the film, and I still agree something was missing at the end. It didn't help that the climax didn't feel like a climax, and it was cut short.

Something cool would've been Superman stepping out of the train station, realizing how much damage has been caused and how many lives he failed to save. He thinks he's failed and, for a moment, decides to flee, afraid of what people will think of him.

But he remembers Pa Kent's words about "standing proud in front of the human race" and decides to stay, and what would follow is a montage of Superman helping and directing medical teams and fire trucks, helping construction teams rebuild, and news reports covering his efforts. Slowly, we see Metropolis become whole again. And as things get brighter, segue into the scene with Swanwick.

Something like that would've been an uplifting way to conclude it. It's a rare thing to see superheroes help civilians pick up the mess - The Avengers sure has hell didn't. Seeing Superman do something like that would be great in BvS.

As nice as that is, I don't think it would have worked after killing Zod.
I have no problem with Zod and Superman destroying half of Metropolis while fighting, I even say as much in my original post in this thread. I just wish that
A) we got a scene of Superman attempting to contain the fight in some way, or if not then at the very least
B) we get a scene afterwards that shows the devastation and calamity, and it's consequences on Metropolis and the world at large.
Here's a quote from Snyder himself on the immense destruction:
“It’s just funny to see people really taking it personally … because I made (Superman) real, you know, I made him feel or made consequences (in) the world,” he said. “I felt like, it was the same thing in ‘Watchmen.’ We really wanted to show it wasn’t just like they thought, like the PG-13 version where everyone just gets up and they’re fine. I really wanted to show the violence is real, people get killed or get hurt and it’s not fun or funny.”
By the man's own standards he failed, because at no point were the consequences or the violence addressed. People got killed, there was spectacular, bombastic violence, but at no point was it "made real". That's my larger point, and like I said by his own standards he did not accomplish what he wanted to.
I have no problem with Zod and Superman destroying half of Metropolis while fighting, I even say as much in my original post in this thread. I just wish that
A) we got a scene of Superman attempting to contain the fight in some way, or if not then at the very least
B) we get a scene afterwards that shows the devastation and calamity, and it's consequences on Metropolis and the world at large.
Here's a quote from Snyder himself on the immense destruction:

By the man's own standards he failed, because at no point were the consequences or the violence addressed. People got killed, there was spectacular, bombastic violence, but at no point was it "made real". That's my larger point, and like I said by his own standards he did not accomplish what he wanted to.

I think he did accomplish what he wanted. This is the first film to capture his power on screen. When superbeings fight this is what happens.

Secondly he is an alien. That is emphasized that people will fear him.

Now you're right that in the film there was no reaction to the devastation. But also recognize there was no celebrating neither. Nobody said "Job well done Superman". In addition whether you hated or loved the film both parties recognize the devastation. Those who complain state that they didn't acknowledge the destruction. Others see it as an opportunity for future stories stemming from the events of Man of Steel.

I mean how will Superman make it out of this?

I can't wait to see how.
I believe this is called an ad hominem. Instead of addressing my points you try to discredit me by pointing out personal traits.

Go watch that scene again. It's Zod who brings Superman up into space; he throws him through several buildings, we get that shot of Superman floating upside down in the air for a brief moment, and then Zod rams into him and brings up into the atmosphere. People "forget" that scene in this regard because it isn't an example of Superman trying to not be wreckless.
Here's a youtube clip:[YT][/YT]
Go to 1:28 to see what I mean.

There were hundreds of Chitauri compared to a handful of Kryptonians. Yes the Chitauri weren't as powerful obviously, but there were literally hundreds of them (not to mention those monster worm things) so I don't see how it isn't comparable. I also don't think the Chitauri's mission is ever clearly stated, so I'm not sure where this idea comes from that they were just taking hostages.
Yes, he clearly saved millions of people by doing what he did, I'm not saying he didn't save the day and I'm certainly not calling him "murder man". However, my point stands that he was reckless and at no point did the film make it seem like he was either trying to contain the collateral damage or trying to help in the aftermath. Any sort of scene showing the consequences/fallout of him leveling a part of Metropolis would have been nice, but as I said, it then cuts to a scene of him destroying more property and smarting off to a military official.
I sound like a broken record here because I keep saying the same things over and over again, but they are valid criticisms whether some of you like it or not.
The whole point of this thread is whether or not we want another big city battle scene, in which I'd say "only if it was handled correctly". I don't want to see another supposed "realistic, grounded" fight that does nothing to show the consequences/effects of such a battle.

you're right, my bad. Still, you must have seen how he tried to prevent the satellite to crash, so it's still an example of Superman trying to save people/things :shr:
Was there a scene in GotG about how the destruction affected the city and how Xandar reacted to it?
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I guess nobody liked my Shia LaBeouf idea. Maybe I should have thrown a T-Rex in there while I was at it.
I think that's why I loved MOS so much, to the point it made me care about SM for the first time in a long time. The movie tried to address what would really happen if beings like SM and the other Kryptonians actually existed. No sugar coating. It took the subject matter seriously, and while some wanted more fun comic-y moments, and bright pretty colors, this darker more honest film won me over completely.

It's very plausible an untested SM would not get everything right in his very first battle against a superpowered villain. I don't fault him for not being perfect. Plus, he kinda sorta seemed to be risking his life to save the entire human race by destroying the world engine over the ocean. Wait? No, it couldn't be! SM didn't care about mankind! Right? He saved the entire human race? Yep! But let's nitpick that he didn't do everything strategically best in a heated vicious battle over Metropolis when he barely had time to think. If he'd been a seasoned SM, I can see some of the criticism. But as is, I find the criticism to be extremely petty.

And again, Snyder laid the groundwork for epic conflict with future heroes. After MOS, what will humans think of Wonder Woman or Aquaman? My guess is humans will be wary of superheroes, even scared of them. Bigotry will rear its ugly head across the planet. This just sets the stage for some awesome and intense storylines in future DC movies.

Oh, and did I mention Top 5 domestic box office, Top 10 international, and phenomenal blu-ray sales for such a terrible flawed movie that no one could possibly want to own? Poor Snyder. What a failure! :word:
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Is Shia a lawyer in this scenario?

Nah he's a cannibal. We want kids to be able to see the movie (and buy action figures) after all.

Shie LaBeouf figure - 18 points of articulation! Flesh chewing jaw action - squeeze his arms and NOMNOMNOM watch him masticate! Accessories include a bloody axe, empty six-pack and a half gnawed human thighbone!
It's kind of odd seeing only in this movie "claiming" the lack of memorial of the casualties at the end of the movie, while it has happened before and after without taking care even less than MOS did, like in Avengers, GoTG, Star Trek to say the few... but I didn't see anyone claiming there I wonder why? because it isn't marvel? because it's Snyder? because there were jokes scenes at the end? The worst part is that some of those movies treat us as fools, pretending with that kind of events there weren't casualties, YEAH.. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
Yeah there were losts on MOS, I get it!!! but there were survivors, we have seen them, contrary of what other people pretend to tell us... THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT on a grounded scenario.. Geez!!!

Honestly I didn't see how that would fit with the story and the PERFECT ENDING ON THE DAILY PLANET SCENE!, and for the guys that didn't want to see it, Snyder did care for them, contrary to what some people said, he put the imaginery of a cementery where Clark and Martha and IMO they put that to sort of remembering the lost of Metropolis and Smallville even if it's not explicit, thing that's "necessary" for some guys, guys who lack of imagination if you ask me.

Snyder also said that BvS and Superman would face the MOS events in sort of way... As sort of connecting the universe adapted and of course connecting both movies.

But the odd part comes here because I bet the same people who claims this would be the same people that would be saying- hey why remembering the casualties? more sad stuff? why didn't end as a happy ending? blah blah, blah.

In other words people who wouldn't be satisfied with anything especially when it's about DC. Why I'm not surprised now? :funny:
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Was there a scene in GotG about how the destruction affected the city and how Xandar reacted to it?
The Guardians warned the Nova corp and Xandar was evacuated. Goes to show you that addressing it in even a throw away line would be helpful.
It's kind of odd seeing only in this movie "claiming" the lack of memorial of the casualties at the end of the movie, while it has happened before and after without taking care even less than MOS did, like in Avengers, GoTG, Star Trek to say the few... but I didn't see anyone claiming there I wonder why? because it isn't marvel? because it's Snyder? because there were jokes scenes at the end? I mean I didn't see how it would fit with the story and the PERFECT ENDING ON THE DAILY PLANET SCENE!, and for the guys that didn't want to see, Snyder did care for them contrary to some people said, he put the imaginery of a cementery where Clark and Martha and IMO they put it to sort of remembering the lost of Metropolis and Smallville even if it's not explicit, thing that's "necessary" for some guys, guys who lack of imagination if you ask me.

Snyder also said that BvS would face the MOS events in sort of way as sort of connecting the universe adapted and of course connecting both movies.

But the odd part comes here because I bet the same people who claims this would be the same people that would be saying- hey why remembering the casualties? more sad stuff, why didn't end as a happy ending, blah blah, blah. In other words people who wouldn't be satisfied with anything especially when it's about DC. I'm not surprised now :funny:

It has nothing to do with which company makes the movie and everything to do with the content of the film itself. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
Man of Steel did not address the catastrophic destruction (even though the film maker himself said he wanted to), other films at least touched on it at some point, end of story.
All I got from Snyder's quote was that he wanted to make an action scene with a lot of violence and none of the funny quips. I guess it's open ended enough to assume his goal was to depict the aftermath of the violence, but I didn't really get that. I took "consequences" as meaning that when two super powerful dudes fight they'll level parts of cities and someone will have to die. I don't see any need to show people cleaning up after the destruction or mourning their losses, but it can be a solid starting point for another story, which looks to be the case with BvS.

Somehow I really feel like if Snyder had just included an "8 months later" caption then everyone would've understood there was a time jump and no one would've complained lol.

Anyways, I'll be glad when BvS comes out so that we hopefully have something else to talk about.
Yea I agree Scribe....we get away from it for awhile and then it comes back when discuss anything remotely close to destruction lol. It's clear people still have a lot of repressed issues from MOS
It's kind of odd seeing only in this movie "claiming" the lack of memorial of the casualties at the end of the movie, while it has happened before and after without taking care even less than MOS did, like in Avengers, GoTG, Star Trek to say the few... but I didn't see anyone claiming there I wonder why? because it isn't marvel? because it's Snyder? because there were jokes scenes at the end? The worst part is that some of those movies treat us as fools, pretending with that kind of events there weren't casualties, YEAH.. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
Yeah there were losts on MOS, I get it!!! but there were survivors, we have seen them, contrary of what other people pretend to tell us... THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT on a grounded scenario.. Geez!!!

Honestly I didn't see how that would fit with the story and the PERFECT ENDING ON THE DAILY PLANET SCENE!, and for the guys that didn't want to see it, Snyder did care for them, contrary to what some people said, he put the imaginery of a cementery where Clark and Martha and IMO they put that to sort of remembering the lost of Metropolis and Smallville even if it's not explicit, thing that's "necessary" for some guys, guys who lack of imagination if you ask me.

Snyder also said that BvS and Superman would face the MOS events in sort of way... As sort of connecting the universe adapted and of course connecting both movies.

But the odd part comes here because I bet the same people who claims this would be the same people that would be saying- hey why remembering the casualties? more sad stuff? why didn't end as a happy ending? blah blah, blah.

In other words people who wouldn't be satisfied with anything especially when it's about DC. Why I'm not surprised now? :funny:

With all the mass casualties in endless blockbuster movies and to have people only pick apart MOS is absurd. And every time it happens, I've found it's someone with an agenda. Then , of course, they don't hold their fav films to the same standards. Fanboy hypocrisy.
Exactly that's my point. but anyways... :O
The Guardians warned the Nova corp and Xandar was evacuated. Goes to show you that addressing it in even a throw away line would be helpful.

It has nothing to do with which company makes the movie and everything to do with the content of the film itself. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
Man of Steel did not address the catastrophic destruction (even though the film maker himself said he wanted to), other films at least touched on it at some point, end of story.

I think you misunderstood Snyder. He wanted to show consequences of having a super-powered alien. Which is destruction.

He basically said that it can be very messy as opposed to other Superman films were the fights were relatively clean.
Sigh! Do you remember that toy in a box half covered with plastic that you saw in the store and desperately wanted as a kid? Then you get the toy and realize that the best it had to offer was the shininess of it through the plastic and the exciting looking graphic presentation on the box. The actual toy doesn't have nearly as much detail or does all the things outlined on the box in an extremely one tone lackluster manner. MOS is, was and will forever be....that toy.
For me, I think something like this would have worked fine...

The death of zod scene ends with lois holding Superman, screen goes black..

6 months later flashes across the screen. we see a tv in a store window playing.
a large crowd is watching it. A reporter is talking about the devastation that happened and the ongoing rebuilding in metropolis.
we hear the words ''thousands were killed'' come from the reporter. we then see a shot of superman in the background on the tv, he's lifting large chunks of debris and pulling out survivors.

The reporting keeps talking, ''appears to be a friend''....'' but not sure what we should expect''....''magic or an alien?''....''Lex Luthor vows to protect us''. the crowd cheers at that.

camera cuts to clark kent, riding by on his bike. he hears the reporters words, he also hears the crowd and shakes his head.

we then see the same scene we saw in mos of clark starting work at the DP.
Yeah the Nova Corps were warned and they didn't do anything to the city where the big ship crashed full of people or did they know where they would crash befor it? :lmao:

Unbelievable the bias I'm seeing right now.
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Ooh look, another thinly-veiled Man of Steel thread.
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