Transformers Confirmed: Optimus Prime totally new design...more tidbits..

ragdus said:
transformers is a lot more popular than you think. just because the 8 yr olds you know don't like it does not change that fact. I personally know a slew of 8 yr olds that are completely enthralled with them.

I knew a lot of kids that collected Insectaurs and MASK when I was kid too.
Big deal.

Transformers 83 (yes 83 before the cartoon) to 87 was a phenom.
Followed by TMNT. Then Power Rangers years later.

Transformers today is not a phenom.
You're right, that's not a big deal.

But 20+ years of one successful cartoon, toy line and comic after another both in the US and even moreso in Japan probably is a bit more relevant than your halfassed retort.

but touché nonetheless!
I remember the 98 Godzilla movie toys being creepy looking and somewhat gross. The Japanese Godzilla is more likeable I suppose. Transformers keeps getting updated with newer versions of cartoons and such. I don't see that happening that often with Godzilla.
ragdus said:
You're right, that's not a big deal.

But 20+ years of one successful cartoon, toy line and comic after another both in the US and even moreso in Japan probably is a bit more relevant than your halfassed retort.

but touché nonetheless!

I just asked my daughter what "boys" are playing with in school (or in "after-school" care more like it). Yes, you're right. Transformers are in.
So touche to you too.

But, do you think it really has the cultural grasp that Transformers did back in 84-87? I don't know. Perhaps it does. It's tough to judge when you have a daughter. Pokemon seems to still reign supreme after all these years (what's up with that?! :mad: ).

I mean are the kids playing with Transformers today enthralled with the mythos and characters??? Are is it more like the "fad" of "those transforming toys" in 1983 (the minibots, cassettes, etc).... before the comic and cartoon came out and the mythos was established?
CFlash said:
You, my friend, don't know what Pop Culture means. It's not about what's *hot right now.* Pop Culture is about what is transmitted to *subsequent generations.* Transformers has barely survived... "Cult" would be a better classification. And it totally has not earned the place Godzilla has.

Power Rangers was bigger and longer lasting than TF. Hell, Pokeman is still going strong today. My daughter plays it (I HATE POKEMAN).

Pop culture means quite simply POPULAR CULTURE. Transformers has survived longer than Power Rangers, and made more money than it. Pokemon has made much more money but not survived. Godzilla generates much less money in America than TF and continues to take a huge share of the toy and collector markets. Godzilla has as much of a cult following as TF...end of story.
Of course TF is no longer a phenomenon. Phenomenons by their very definitions are events. The arrival of the transformers as a market force was a big event, just like TMN and Power Rangers. And then things level off.

That by no way is a measure popularity, relevance, or current market impact.

Transformers have remained extremely profitable ever since their inception. Do you know how many people are going to need to see this movie for it to not only make back it's money, but also turn a profit? If you lowball the production cost to 200,000,000 and highball the ticket price to $20 per, that still means they need 10 million asses in seats to make money. So even if this film were being made for (the increasingly dated idea of) Gen-X uberfans, they apparently feel there's at least 10,000,000 of them who'll go see this. I'm thinking any franchise with a core fanbase in excess of 10,000,000 is still QUITE significant.
CFlash said:
I mean are the kids playing with Transformers today enthralled with the mythos and characters??? Are is it more like the "fad" of "those transforming toys" in 1983 (the minibots, cassettes, etc).... before the comic and cartoon came out and the mythos was established?

I don't think that many of the original fans were as enthralled with the mythos as they were with these cool transforming toys, but that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are a lot of kids nowadays that are also big fans of the history of entire franchise. I wouldn't presume to put a number on it, but it's probably comparable to the the number of those interested in the mythos of the original way back when..
CFlash said:
You, my friend, don't know what Pop Culture means. It's not about what's *hot right now.* Pop Culture is about what is transmitted to *subsequent generations.* Transformers has barely survived... "Cult" would be a better classification. And it totally has not earned the place Godzilla has.

But, do you think it really has the cultural grasp that Transformers did back in 84-87? I don't know. Perhaps it does. It's tough to judge when you have a daughter. Pokemon seems to still reign supreme after all these years (what's up with that?! :mad: ).

I mean are the kids playing with Transformers today enthralled with the mythos and characters??? Are is it more like the "fad" of "those transforming toys" in 1983 (the minibots, cassettes, etc).... before the comic and cartoon came out and the mythos was established?

CFlash I think you are misguided a bit. Transformers outsales Hasbro's other top boy toylines...Star Wars and G.I.Joe. Transformers has never actually stopped. It's be re-vamped, re-duxed, changed, given new Alternate Universes, but the actual TF Brand Name has NEVER stopped.

You are right Godzilla is more of an impact over the generations than TF's. Not gonna argue that, but...
Transformers is now outselling many other boys' toylines once again. The only boys' toyline that I know right now for a fact that totally beats out TF's is the new TMNT.

I don't think that many of the original fans were as enthralled with the mythos as they were with these cool transforming toys, but that's just my opinion.
Quite right, most people who grew up with Transformers, we'ren't all enthralled with the mythos for very long. It was awesome for a little while to most people, but overall few really kept going with the original TF's. That's why G2 came out, then Beast Wars, then RID, then the Armadaverse. Homages were still paid to the original G1 and now newer toylines like Alternators/Binaltech give you G1 Re-Dux. And that's how this movie is going to be G1 Remade within a New Adaptation.
WalkingDead said:
CFlash I think you are misguided a bit. Transformers outsales Hasbro's other top boy toylines...Star Wars and G.I.Joe. Transformers has never actually stopped. It's be re-vamped, re-duxed, changed, given new Alternate Universes, but the actual TF Brand Name has NEVER stopped.

You are right Godzilla is more of an impact over the generations than TF's. Not gonna argue that, but...
Transformers is now outselling many other boys' toylines once again. The only boys' toyline that I know right now for a fact that totally beats out TF's is the new TMNT.

Quite right, most people who grew up with Transformers, we'ren't all enthralled with the mythos for very long. It was awesome for a little while to most people, but overall few really kept going with the original TF's. That's why G2 came out, then Beast Wars, then RID, then the Armadaverse. Homages were still paid to the original G1 and now newer toylines like Alternators/Binaltech give you G1 Re-Dux. And that's how this movie is going to be G1 Remade within a New Adaptation.

Your voice of reason is always refreshing to hear (read). I hope you hang out for the duration of this forum's life.
chicagodave said:
i think we all know they are taking many liberties with this franchise, but lets wait and see how it develops. im just glad their finally making the movie.

I second your opinion.
nosebleed said:
Your voice of reason is always refreshing to hear (read). I hope you hang out for the duration of this forum's life.
I really appreciate that.
I do plan to be here all the way until the end (post-movie release).
I'd be happy if they just use the same voice actors from G1 and at least resemble their originally look.
they need to hurry up and leak some images of at least one transformer so we can all stop panicking and either start yelling or start congratulating.
ComicKoryn said:
they need to hurry up and leak some images of at least one transformer so we can all stop panicking and either start yelling or start congratulating.

I'm sure they'll unveil an official pic of Optimus and/or Megatron at least I hope so.
WalkingDead said:
I really appreciate that.
I do plan to be here all the way until the end (post-movie release).

huh...too bad
Well there was that pic of tranformed bumblebee on his back on a rail cart. (you could tell he was on his back cause that little crest thing on his head was facing up)
I did some searchs on other designs of Optimus Prime and found some beautiful designs on :

Here's one example and i like it :up:

I'll believe it when I see it. The writer seemed to believe that the robot in the teaser was Optimus, and based on what we could see of the design, I doubt that it is. In addition to Robert Orci and the CEO of Hasbro both posting on the Don Murphy message boards saying that the character will be recognizable.
That last sentence sounds right but the first part of your post doesn't make sense. He wouldn't have revealed the character in any case, nevermind the likelyhood of him getting it so wrong.
it's waspinator.

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