World Could Superman's finger and toe nails be fashioned into weapons?


Nov 22, 2005
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Say someone found nail clippings from Superman, they'd have to be really strong. Could they make them into weapons?, knives etc.:)
maybe glass cutters , but what if you could harness supermans farts i think that be a greater weapon lol
ReTrO JuNkIe 42 said:
maybe glass cutters , but what if you could harness supermans farts i think that be a greater weapon lol
LMAO! I know it's a weird question but think about it.:) Or what if he gives Batman his hair to use as his Bat rope 'cause I'm sure it wouldn't break. Well, it would be pretty strong anyway.:D
yeah i think the hair would be able to hold bats and i imagine the finger and toe nails could do some serious damage
ReTrO JuNkIe 42 said:
yeah i think the hair would be able to hold bats and i imagine the finger and toe nails could do some serious damage
:) :up:

Somewhere, a dog barks....................
Now that I'm thinking about it, if Superman's hair and fingernails were as invulnerable as the rest of him, he'd be one nasty-looking guy, because he wouldn't be able to clip his nails or get a haircut.
you know, i think they stated that he cuts his own hair and whatnot with his eye beams that he somehow angles (to get the back of his head) with some supermirrors and the like - or perhaps he has a low-level kryptonite-radiation razor and scissor set
He shaves with his eye beams, I'm guessing he cuts his hair and toe and finger nails the same way. If you watch the Mr. Myxyzsptlik Episode in TAS you'll see him shave with his eyes. I'm sure I spelled MM's name wrong. But if you want to pronounce it, it's Mr. Mix-Yez-spit-lick.:)
ReTrO JuNkIe 42 said:
maybe glass cutters , but what if you could harness supermans farts i think that be a greater weapon lol
fart-in-a-can! it would sell millions.
Ming said:

Somewhere, a dog barks....................
What if a villian used said object in a crime or murder or something, and the Metropolis SCU finds Supes DNA and he's imprisoned for the crime?

No seriously though, the only way he'd be able to cut anything on his body would be by some sort of magic. Which is really the only thing that has been shown to cut him without killing him.

I thought the hair cutting thing was just a Lois & Clark thing. Not really in the comics.
I think once his nails or hair left his body they would be away from his aura and they would not be industructable any more.
Strange said:
I think once his nails or hair left his body they would be away from his aura and they would not be industructable any more.

in my best comic book guy voice " ah your logic is flawed cause there still under the yellow sun of earth and still apart of Superman" just playin around, :) i dont know
If you watch Krypto: The Superdog, you will see that his hair is still indestructible even fallel off, well at least Kryptos is.

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