Okay, I'm really sorry if this is in the wrong forum, and I was going to put it in "general movies" or "fan fiction", but instead put it here to be safe, so if this needs to be moved [or merged], please feel free to do so. 
Now, I was wondering if somebody would please help me create some sort of plotline for a movie? For my upcoming school year, we are supposed to create some sort of movie plotline for a project that will start really early, and the teacher assigned this at the end of last school year [so like may], and I figured I should at least think of something now.
I will not just steal the plotlines and use them as my own, but I figured you could all give me some ideas. I was originally planning on doing a comedy, but am now planning on doing an action/thriller type deal. I could use any suggestions for any genre though.
I didn't just want to make this all about me so I also thought, hell, if you guys and gals want, you can use this as your own thread to just make your dream movie plot/cast/etc.
I'm sorry if none of this makes sense, but I could really use the help. Thanks in advance! And again, feel free to post this thread where it belongs.

Now, I was wondering if somebody would please help me create some sort of plotline for a movie? For my upcoming school year, we are supposed to create some sort of movie plotline for a project that will start really early, and the teacher assigned this at the end of last school year [so like may], and I figured I should at least think of something now.
I will not just steal the plotlines and use them as my own, but I figured you could all give me some ideas. I was originally planning on doing a comedy, but am now planning on doing an action/thriller type deal. I could use any suggestions for any genre though.
I didn't just want to make this all about me so I also thought, hell, if you guys and gals want, you can use this as your own thread to just make your dream movie plot/cast/etc.
I'm sorry if none of this makes sense, but I could really use the help. Thanks in advance! And again, feel free to post this thread where it belongs.