Comics create a mutant( or teams)

It's okay but warhead actually sounds like that should be cannonball
drain-he can not touch people with out draing there life, like a reverse fountin of youth

burn out-wit his power when he touchs people he can makethem lose weight rappedley or complitley burn them out
People in america would love burnout considering most of america is obese
Shyeah, Marvel statistics.

Codename: Essence
Real Name: Olivia Everhart

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Glows a shade of light green. No visible pupils.
Hair Color: Jet black
Nationality: English
Base of Operations: Boston, Mass.
Mutation (s):

Chalk white skin; empathy; perpetually surrounded with an impenetrable bio-aura that triggers kinetic potential around her body to an active state, constantly causing her to float and anything she is in contact with to engage in constant motional activity, while also rendering her invulnerable. The velocity of her mobility depends on the force of her body's movement. (if that makes sense... basically, if she rapidly nudges herself towards one direction, she'll move VERY fast.)

Occupation: Student.

(should all add up to 18, I think.)
Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2
Speed: 3
Durability: 2
Energy Projection: 5
Fighting Skills: 2
Thats how I roll.

I'll probably post a full character design too.
I would do that but i don't know how to post pics
Hmm... the code should be
Thanks so many people have told me that but i'll never get it right
Update regarding my earlier posts with full character designssss.

surf said:
Belladonna Boudreaux - Due to the events of HoM, Belladonna's powers have drastically changed from her previous plasma blasting abilities. She is now capable of shredding space around her, causing "rips" in reality. When causing a rip in one location, she can manifest another rip in another location, connecting the two rips through an unknown dimentional continuum. (Imagine her poking an interdimentional hole through thin air, punching through it and then watching her fist punch out somewhere else.) She can also offensively use the concussive force of her rips. I havn't thought up a new codename for her. Help, maybe? :)


surf said:
Tarot - Marie-Ange Colbert. One of Emma's original Hellions. The only one to have survived the Trevor Fitzroy debacle that killed off the other Hellions. HoM has also modified her powers. While keeping her precognition, her initial mutation of giving images physicality has severely evolved. She can now manipulate the molecules of any inorganic object, rearranging them and altering their overall texture. (Think of Tarot taking... lets say... a pencil and reshaping it to look like a sword. Size, texture and all. Or maybe taking a shoelace or something and reshaping it into a whip.) With this ability, Tarot is the ultimate weaponist. She still uses her trademark tarot cards.


surf said:
Sunpyre - Leyu Yashida. Sunfire’s sister who shares the same powers as him.


Criticism, please.
Oh and I still need to come up with a new codename for Belladonna.
ghost113 said:
Dude, Sunpyre is dead

I'm aware.

I thought I'd play Marvel exec and resurrect people in my fanfic. :rolleyes:

No. Seriously, like I've posted before, I Chose Sunfire and Catseye BECAUSE they are dead. Its all explained in my fanfics.
thought i'd try my hand at some more new characters...

Real Name: Halle Thomas
Age: 20
Height: 5'6''
Weight: Undetermined
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Powers/Abilities: The atoms of Halle's body vibrate at a much higher frequency than those of normal matter. As such her body is constantly vibrating at such high speeds that she is perpetually blurred to the human eye. Whenever she is in contact with an object or person her vibrations will pass into them, causing inorganic objects to shake to the point of breaking or living creatures to shake to the point of going into shock. Since Halle's vocal chords vibrate at a much higher frequency than those of normal humans her voice is incredibly high pitched, when she speaks she can cause headaches as well as unconcioussness.

Equipment: Halle has been provided with a special pair of boots that keep her vibrations from disrupting the ground beneath, as well as a pair of gauntlets that do the same for when she touches other objects or people. She is able to release the vibrations through the gauntlets should she choose to. Halle has also been provided with a special voice modulator, bringing the pitch of her voice down to a more audible level.
Cool, but she sounds like surge with the gauntlets
Rather then create new characters i've expanded and developed a new X-Team out of the students at the school.

Phoenix Alone / Celeste Cuckoo: The last of the Stepford Cuckoos and leader of the X-men. Celeste was revealed to have been the sister that was chossen by the Phoenix force as it's new host. This caused a rift between her and Phoebe who became jealous of Celeste great power. Phoebe then defected to Apocalypse and became his horsewoman Death. During her attack on her Celeste, Mindee got in the way trying to stop the fight between her sisters but was killed by Phoebe. Angered Celeste turned on Phoebe, but unable to kill her remaining sister, she used her powers to absorb Phoebe's mind into her own keeping it locked away inside her and leaving her body a vegetable. Her powers are now that of an Omega level telepath, along with those of the Phoenix, but she is a troubled individual as influences of the now evil Phoebe tend to come out in her personality and actions from time to time.

Hellion / Julian Keller: Co-leader of the X-men, and lover of Celeste. During a battle with former teammate turned enemy Wither/Kevin Ford, Hellion became the victim of his death touch. Through the sheer will and concentration of his personality he was able to use his telekinetic powers to hold his conciousness together and 'house' it in a new body made souly of his telekinetic energy, despite his real body crumbling to dust. Though he is happy to be alive, this new body of his is unable to feel any sensation which causes a problems between him and Celeste.

Dust / Sooraya Qadir: After years of growing up in America Dust has culturalised to life in the west and has abandoned her burqa infavor for an X-men uniform and Hajib scarf that she wears with pride. She has come to realise that her desire to be hidden away from the eyes of men was due to underlying homosexual urges within herself and is now an open lesbian. She experience a brief and loving relationship with former student Bling/Roxy Washington until she was killed in an explosion during one of the X-Mens battles. Sooraya still keeps a small fragment of Bling's crystaline body that is now dust and holds it within herself to remember her by.

Wolfsbane / Nicholas Gleason: Adopted his new codename in honour of the original Wolfsbane/ Rhane Sinclair, after her death at the hands of the returned Dominant Species that came to recruit both him and Rhane. He has seriously gotten into body building and is known as the muscle of the group, though he is a sensitive soul despite his lycan outburst. His lycan mutation has also developed that when he bites other people with compatible blood types, he temporarily gives them slight werewolf-like characteristics and are under his control.

Trance / Hope Abbot: The only person present at the death of Emma Frost and Cyclops at the hands of a deranged Wolverine, leaving her permenantly suffering from post-traumatic-stress-disorder. Though curcumstancs of Wolverines escape are unkown, her fellow teammates are sucpicious that Hope knows something. Felt left out from her teammates she secretly leaves each night in her Astral form (which is immune to psychic as wel as physical attacks, and is capable of posession, as well as psychic and energy disruption) and joins the New Hell Fire Club as their White Queen in hopes of solving some big mystery regarding Emma and Cyclop's death.

Elixir / Josh Foley: The only surviving memeber of the New Mutants squad after the rest of his teammates were killed during the attack by Wither. He has become even more of a hard arse and lost all of his humours attitude. His powers have developed further to the point that he can control all human metabolic functions, as well as heal disease and injury upon physical contact. Though he has a fondness and slight romantic interests in Trance, unlike the rest of his distrusting teammates, he is deeply depressed and blames himself for not being able to save his former teammates and commits suicide every night in the privacy of his room, but his mutation kicks in everytime healing him and bringing him back to life.

What do you guys think? I know its a bit depressing for alot of the character but Hey!! post M-Day the kids have a though future full of heartache ahead of them. Let me know if u wanna hear more...
Is that Like a future X-men team that sounds cool but i don't like wolfsbane on that team
I didn't mean I didn't like her on that team I meant I don't like her at all.
its not a her, its a he, my future team is made up out of the current x-kids at the institute. This wolfsbane, is actually the current x-kid Wolf Cub/Nichola Gleason whos been seen in issue of New X-Men, Chamber mini-series, and Exiles.
i just read the kids profile and i love your ideas for him
afmvdp said:
Actually back in the day I wrote a little fanfic team idea Called Exodus.

Storyline: long before HoM about an alternate future timeline 30-40 years in the future where a group of mutants hellbent on superiority essentially erradicated most of the population of humans and mutants alike by combining the powers of two super mutants whose abilities reacted with each other creating a doomsday type scenario. One had the ability to essentially catalyst another mutants powers temporarilly making it much much stronger but doing so drained his life force and the other one had the ability to sap the power of all mutants in an certain area and turn that into pure energy then all the superheroes come in being tricked by a powerful psychic mutant into thinking that they needed to attack this mutant in order to prevent an explosion this mutant is enpowered by the catalyst mutant costing that one his life but he saps nearly all the x-teams and super hero and fellow super villian mutants in a massive upheavel of power and the power gets so great that he essentially explodes in a massive energy explosion (imagine something like 10 nuclear bombs igniting at once . In a moment of necessity a very aged and battered wolverine (and facing bouts of senility) locks away a small group of young x-kid survivors in an old bomb shelter . They come out a day later or so and see the aftermath of the world.


Logan: The same one we all know of course, yet he has a more beaten and ragged appearence. His hair is white, his movement slower and less refined. He is overwhelmed again with grief over what happened after realizing his son (who was found, had similar powers as his tho more feral and furry and no metal) was lost in the fight. After so many years of dealing with trauma he is slowly going senile. His heightened senses, agility, and such are dulled. He is still strong and a great fighter but no where near his hayday and that is another thing he is finally having to deal with. The fact that he is getting old and will eventually die and has nothing to show for his life, everyone he ever cared about or loved is dead, again and with the world in it's current state it doesn't look like things will be changing any time soon.

and then the new members:

Absynth: A small, attractive female with green skin and hair. Pixie like wings capable of short flight or gliding. Able to cause someone to go into a sort of awakened lucic dreamstate. They are still awake but reality and fantasy sort of collide into one confusion of hallucinations. A very mischevious and pucklike character.

Wailer: The offspring of Siryn and Cannonball. She essentially has the ability to force propel herself by directing sonic energy from her body. She does not have the invulernability of her father , but she does have the ability of turn that kinetic energy of her being hit or crashing let's say into a directed thermal energy she can expel through her hands. Sort of your depressed teen angst, average teen girl.

Shiva: a blue skinned, four armed mutant with the ability to essentially manipulate life force. Cannot create it at will, but can sort of move it from one place to another. Also very skilled with a trident weapon. A very rage filled individual bent on vengence.

Eyesore: The ability to shoot a thermal energy beam from his eyes. When he first developed this ability the process literally burnt his eyeballs right out of their socket blinding him. Because he is blind his other senses are enchanced, though not to a superhuman level. He does have a sort of thermal detection ability that allows him to sort of sense body heat of things around him which allows him to aim or target but he cannot actually "see" them. Think of a non-martial artist daredevil with flame eyes.

Cronus: Ability to grow to abnormally large size. Sort of your basic bruiser character although he is actually the youngest and least trained of all the characters. Only about 13 years old or so but with immense strength and power. Imagine the hulk during a temper tantrum. haha

ahh... I don't feel like typing this all out again. There was another that could control the flow of anything liquid and a telepathic feral fur girl. And then all the bad mutants. Anyway it sort of was written like a mad-max/fallout meets x-verse.

Funny thing is that it ends up only half the world is decimated and they have no clue, and the other half who found out about what happened are essentially walling themselves off, killing mutants, and arming themselves thinking that the destruction of the other half of the world was just a first wave attack.

It was actually rather well accepted but I just never got around to writing it further than the initial story and plot summaries for future stories.

Pretty good, better than the rest of these guys.:up:
Spectre722 said:
Blue Team
Rebound/Deshawn Washington: Has the ability to surround himself in an invisible force-field of hyper-accelerated electrons, enabling him to bounce off of objects at near sonic speeds. Allows for a degree of super-strength and super-speed. A strong leader and fierce combatant.

Adrenaline/Andrea Thompson: Has the ability to greatly increase her adrenaline flow throughout her body granting her temporary boosts in strength, speed, agility, and stamina. If she pushes her power too far for too long she grows extremely tired and risks serious damage to her respiratory system. Kind and genuine, she has a serious crush on Deshawn who is unaware of his best friend's feelings towards him.

Migrane/Adam Peters: Has the ability to gather concentrated amounts of psychic energy within another person's brain until it is released in a psionic explosion. The effects range from extreme pain to unconciousness to death. A shy, withdrawn boy, he ran away from home after his power accidentally caused the death of his grandfather.

Crystal/Courtney LeSalle: Has the ability to condense trace minerals in the air into super-hard diamond-like structures. A spoiled little rich girl from Beverly Hills, extremely flirtatious and arrogant. Currently dating Rebound, completely aware of Adrenaline's feelings towards him.

Sensor/Kashi Toyomaka: Has super-enhanced senses, including x-ray vision, thermal vision, and the ability to sense other mutants, along with a limited sense of precognition. A zen buddhist trained extensively in the martial arts in order to keep his abilities from overwhelming him. A calm and meditative man.

Red Team
Baggage/A.J. Clemmons: Has the ability to bring forth all of the negative and emotional memories of a person, essentially overwhelming them with depression. Leads the red team, but isn't very confident in himself and is very insecure about his hidden homosexuality.

Viral/Tanya Danner: Has the ability to infect other living creatures with a replica of her own genetic structure, temporarily transforming them into a fully sentient clone of herself. Somewhat unstable and dangerous considering her abilities.

Armor/Zacharias Dj'aiut: Has the ability to transform into a set of living, bio-metalic armor, adaptable armor. In his natural state he is nearly invincible Usually allows his teammates to wear him during battle. An exceptional team player who relies on the mental connection with his wearer to communicate for him since he only knows his native tounge of Swahili.

Pockets/Keisha Hopkins: Has the ability to shrink objects and place them into small pocket dimensions surrounding her body, pulling them out whenever she wants. A rational, well-educated young woman who is still uncomfortable with her mutancy.

Shotgun/Will Emmery: Has the ability to shoot powerful concussive blasts of "energy shot", that burst like those of a shotgun from his forearms. Extremely proud of his abilities, but also an extreme biggot, who is very antagonistic to his ethnic teammates.

Hey that's cool! :up: and some actual original abilities to boot!

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