I agree with pretty much everyone. DBZ does have potential, but they keep releasing the same games over and over, and then rinse and repeat the next gen. I've never been into the 2D fighter version. I do however enjoy the 3rd person ones (I even bought Raging Blast). It even makes sense for new games to come out considering DB Kai is airing in Japan, an MMO is about to come out, and no matter how awful it was a DB movie was released recently.
However they just blatantly milk the franchise. They release a 2D fighter with a limited roster, then a 3rd person one with a limited roster, then a new 2D one with a few more fighters, then a new 3rd person one with a few more, ect, ect. Would it kill them to shake things up, and release an RPG or 3rd person action adventure game. I've played 2 DBZ RPG's now (one I think was an NES game, and the other a GBA game), and both were fun.
DBZ is a franchise with a broad range of potential. The fast paced fighting, staying on Earth, going to other planets, to the afterlife, great characters, easy to insert new villains, and easy character progression. They just need to get their heads outta their asses and stop making the same two games. Hell, it wouldn't hurt to stop retelling the same story over and over again, and just make a new filler story with new villains.