Actually, making you a mod makes you less awesome, and considering your low level of awesomeness before you became a mod, you're pretty much all out of awesome at this point.
They made Hippe Hunter a Mod?!?
Yeah, I'm that awesome.
Actually, making you a mod makes you less awesome, and considering your low level of awesomeness before you became a mod, you're pretty much all out of awesome at this point.
proves that this place is going down hill
I think the "Teen" was put in for the cartoon in 2003. It's about time the comic dropped that. But i get a feeling nothing new will come from this. DC is putting out both Teen Titans (with Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Devil, Ms. Martian, Ravenger, and Blue Beetle in San Fransisco) and Titans (with Nightwing, Donna Troy, Flash, Red Arrow, Raven, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and eventually Tempest being a less formal team).
So far, I've got Speedy with HIV, and Connor with "braindead coma" (which will no doubt lead to an issue or two where Ollie and some other hero discuss pulling the plug).
Different Sunfire. It was an alternate-reality version of the 616 Sunfire's sister or something. She was a member of the Exiles, who are all from alternate realities anyway.Sunfire? Wasn't he some ******* mutant that quit the X-Men, got depowered like three times, and then became a horsemen of Apocalypse, only to get depowered again, and then repowered, and then join the Marauders and totally lose to the X-Men recently?
As have I. Of the original five Titans, one is my favorite character of all time, one is my fourth favorite character, and the other three are in my top ten. I'm holding out hope that this will be good.I've been begging for this to happen for quite some time. I like the idea of Teen Titans and Titans.
The gay assistant getting beat up in GL, Sunfire (?) in Outsiders being gay, I dunno if we're counting Jade cheating on Kyle but if we are then that.