Everything from the DCU Panel:
The films -- based on classic DC Universe stories -- are being produced at Warner Bros. Animation, with Bruce Timm providing overall supervision.
Making the announcement at the DC Universe panel, Levitz said that DC: The New Frontier comics creator Darwyn Cooke is writing the film version with animation veteran Stan Berkowitz and is providing art direction.
Levitz said that Superman/Doomsday will "take the essence" of "The Death of Superman" story. Duane Capizzi, from Kids' WB!'s The Batman and the recent Superman: Brainiac Attacks is writing the film, working with Timm.
Marv Wolfman, writer of The New Teen Titans comic, is co-writing The Judas Contract with Tom DeSanto, executive producer of the first two X-Men movies and producer of next summer's Transformers film.
"These are designed with the fans in mind," Levitz said, adding that he's open to idea for future films.
* In other news from the panel:
(I'm only gonna post the cover images of what people may have not seen)
* Paul Dini announced that he is writing a Black Canary/Zatanna graphic novel, with art by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti.
Dan DiDio asked the panelists to reveal on secret thing about one of their books. The responses:
Gail Simone: Might see Birds of Prey meeting up with the Secret Six.
Mark Waid: Might see Supergirl's return to Krypton.
Grant Morrison: The secret origin of Bat-Mite.
Geoff Johns: There will be three new members of the Teen Titans and one will be Raven.
Dini: Detective Comics might not be as standalone as readers think.
Kurt Busiek: Lana Lang versus the Insect Queen.
Brad Meltzer: In the Justice League/Justice Society crossover, there's a third team.
Terry Dodson: Neither Donna Troy or Diana is Wonder Woman in issue #3.
Jamal Igle: There's a certain Russian -- Mikhail Arkadin -- who is the Firestorm in issue #27
Bill Willingham: Detective Chimp will prove Batman is the best human detective, and Blue Devil gets a promotion and starts rhyming.
Danny Bilson: There's a young pissed off kid named Inertia.
Ivan Reis: "Sorry, I don't have a secret."
Greg Rucka, via DiDio: He wants to write The Question forever.
* DC displayed George Perez's cover to November's Brave and the Bold #1, written by Mark Waid, and Mike Mignola's cover to Tales of the Unknown #1.
* Dini said he anticipates J.H. Williams II returning as artist of Detective in about three issues.
* Meltzer said that Ed Benes will draw Vixen in Justice League of America #1.
* Asked about the All-Star Squadron, Meltzer said that might the third team in the Justice League/Justice Society crossover.
* Morrison: "The real Batman is going to come out and I think you're going to like him."
* DiDio said he would like to continue the big 80-page issues like Countdown and Brave New World on a yearly basis.
* Krypto? "We have definite plans for Krypto," Busiek said. "But I can't tell you where he is because that would blow some of the surprise."
* DiDio said that James Robinson has future DC work. "A number of projects," he said.
* DiDio said he didn't foresee any future Elseworlds projects.
* More Adam Strange? "If he makes it out of 52, there will be more," DiDio said.