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DC Comics characters policy on Smallville


Nov 21, 2007
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Gregory Noveck, senior vice-president -- creative affairs at DC Comics, told The Continuum that plans and characters for Season 9 of The CW's recently renewed Smallville are beginning to formulate.

"They're just starting to have those conversations," Noveck said. "At some point in the next few weeks, they're going to come to us and say, 'Here's our plan. Do you foresee any snags?'"

As part of his responsibilities, Noveck works with the show's creators in approving and incorporating other DC Comics characters.This season has featured such heroes as Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes and such villains as Doomsday, Plastique, Maxima, Persuader and Toyman.

Upcoming are Zatanna, played by Serinda Swan and shown above with Justin Hartley's Green Arrow, and the return of the Legion.

"I feel great about it," Noveck said of the show's increased use of DC characters this season. "The first three or four years the show was on the air, you have to be really specific and clear about what they were using from the mythology, both to establish the correct mythology of the show and to make sure it was in synch with the comic books.

"As the show evolved, though, they really developed their own style -- and their own mythology. It is its own continuity, so at this point, for me to say, 'Well, you can't use Doomsday that way because he's really this mindless beast from space and he must look like this on screen the first time we see him,' I don't think that's fair to the continuity that they're establishing.

"So, in its own way, its no different than New Frontier or from anything else we do in the comics that's almost an Elseworlds title. Fans at the end of the day know what the Superman continuity is from the comic books. This is another version of that continuity, re-told in a different way, moving the chess pieces around the table a little bit.

"I think it's fun. I'd be rather merciless for a show that's still a hit in Season 8 to say, 'Oh no, you can't do that now.'"

While the influx of DC characters reached new heights in Season 8, there are still areas where Noveck has to draw the line, including probably the most-requested character.

"Anything within the realm of the Superman franchise, we're happy to let them figure out how to use them," Noveck said. "We've often had conversations about how to use them and the interpretations. And there have been conversations over time, "Gee, wouldn't it be great if this guy named Hal Jordan showed up, or this kid named Bruce Wayne?' And we just won't go there. It's complicated, not only from a rights perspective, but from the character use.

"Those are the kinds of things that are obvious nos. But in terms of the Superman world, we've pretty much let them use anyone they've wanted within reason and reasonable interpretation of the character."


So Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince & Hal Jordon are off limits . But the rest of the DCU is up for discussion . So I wonder who's going to come to town in season 9 .
So Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince & Hal Jordon are off limits . But the rest of the DCU is up for discussion . So I wonder who's going to come to town in season 9 .

I am guessing they will bring more female heroes/villians since they can dress them off sexy and promote the hell out of them.
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damn, i was really hoping for a GL appearance (although i can see how it wouldn't really mesh well with the series plot and the upcoming movie for GL)
damn, i was really hoping for a GL appearance (although i can see how it wouldn't really mesh well with the series plot and the upcoming movie for GL)

I am guessing GL never makes the theaters. All that being said I really don't see how GL is feasible for a show on a budget, you could have Hal Joradn but I think it would take up to much budget actually having GL.

Speaking of Super hero movies, I have no clue why they don't do a Wonder Woman movie, only an idiot can screw up the potential of that one(although with WB behind it I would worry)
he says Hal is off limits doesn't mean Kyle is. They could do it like the cartoon.
If they had Bruce Wayne, Batman, Gotham the ratings would go through the roof.
^I agree, even for one episode ! I do not understand why Hal Jordan could not appear. I think it is ********. Just to avoid having the serie's GL better than the potential film's GL.
Everyone already appeared in Smallville except the big shots. that's ********. So there are more chances to see Blue Devil than Wonderwoman !??! WOW ! great !
I especially like the "obvious nos" part. :down
Maybe we could hope to see one GL who would not be in films ..... Well, when I see such interviews, I think it is better not holding my breath. :down
I think the creativity of this kind of product should not being tied up because of other products or films. Let them do it the good way.
I just want a version of the animated series two parter "The Main Man" and have Lobo show up. How awesome would that be. :D
well the producers have stated many times in the past and recently that bats and ww are and still offlimits. As for a gl i think its possible for a gl to be done decently on smallville's budget. As for the gl there is still guy,kyle, and john stewart human green lanterns they could still use.
What about Mon-el appearing.
As brandon Routh ?:woot:
I would not say no.
Firestorm I hope season 9 will have this hero


I hope this DC Superhero "Alpha Centurion" appears in season 9


Blue Beetle from the "Justice Guild of America"


The Spectre


Booster Gold "Justice Guild of America"


Black Lightning


Animal Man

well the producers have stated many times in the past and recently that bats and ww are and still offlimits. As for a gl i think its possible for a gl to be done decently on smallville's budget. As for the gl there is still guy,kyle, and john stewart human green lanterns they could still use.

I don't remember which season but it was either 2 or 3. The one where Lionel has Lex committed. There is a WW reference in the episode. It's a quick shot, but there's a newspaper on one of the tables and the headline is talking about the Princess from Themyscira.

The Atom
Adam Strange
The Spectre
Orion, Big Barda or Mr. Miracle (hinting at the existence of the 4th world)


The Parasite
Kalibak or Steppenwolf (again, foreshadowing to Apokolips)
Atomic Skull

Bring Back:

Mr. Mxyzptlyk

Those are the ones I'd like to see, both new and recurring...
How about Superman?
well yes they can make refences probably to bruce/bats as we have gotten with gotham and knightwing's cities getting mentions in the past. Same with diana's mom getting mention back in season 3. But its long been stated by gough/millar and now ps3 that actually having bruce or diana on the show is a no go. To much red tape with WB film division. They should atless let smallville use diana since it doesnt look like jla or ww film will be happening any time soon. As for heroes for next season if they cant get any big names due to restrictions i would think some lesser known guys like animal man, vixen, etc..... types of characters have a better shot of being used since they wont have so much red tape problems to go through.
^I agree, even for one episode ! I do not understand why Hal Jordan could not appear. I think it is ********. Just to avoid having the serie's GL better than the potential film's GL.

I dont think so Smallville has been hit or miss with its portrayal of the other heroes. For every Green Arrow there has been an Aquaman. I think a Smallville GL would be watered down and couldnt compare to a 2 hr movie with a large budget
What about Mon-el appearing.

Smallville producers are stupid and hero worship Superman to the point of idiocy. To bring in a character like Mon-El (in a story that should have been told in season 2) who has all the powers of Superman and no weakness to kryptonite, a character who is considered mightier than Superman. I don't think so.

It would be like Kara again (except he's a guy and a one episode thing so fans will perhaps be more accepting). How dare anyone excel Clark?! Newsflash, Superman is all and everything in the DCU!

Can you tell I'm angry:o
I always wanted to see an apperance by The Eradicator, my main theory back in the early days of Smallville was "Jor-el's voice aka Fortress Jor-el" would turn out to be The Eradicator (this would explain why Jor-el seemed so "evil" and "heartless" and seemed to try and force him into his destiny...) but alas that wasn't the case, so would love to see The Eradicator pop up and cause mayhem and force Clark to become more "Kryptonian"...

Also characthers that be cool to me for them to pop up:

*Atom (Ray Palmer)
*Black Lightning
*Imperiex: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperiex (maybe alil OTT tho lol)
*Project Cadmus (I know not a characther, but what the hell...lol)
*Red Tornado
Well hopefully if we get any new dc heroes next season they pick a good one or two.
well, if i understand correctly, they cant use Diana and Bruce unless their part of the main cast, so cant they add them to the main cast? like Green Arrow? it would seem like a logical step to take

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