How would you do DC characters on Smallville?


Dec 22, 2007
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I know it won't happen but since we have Aquaman, Impulse, Cyborg, GA,BC, Zatanna and MM that appeared on the series but what if more DC characters start to appear on Smallville.

How would the story play out?

Which DC character would you use?

Would he/she have a costume? and what would it look like?

In other words how would you "Smallville-ize" DC characters?

P.S This is just for fun and I had an idea from the thread on about how cool would be to have GL appear on the show.
Well, not a character as such - just the costume. I'd introduce the Superman costume at the end of the run. Even if its set much later than the series as if time has passed, it gives it a sense of closure that I think it needs to put it to bed. You don't have to have him fight Doomsday wearing it or anything, but if you got a shot of him suited up before the closing credits then that'd be a suitable ending.
Well if they could get Wonder Woman its an easy setup. In an episode from a few seasons ago. We see a newspaper headline that says "Themyscara Queen addresses the UN". The Queen is WW's mom. They could have Diana (WW) be accompanying her to the US and they come to Metropolis. As we know in the comics their has always been a physical attraction between Supes & WW. So we can see Diana & Clark have some sparks flying...Of course Lois is jealous.

I would love to see a Golden Age superhero make an appearance. He could be another role model for Clark. I would prefer Dr.Mid-Nite. But, I am biased since I started to write a story using him in the Kryptonsite forum.
Well if they could get Wonder Woman its an easy setup. In an episode from a few seasons ago. We see a newspaper headline that says "Themyscara Queen addresses the UN". The Queen is WW's mom. They could have Diana (WW) be accompanying her to the US and they come to Metropolis. As we know in the comics their has always been a physical attraction between Supes & WW. So we can see Diana & Clark have some sparks flying...Of course Lois is jealous.

I would love to see a Golden Age superhero make an appearance. He could be another role model for Clark. I would prefer Dr.Mid-Nite. But, I am biased since I started to write a story using him in the Kryptonsite forum.
Yeah, I would like to see an episode with WW like that. That'd be cool :)
Firestorm would've been perfect to show up while Clark was in college. A regular science geek who gets in an accident. Of course the whole "fusing with somebody else" might've been a bit hard to explain, but need be, they would've left that part out.
Well if they could get Wonder Woman its an easy setup. In an episode from a few seasons ago. We see a newspaper headline that says "Themyscara Queen addresses the UN". The Queen is WW's mom. They could have Diana (WW) be accompanying her to the US and they come to Metropolis. As we know in the comics their has always been a physical attraction between Supes & WW. So we can see Diana & Clark have some sparks flying...Of course Lois is jealous.

I would love to see a Golden Age superhero make an appearance. He could be another role model for Clark. I would prefer Dr.Mid-Nite. But, I am biased since I started to write a story using him in the Kryptonsite forum.

I'm totally not down with this idea.

Wonderwoman should be like tarzan, just a girl, and with superpowers. She's an amazon from a magical island where there is no time. Not the spoiled daughter of some foreign dignitary, which is how the above would turn out on smallville (ie. SV's maxima, as a brunette)
Bring in the batman already..

bruce wayne oh man.
yea it sucks do to the restrictions from wb films/dc comics that batman and wonder woman are offlimits and cant be used in the show. Then they can only get rights for certain characters like take for example we got cyborg, then bart allen for flash/impluse instead of barry/wally/jay, and then aquaman since nothing is going on with him really. Then green arrow to replace batman since bats off limits and then the other characters like angel of vengence and the upcoming zatanna episode and all that.
lthe story should be a mixture of Superman #80 (January–February 1953),Superboy #89 (June 1961), and February 2007's Action Comics Annual #10 but smallvillized
Superman #80 :
"Superman's Big Brother", in Superman #80 (January–February 1953), introduced a character named Halk Kar — who had a logo-less costume almost identical to Superman's, but with the red and blue colors reversed — as a super-powered alien much less powerful than Superman. Halk Kar was essentially the original prototype for Mon-El.
In the story, Halk Kar crash-lands on Earth in a rocketship and is rescued by Superman, who discovers that Halk Kar suffers from amnesia. Discovering a note from Jor-El (Superman's father) in Halk Kar's possession which mentions Jor-El's son, Superman assumes that Halk Kar must not only be from his own planet Krypton, but he must be a son of Jor-El and thus also his own older brother.
Superman quickly realizes that Halk Kar is less powerful than he is and — instead of subjecting him to embarrassment over the fact that he may be weaker than his younger brother — opts to use his own powers to cover for Halk Kar's deficiencies. Unfortunately, this plan backfires on Superman, as Halk Kar begins to assume a superior attitude to Superman and even begins to make romantic advances on Superman's girlfriend, Lois Lane.
Finally, after Halk Kar is exposed to a powerful electric shock inflicted on him by criminals, he recovers his memory and explains to Superman who he is and how he came into possession of a note from Jor-El. He says that his name is Halk Kar and that he is from the planet Thoron, which is in the same solar system as Krypton was (the planet "Thoron" was named after thoron, an isotope of Radon-220, just as the planet "Krypton" was named after the chemical element krypton.) Years ago, while on a pioneer voyage into space, he landed on Krypton with his damaged rocketship. There he met Jor-El, who explained that Krypton's destruction was imminent and repaired Halk Kar's rocketship, sending him away with the note which had a map from Krypton to Earth on it. Krypton exploded shortly afterward, causing Halk Kar to be put into suspended animation until he drifted to Earth to meet Superman, the grown-up son of Jor-El referred to in the note.
After explaining his story, Halk Kar bids farewell to Superman and returns to the planet Thoron in his repaired rocketship, leaving Superman with the experience of briefly having had a brother.
superboy# 89:
Superboy #89 (June 1961), the story recycled much of the plot of "Superman's Big Brother," replacing Halk Kar with Mon-El (who was given the name of Lar Gand in a later story).
Lar Gand is a Daxamite, an alien from the planet Daxam. Exploring the galaxy, he landed on Krypton, but was immediately warned by Jor-El of the planet's imminent destruction and was given a map to Earth. He then went into suspended animation. After a few years, he landed on Earth and met Superboy. Although Gand suffered from amnesia upon landing on Earth, he and Superboy became good friends. Under Earth's yellow sun, he had powers like those of Superman; this led Superboy to believe that Gand might be his heretofore unknown long-lost brother. Superboy named the amnesiac alien "Mon-El": "Mon" because he landed on Earth on a Monday, and "El" for Superboy's own Kryptonian family name. Monel is also a metallic alloy, an appropriate name for the brother of the man (or boy) of steel.
Mon-El moved into the Kent home and created his own human secret identity (Bob Cobb) to integrate into Superboy's hometown of Smallville; when in alien garb, he accompanied Superboy on his heroic feats. However, when Mon-El failed to experience pain during an unnoticed inadvertent exposure to kryptonite (which is radioactively poisonous to all Kryptonians), Superboy suspected Mon-El was deliberately pretending to be a Kryptonian for some nefarious purpose. Understandably infuriated over what he believed to be a deliberate manipulation of his desire for ties to his original Kryptonian family, Superboy created a fake kryptonite meteorite made of lead and, when Mon-El was debilitated in his presence, Superboy believed his reaction to be proof of deception. However, Mon-El turned out to be in genuine pain because, in a remarkable piece of irony, Daxamites are highly sensitive to lead, even more so than Kryptonians are to kryptonite; whereas Kryptonians can recover from kryptonite poisoning if removed from exposure in time, even a small amount of lead exposure causes fatal, irreversible poisoning to Daxamites. Having regained his memories of meeting Jor-El and of his true nature, "Mon-El" was dying, so a guilt-ridden Superboy transported him into the extradimensional Phantom Zone until a cure could be found. Gand spent one thousand years as an insubstantial, telepathic phantom, able to watch everything that happened in the outside world, but unable to affect it in the slightest. The one advantage of Mon-El's situation was that as a phantom, he could not be hurt by the poisoning and could live indefinitely in the Zone.
Action Comics Annual #10,:
Who is Clark Kent's Big Brother?", featuring the official story of how Clark met Mon-El. Sticking close to the earliest Mon-El origin, the story features young Clark—Smallville's secret "flying boy"— encountering an amnesic, English and Kryptonese-speaking alien being. Along with similar powers to Clark, the alien possesses cryptic bits of knowledge about Krypton and Jor-El, which leads to Clark thinking they might be brothers. Thinking him kin, Clark offers to allow the amnesiac to fashion a temporary name for himself using the surname "El", to which the alien adds "Mon" for Monday, the day of the week that he came to Earth. They share a few adventures saving a riverboat, stopping a wreck on the freeway, and taking apart an out-of-control amusement park ride. All the while, Mon-El continues having troubled dreams featuring glimpses of his still-forgotten past. Mon-El suggests to Clark that they use a piece of Kryptonite to test if he is indeed Kryptonian. The lead casing of the Kryptonite causes Mon-El to be fatally poisoned, but lifts the fog over his memories. He remembers that his real name is Lar Gand, born on Daxam, second world orbiting the star named "Valor". Lar Gand's people, the Daxamites, have a toxic allergic reaction to lead, much in the same way Kryptonite is fatal to Kryptonians. He was a scientist who discovered Krypton's fate and tracked down the path of the rocket sent right after the world exploded. A sunspot storm ruptured his fuel cells, causing him to crash and lose his memory. At his request, Clark uses a portal to the Phantom Zone to put Mon-El in stasis. Clark promises he will find a way to cure him, even if it takes a thousand years.
Mon-el crash lands in smallville with amnesia and with kryptonian writing by Jor-el which mentions Jor-el son so Clark assume he has a brother and calls him Mon-el since he doesn't remember his name so Clark and tries to hold a secret identity as Bob Cobb but he when he saves Lois in his superhero costume smallvillized version of this costume ( combined with the red and blue clark kent clothes and Oliver's Good Samatarian disquise but with the but with the red and blue colors reversed<,> she calls him Valor in a newspaper article. lois is intrested in Mon-el and vice versa so Clark acts jealous but otherwise Mon-el and Clark are good freinds. Mon-el and Clark face an incidence which includes Kryptonite so Clark is weakened but Mon-el isn't and stops the criminal. and the rest is going to be like the comics.
Mon-el!!! I love your thinking ironman29758, since I heard the Legion were coming this season was hoping Mon-el would pop up too...oh well :(

Would love to see WW and Batman but never gonna happen (but Green Arrow mostly taken up the Batman personality/storyline so that keeps me happy lol).

I always wanted to see an apperance by The Eradicator, my main theory back in the early days of Smallville was "Jor-el's voice aka Fortress Jor-el" would turn out to be The Eradicator (this would explain why Jor-el seemed so "evil" and "heartless" and seemed to try and force him into his destiny...) but alas that wasn't the case, so would love to see The Eradicator pop up and cause mayhem and force Clark to become more "Kryptonian"... :)

Also characthers that be cool to me for them to pop up:

*Atom (Ray Palmer)
*Black Lightning
*Imperiex: (maybe alil OTT tho lol)
*Project Cadmus (I know not a characther, but what the
*Red Tornado
Why does everyone want Batman on Smallville so bad? Clark isn't even Superman yet and you want Bruce Wayne as Batman? lol. What would he be doing in Metropolis anyway, and he's barely at the stage of training at this point.
Why does everyone want Batman on Smallville so bad? Clark isn't even Superman yet and you want Bruce Wayne as Batman? lol. What would he be doing in Metropolis anyway, and he's barely at the stage of training at this point.

Well I think he would be in the Lex/Oliver age range 26-28 so he be half-way thru his training maybe...and with the whole Metropolis part, Bruce would be in town because something to do with Wayne Enterprise and Luthorcorp, maybe a business deal (or rivalry) is going on, and why he is there as "Batman" (or an alternative name at this time like Dark Knight...) is something relating to Lex's dodgy dealings...I think why most people wanna see Batman is cause Superman and Batman have always been close and shown as a great team in the comics (the Yin and Yang factor has always been interesting to me) and also Batman is cool fullstop :)
yea i would have had bruce be older like lex/ollie. And in most incarnations i heard about he became bats around 25-30yrs old.
The answer to this question is simple: I, personally, wouldn't.

How many heroes have appeared on the show already? Last count: 10. Impulse, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, the Legion trio, and now Zatanna. (Whoops - make that 11. Forgot about Super-Lana. :rolleyes: )

All of these heroes appear before this version of Clark becomes Superman.
I think they should kinda foreshadow the younger people like have some kid that wants to be like Green Arrow and you hear a mom say "ROY HARPER COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT" I mean to me that is just cool!
well u forgot angel of vengence which was based on a dc heroine named arcane(spelling).
yea she was partially based off the acrata character.
yea she was partially based off the acrata character.

I loved that characther/ep on Smallville she was cool and hott :) wonder whatever happened to her :(
You know they'd just have Bruce wearing black jackets and yellow t-shirts all the time.
well he probably have a leather/armor looking suit in simular mannor to the jlers suits, and have a mask simular to angel of vengence's one(no hoodie/glasses for bruce).

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