To me it he seemed to imply that Batman has a sense of humour. He used the very first bullet created (that was the basis of the bullet Joe Chill used to kill the Wayne family) and shot the incarnation of pure evil.
Well, yeah, he did make a joke about that, but there was meant to be more to it than that, I believe. It was suppose to symbolize coming full circle for Batman or something like that; I remember Morrison explaining it somewhat in more detail once.
Anyway, thoughts on some solicits:
-Boo on final issue of
Madame Xanadu, not even going to get another full arc. God, I can't help but be so annoyed at this. Cancellations happen, but it's one thing when something just doesn't make the sales, and another when it's because DC wants to take back characters when they won't even use 95% of them worth anything (and the 5% they do use probably won't amount to much). Regardless, it was a good run of relatively decent length by today's standards, so I'm glad for that, even if the lovely Madame will be thrown back to obscurity or irregular guest appearances.
Batwoman's price is disappointing. I knew it was only a matter of time before the price gouging came to DC's main publishing arm, but it's still harsh to see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that only issue zero will be $3.99, and the rest of the series will settle at $2.99 come February, but somehow I doubt it. I don't know, I still think I'm going to pick up the series, but I'm much less certain now.
-I was thinking of trying out
Batman, Inc. and
Batman: Dark Knight, but the price hikes means I'll be skipping them as ongoings. I'll probably eventually pick up the trades to the former like I plan to with the rest of Morrison's Batman run post-RIP, but the latter I'll just wait and see on.
-Finally, I was beginning to wonder when we'd actually see that
Superboy ongoing.
-That whole
DC Presents: JH Williams III seems kind of pointless. It's all
Chase issues, and if you want them you can just pick up the trades to it. If the trades aren't in print, or if the series just wasn't collected, reprint it all instead of just a select few. Just weird.
-I'm trying to remember if I picked up
The Extremist in the past
. It sounds really familiar, so I'll have to do some digging around to see if I have it. If not, I'll probably pick that reprint up eventually, since it's Milligan.
-Joe Kelly on
Superman/Batman regularly would be awesome, DC. I'm just saying.
-Still not totally on board with Snyder's
Detective Comics, but it does sound interesting. I'm getting a very Dini-ish vibe from it in the sense that it's going to mostly be fine, solid Batman stories. If so, I'll probably give it a shot.
-I must say, Winick really surprised me with taking over
Power Girl from a writing standpoint. Guy hasn't done anything worth a damn in a long time from what I know, so I'm glad the first two issues have been okay. What I have disliked is him tying it into
Generation Lost, and apparently planning to do so even more. Not only am I not reading that, but one of the appeals of this title was it's isolated nature. I'll keep with the book, though, as I have a feeling it won't last much longer.
And that's all the thoughts that stick out. The rest of the stuff seems more or less the usual.