The Minute Men, in my opinion, is a group of racist vigilantes who don't care one bit about the national security of our country. They're more concerned with the fact that Mexicans are coming over here illegally. If Canadians were illegally entering our country and taking our jobs, they certainly wouldn't go to the Canadian border and hunt them down.
This organization, and the entire debate over illegal immigration, is race motivated. The Minute Men has scapegoated an entire race of people, and I don't think they benefit the public good at all.
Well, since Canadians are not flooding over the boarder taking American jobs (as you put it) there is no real way of proving that this is in any way "race motivated."
But hey it sounds really provocative.![]()
The difference between Mexican and Canadian in this case is that Canadian culture isn't that far removed from American culture. Both countries mostly speak English as their predominant language. Mexico, on the other hand, is considered more foreign since the majority of the illegals are poor and more uneducated, and typically don't speak the language. They are much easier to label as "aliens."
I know race does play a part here, but I really think it's a class and language barrier issue. People feel like their standard and quality of life is at risk of being diminished.
I think it cuts both ways. During the protests in May of 2006, where loads of latinos decided not to work that day, they were in downtown Los Angeles waving Mexican flags. If someone wants to be a part of this country, why would they wave the flag of another nation?
This is a great point.I think it cuts both ways. During the protests in May of 2006, where loads of latinos decided not to work that day, they were in downtown Los Angeles waving Mexican flags. If someone wants to be a part of this country, why would they wave the flag of another nation?
Why should someone be forced to give up their national pride? And on top of that, why shouldn't they wave the flag of their home country, considering they had become a national scapegoat overnight?
I find it funny, that Immigration was actually not to high on the list of issues till in 2007 they here in Houston boycotted and striked, not going to work, and marched down the streets with Mexican flags saying "We Owe Them"
Then they just ended up pissing off those people that were quiet about it.
This little strike they had, just shot themselves in the foot.
No. People have made this a white versus Hispanic issue. I have people who call into my office every day and say that they want to lob grenades at rafts coming from Cuba, or shoot every Mexican who crosses the border. I think that's completely ignorant. That ignorance has led the majority of anti-immigrant Americans to think that every Hispanic person they see on the street is an illegal alien. It has definitely contributed to anti-Hispanic sentiments in this country, and if you deny that, you're blind to the social problems plaguing American society today.
This is a great point.
I personally believe that the Minute Men are there ONLY because our government and the Mexican Government has failed to do anything about the Illegal Criminals coming into this country. The MM do not engage the Illegals, only call Officials to come and deal with them. They are Patriots doing the job for all of America. They are doing a service.
The Problem with Illegals is not a race issue, it is both an Economic and Criminal Issue. We have a legal immigration process. They should respect that, and not bypass our customs and legalities. Economically they are a burden, both making money and sending it to their home countries: taking that money out of our economy, and Socially: like Medical and Educational Services, not also to count Prisons. They are a burden, costing us more and more every year, and not contributing to our society. Only to the betterment of their native countries.
Supermanbeyond said:To me, it doesn't matter if it is the Canadian or Mexican Boarder, these people do not belong here. If they wish to join, respect our laws and do it legally. And for your information: 80% of all Illegal Criminal Aliens in this country are Mexican, 20% are other.
BTW I live in Las Vegas where about 50% of the population is Hispanic and none of that is happening here. I have a significant number of Hispanic friends who came here legally who are just as pissed off as the evil white man.
I find it funny, that Immigration was actually not to high on the list of issues till in 2007 they here in Houston boycotted and striked, not going to work, and marched down the streets with Mexican flags saying "We Owe Them"
Then they just ended up pissing off those people that were quiet about it.
This little strike they had, just shot themselves in the foot.
I doubt that's true.
mostly because the people that immigrate legally understand that the people illegally crossing the border do so out of desperation and need, not some criminal impulse to "cut in line".
so, yeah I seriously doubt that, because I have much more Hispanic friends than you ( I guarantee it) that happen to be US citizens and they are far from pissed off.
Do you.. really.... you guarantee it?![]()
Translation = I dont like what I am hearing so I am going to claim you are lying and apply my own theory without any facts to back any of it up. CLASSIC!
Tell you what contact Lupe Moreno of the Santa Ana Minuteman Project or Anti-illegal-immigration activist Andy Ramirez or the 32% of Latinos in the Gallup poll in June, who believe immigration levels should be decreased, and three in 10 believe that the government should not make it easier for undocumented immigrants to become citizens. You go right ahead and claim that they are bigots that hates Hispanics.
All records are of public record.. look em up.
Nope no Hispanics are pissed. LMAO
sorry still laughing.
If the people that are illegally coming to this country are primarily Hispanics how you address the issue without calling them Hispanics?
It is not a race issue it is people being descriptive of where the majority of the problem is originating. Just because you have had contact with a few bad apples does not mean that everyone in this country that wants to see our laws enforced by our government is a bigot.
That is like saying, because you have a few bad cops around the country that “all cops are bad.” I always find it amusing how people try to force their perspective to fit the national picture. As for you “anti Hispanic” claim. I have yet to see any news of hate crimes against Hispanics, any mistreatment of Hispanics come to light as of yet. So where you are getting all of the” social problems plaguing American society today where Hispanics are concerned is a real mystery.
BTW I live in Las Vegas where about 50% of the population is Hispanic and none of that is happening here. I have a significant number of Hispanic friends who came here legally who are just as pissed off as the “evil white man. “
I didn't say this was an issue of terminology pertaining to illegal aliens. I said this was an issue of race, and specifically when it comes to people who aren't here illegally. People are starting to attack Hispanics who aren't illegal aliens, who are here legally or on a student visa-- and it needs to stop. That's my problem with this whole thing. It's turned into a full-fledged assault against all Hispanics, not just illegal aliens.
I really don't think that's true at all.
just means I'm Mexican.see, that's a fact.
and I have more Hispanic Friends than you, simply by laws of average, also, I live in a border town, so most of them are US citizens.
so....uh....there you go.
well actually you claimed
[/size]"I have a significant number of Hispanic friends who came here legally who are just as pissed off as the evil white man. "
I claimed you were lying, and I still do. since even though the Gallup poll information is real and I already knew about it, this has nothing to do with the argument you presented, no matter how much you try to connect it.
I never said "no" Hispanics are pissed.
I said you lied when you said a significant number or Hispanics were pissed, let alone, you implied that these people were migrants, to an extent, Mexicans even.
I called bull**** on that. and again, still do.
because wanting to reduce immigration, both legal and illegal seems a far cry from "being pissed".
of course you enter the realm of the catch 22 since you deem 32% a significant number, then the remaining 48% of US citizens in the gallup poll you mention are also quite "significant".
but yeah, keep laughing.
seems like the kind of thing people like you do.
laugh after being proven wrong ( and liars to boot) kind of sand, but...whatever.