🇺🇲 Discussion: General Election 2024, 🥥 VS 🍊

US News
Hope Trump himself gets booed

Oh, it gets so much ****ing better.


About what you expect at a large gathering of pot heads, tech bros, and pedophiles. I have absolutely no idea what any GOP member is doing at a Libertarian Party event.

CNN - RFK Jr. loses in first round of Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination vote. Trump didn’t file paperwork to qualify.

Hey Scottie, your Republican Justice Clarence Thomas actually opposes Brown v Board of Education.
Trump must be fuming, lol. He has thin skin.
That's less than 1% of the convention that nominated him if that is accurate.
I am just so confused what this stunt was about. Did he think it was just another AIPAC convention? Is he that desperate for another piggy bank to rob clean?
That's less than 1% of the convention that nominated him if that is accurate.
It's less than .75% if that's accurate. 6/8 is 3/4 is .75. With over 800 possible... < .75

There aren't a lot of libertarians though. LOL. I can see why they don't like Trump though. He doesn't come close to fitting their mold.
I am just so confused what this stunt was about. Did he think it was just another AIPAC convention? Is he that desperate for another piggy bank to rob clean?
I think that HE thinks he can just walk into anyplace and people will roll over for him cause he's just that goddamn charming and convincing. His narcissism at work.

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