Well, here's what I told her. I told her I'm tired of being mad at eachother for crap that happens on the phone because it's not represenative of our actual relationship. It's us talking on the phone because it's all we got for now. We'll be distracted, busy with other things, not wanting to talk, all sorts of stuff. It's our way to communicate. So being mad about piddly little issues on the phone is stupid, it's not how we actually are. She disagreed, of course, using a bad example like "oh, so if I told you I was cheating on you, it wouldn't really matter because it was on the phone, you couldn't get mad at me". I told her she was wrong, because I'm referring to stupid little miscommunication issues. I'd be furious if she told me she was cheating in person, on the phone, on IM, through fax, whatever, doesn't matter where. But we shouldn't get mad because one of us is distracted or busy and can't give 100% attention to one of 6 daily phone calls about how much homework sucks.