The Dark Knight Rises Do you believe Batman Quit?


Jul 1, 2006
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Afternoon guys, so I have this one friend who absolutely hates this movie because to him batman should never quit.

Am I wrong to believe he doesn't? Sure he doesn't suit up at the end up but he put everything in place for Batman to return (signal restored, coordinates to the cave). And while yes it is obvious that Blake is now set up to become Batman, I don't get why its hard to believe that Bruce along with Selina would take on the Batman Beyond mentor role from a distance...
Batman wants you to keep guessing..
That was basically the motivating element to having try to make it 'okay' that Wayne is moving on and trying to salvage some peace in his life, but that he has established a continuing legacy of duty to the city. Just the idea of Batman being mortal and not being able to do this forever was, I think, a bold thing to at least try to tackle by these storytellers...and do it a bit differently than the obligatory broken old man Wayne.

Tell your friend that this has basically been an 'elseworlds' alternative take on Batman from the very beginning and not meant to be definitive.
Batman didn't quit. He died with the bomb

Bruce Wayne moved on to live his own life
Bruce Wayne quit.

Batman didn't. As seen in the very last image.
Afternoon guys, so I have this one friend who absolutely hates this movie because to him batman should never quit.

Am I wrong to believe he doesn't? Sure he doesn't suit up at the end up but he put everything in place for Batman to return (signal restored, coordinates to the cave). And while yes it is obvious that Blake is now set up to become Batman, I don't get why its hard to believe that Bruce along with Selina would take on the Batman Beyond mentor role from a distance...

Does your friend realize the physical toll it takes to be Batman? Did he not see the condition Bruce's body was in? Did he see the beatings he was taking? He is not superhuman. He cannot continue this forever. He HAS to stop at some point. He finally realized his limits. So he went out one last time and used up what was left in him physically.

And after giving it all, he knows he has Blake as insurance to continue to protect the city, if Batman's "death" wasn't enough of an inspiration and symbol for the city to completely rise up and persevere after all the madness.

And yes, no reason to believe that Bruce couldn't mentor Blake and share with him his extensive knowledge.
Well, Batman really didn't again, he's perpetuating a lie with the people of Gotham by providing them with a martyr, instead of truthfully telling them that he survived, but that he's stepping aside for the new hero to come in. But we can let that slide. :D
This isn't the comics, Bruce Wayne as Batman doesn't go on forever and ever. The shot with Blake at the end and the "Robin" nod was Nolan's way of showing that Gotham wouldn't be without a protector if needed.

For goodness sake, let Bruce have some peace in his life. ;)
Batman is a mystery best left never to be solved, let's just leave it at that. Even though a lot of us say we know who Batman is, we don't. If you try to think like him, you could get some scary results. Now we know how it feels to be one of the superstitious criminals:

"How did he do that? Is Batman immortal? Did he literally fly out of The Bat and saved himself?"

Like those criminals, it's best that we just not know how it happened for once. Batman is a mystery
Batman quit? Did your friend happen to see that Bane injured his freakin' back. Put him in an underground jail no one escapes from. Put a video feed so he could watch how he tore his precious city apart. Did Batman quit? No, he got his body back in shape, escaped the jail, and saved his city. So why begrudge him a happy ending with a beautiful woman? I say he earned his new life.
Batman is dead in the eyes of ordinary citizens of Gotham, but as we know that he (Bruce Wayne) is still out there ...somewhere...and Fox will eventually get back control of Wayne Enterprises when he proves that stock transactions done when bane attacked the Stock exchange were all fraudulent. future when there is some serious threat to Gotham.. Batman will return again...

Director leaves the future of batman open to interpretation and imagination.
I'd like to believe Bruce moved on with his life, yes. But then comes the question as to how Blake is going to learn all the moves and pay for everything and blah blah blah. So it's likely he'd stay on as a mentor for a bit as someone previously mentioned.
They want you to think Batman is dead...and then you get "The Dark Knight Returns" with a different set up
Let's hope he doesn't pull a Favre.

If anyone actually 'quit' was Alfred.
Let's see: Stay in Gotham and have your life get worse and worse.... OR, run off to a beautiful foreign country with a beautiful girl (perhaps the only girl in the world who can understand how screwed up you are, because she's equally as screwed up)? Hmm. Not a hard choice.
Afternoon guys, so I have this one friend who absolutely hates this movie because to him batman should never quit.

Am I wrong to believe he doesn't? Sure he doesn't suit up at the end up but he put everything in place for Batman to return (signal restored, coordinates to the cave). And while yes it is obvious that Blake is now set up to become Batman, I don't get why its hard to believe that Bruce along with Selina would take on the Batman Beyond mentor role from a distance...

Batman didn't quit. He retired. When setting this in a loosely real world environment, you have to factor in people age and bodies deteriorate. Especially ones that are pushed to the brink like Bruce's is. He physically couldn't really do it anymore and mentally has finally been able to put the past of his parents--and now Rachel--away and live life for the first time.

Some like to see Batman being Batman until he is dead or old and gray, but this is a perfectly fine interpretation. And no, I do not think Bruce or Selina will return to Gotham. They put that behind them and started fresh. The point is Bruce's story is done but the legend lives on. Blake will carry on the Dark Knight's legacy and Bruce will finally carry on in living. It is not Frank Miller or even Paul Dini, but I like it.
Batman is more than just a man, an ideal, a legend.

Batman can never quit, retire or die.

Batman is immortal.
For phucks sake, this is Nolan's friggin take on Batman not the comicbook version.
Batman didn't quit. He retired. When setting this in a loosely real world environment, you have to factor in people age and bodies deteriorate. Especially ones that are pushed to the brink like Bruce's is. He physically couldn't really do it anymore and mentally has finally been able to put the past of his parents--and now Rachel--away and live life for the first time.

Some like to see Batman being Batman until he is dead or old and gray, but this is a perfectly fine interpretation. And no, I do not think Bruce or Selina will return to Gotham. They put that behind them and started fresh. The point is Bruce's story is done but the legend lives on. Blake will carry on the Dark Knight's legacy and Bruce will finally carry on in living. It is not Frank Miller or even Paul Dini, but I like it.

Couldn't agree more.
Batman quit. Twice. I guess you could say he retired, but he also quit.

If he couldn't do it anymore, then how did he do it?

He quit. But not before he lied to Gotham. Again. :)
In this universe, Batman fulfilled his purpose, he was never intended to rid Gotham of all crime and pursue a one-man war on criminals. Batman was created to provide the citizens of Gotham with an inspiration, a symbol, a legend...something to motivate them to fight for their city again. He's done that, he's no longer needed. To a lesser degree I felt he was created as an outlet for Bruce's pain and anger...Bruce finally was able to come to terms with his pain and anger...again, Batman is no longer needed.

I don't like nor agree with the opinion that Batman wanted Blake to take over as Batman or to even follow in his footsteps exactly...I believe he left him the Batcave because he figured out who he was, and that if Gordon/Gotham ever needed help, Blake could use the RESOURCES of the Batcave, but not be Batman or Robin.

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