The Amazing Spider-Man Does anyone else get an empty feeling from this movie?


May 13, 2012
Reaction score
I really enjoyed this movie, but theres just I know it wasnt the directing, Marc Webb made this movie what it was. Not the acting, Garfield was charmingly introverted and was Robert Downey Jr. for Peter Parker. And I know it wasn't the score because while, Horner isn't even in the same league as Elfman, the score gave it a unique feel. The only piece I really didn't like was when the part that played while Spider-Man saved the kid from the burning car, really ruined the suspense imo. Anyway I say the problem lies in the script, personally I hope they boot Vanderbilt for AMS2, it could be the greatest superhero movies ever if they can get a more cohesive narrative.
It's an empty and forgettable film.

Pretty sure everyone is going to get the boot after how the movie preformed. I'd say the problem lied most with Webb than the screenwriters.
It's not empty at all to me. As I was saying on the Marvel Films board, it's one of, if not THE, most emotionally involving superhero flick I've seen. And the film is performing fine.
I'll conceed that I wanted to see more about Peter's parents but this is the only superhero movie that made me cry in two scenes so this movie one of the most emotionally charged superhero movies I have ever seen.
It's not empty at all to me. As I was saying on the Marvel Films board, it's one of, if not THE, most emotionally involving superhero flick I've seen. And the film is performing fine.
Hold up your hand, there's a high 5 heading your way
I get a feeling, as much as I liked it, it's missing something. It's really probably because they cut the parents storyline out of the movie which was the untold story they advertised, and not only that, but the lizard story was also slightly tied with that so they had to cut some Connors & Lizard stuff
I get a feeling, as much as I liked it, it's missing something. It's really probably because they cut the parents storyline out of the movie which was the untold story they advertised, and not only that, but the lizard story was also slightly tied with that so they had to cut some Connors & Lizard stuff

They owe us a directors cut. Sure you can't make the movie longer than 2 1/2 hours for the theatres but for home cinema you can make the movie as long as you like as long as the theatrical version is included as well.
They owe us a directors cut. Sure you can't make the movie longer than 2 1/2 hours for the theatres but for home cinema you can make the movie as long as you like as long as the theatrical version is included as well.

The problem with that is that it almost looks like they are taking a different direction, and that's why the stuff was cut. They can't give us a directors cut if it strongly messes with the continuity
The problem with that is that it almost looks like they are taking a different direction, and that's why the stuff was cut. They can't give us a directors cut if it strongly messes with the continuity

I doubt we'll get a directors cut but to be fair to Sony they did do 2.1

Actually if there is a director's cut I like them to extend the montage sequences for the origin, like the creation of the webshooters (I know they shoot more for this as I've seen pictures).
an extended cut would be possible though... I mean, stuff with Connors family, more lizard footage (2 girls in the bathroom), that's what this movie needed!
an extended cut would be possible though... I mean, stuff with Connors family, more lizard footage (2 girls in the bathroom), that's what this movie needed!

I just want to see more and I'm not bothered if they are character scenes or action scenes, basically I don't really like sifting through deleted scenes I like watching cut scenes cut back into the movie.
I'm sorry to say I was really disappointed with the film - sure there are some really good things in it, but overall I ended up thinking - "why did they bother?'
Such a shame, I had such high hopes with the top notch movies Marvel have been producing! :csad:
It's an empty and forgettable film.

Pretty sure everyone is going to get the boot after how the movie preformed. I'd say the problem lied most with Webb than the screenwriters.

I pretty much enjoyed every character in this Movie, all the way from Uncle Ben down to Flash Thompson. To me it's a Movie like First Class, where I enjoy the non-action sequences just as much as the action sequences. Webb did a great job with the characters and if anything is the best thing that happened to the Movie.
I'm sorry to say I was really disappointed with the film - sure there are some really good things in it, but overall I ended up thinking - "why did they bother?'
Such a shame, I had such high hopes with the top notch movies Marvel have been producing! :csad:

well this movie wasn't made by Marvel, it's made by Sony. And they bothered just so they wouldn't lose the rights back to Marvel, kinda sad really
I know what is, we don't see Spiderman as a hero in New York's eyes. I don't think the words, "New York" was even mentioned in the movie. Sam Raimi's Spiderman had NY responding to what they think of Spiderman.

It's like this movie totally left out NY, that is what's missing, AND I'M NOT EVEN FROM NEW YORK
The movie would have been fine if Sony gave Marc full creative control on the flick, just like Warner brothers gave Chris Nolan full creative control for batman and look at that that did awesome.
Yeah I have an empty feeling as well. I also feel torn as in I liked it, but didn't like it at times. If someone wants to rip on this film, I tell them why it's better than the Raimi series...and vice versa actually. I like the new world they set up and I appreciate it having a far better story than "action figures fighting sprinkled in with good character moments' like I kind of thought Avengers was after my second viewing.

I know it's my favorite comic book movie of the year so far but I don't know why even after a second time seeing it, I still feel really empty. Hopefully the sequel is much more amazing.
I get a feeling, as much as I liked it, it's missing something. It's really probably because they cut the parents storyline out of the movie which was the untold story they advertised, and not only that, but the lizard story was also slightly tied with that so they had to cut some Connors & Lizard stuff

No parents storyline was cut out of the movie...

They never planned to finish it in the first movie of the trilogy.
The only thing that makes it seem a little empty to me is that the visuals didn't feel as stuning as in Raimi's series where it basically seemed like i was watching the comics, here there were some cool visuals but it was almost allways set in the night, i think Spidey fits better during the day.

Another thing that made it incomplete was this awesome comic relief:

The characters were good and seeing Spidey battle the Lizard on screen was fine, but by doing the origin again the whole movie feels "been there, done that" and that gives it the vibe of being stale. The second half is als overy awkwardly edited and paced, giving an uneven feeling.

I honestly don't think this movie has the buzz of joy or iconography of Raimi's first two efforts, and since it mirrors his first so much, it will probably not be remembered well except by the diehard faithful who really love this interpretation of Peter. If the sequels are really good, this will be remembered as a good foundation to build a great series off of. As it stands right now, I think Garfield is a great Spidey, but he needs a better movie that isn't in Raimi's shadow so people can see it for what it is.

Maybe next time.
The characters were good and seeing Spidey battle the Lizard on screen was fine, but by doing the origin again the whole movie feels "been there, done that" and that gives it the vibe of being stale. The second half is als overy awkwardly edited and paced, giving an uneven feeling.

I honestly don't think this movie has the buzz of joy or iconography of Raimi's first two efforts, and since it mirrors his first so much, it will probably not be remembered well except by the diehard faithful who really love this interpretation of Peter. If the sequels are really good, this will be remembered as a good foundation to build a great series off of. As it stands right now, I think Garfield is a great Spidey, but he needs a better movie that isn't in Raimi's shadow so people can see it for what it is.

Maybe next time.
I didn't feel empthy, though i feel the film could have mad a much better break from the Raimi flicks, and really could have worked on the script more. I think its a decent film . Garfield pretty much saves and carries the film imo, with a bit of help from Dennis Leary:cwink:. Had they cast Josh Hutcherson or Logan Lerman , I think the film would have fell totally flat due to the script. Still though, I prefer 500 Days of Summer to ASM as far as Marc Webb's efforts go.
yeah.....I had an empty feeling watching TASM.......
I have no desire to see it again in theaters... if I do purchase it for home viewing, I doubt I'll watch it more than once. It's just not engaging enough for me to sit through again.

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