Does anyone have the Marvel's "phase one" Box Set?


Nov 5, 2012
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"We've also added new bonus material--an exclusive inside look at "Marvel's Iron Man 3" and other films from Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!"


exclusive look at phase 2? i need to know what's in it :huh:
The set is not supposed to be on sale until next week, but it has been shipping since last week.

Anyway, it seems the Phase 2 Stuff is not actually on disc, but the set provides a secret url and a keycode to access "something", which isn't available yet.
The set is not supposed to be on sale until next week, but it has been shipping since last week.

Anyway, it seems the Phase 2 Stuff is not actually on disc, but the set provides a secret url and a keycode to access "something", which isn't available yet.
thanks for the infos

so there's "nothing" about phase 2 on this exclusive blu ray?

According to Entertainment Weekly, there's footage from Ant-Man on this. Probably just that leaked test-footage, but I'd love to see that in HD.
Well, of us is gonna have to bite the bullet and get this thing so they can show the rest of us what kind of Phase 2 stuff is included!!!
Ant-Man is Phase 2 but because it is scheduled to come out after Avengers 2, folks have been saying it's Phase 3, though that is not supported by Marvel's promotional material.
ant-man = phase 3 right?
Yep, but they specifically stated in their review that there was footage from Ant-Man included as part of a "hidden tease for Phase Two."

SPOILER BEGINS!!!!!!!! OK, if you don't care anything about figuring this out on your own, here's the skinny. In the black folder, you will find a sheet titled Item 47 Recovered. Now take your little lenticular sheet thingy and line it up with the two images in the upper left and lower right corners. Through the little windows you will now be able to read the message that tells you where to go to input this code. When you get to the site put the code in, fill out the information, and a 5 minute preview begins of Phase 2 of the Avengers Universe. Let's just say, we're in for a FANTASTIC next couple of years with some AWESOME looking movies. I'm sure there will be more on this site later on, but that's about all there is at this point...................
OK, SPOILER ENDS.....................

"OK, so maybe these extras are what is on the elusive SHIELD disc??????? Sorry....but NO. That disc simply contains from intros to each film, deleted scenes, animatics, and Pre viz stuff. That's about it. I thought, "Maybe they've ported them over to BD-Live.....ummmmm NO. "

SPOILER BEGINS!!!!!!!! OK, if you don't care anything about figuring this out on your own, here's the skinny. In the black folder, you will find a sheet titled Item 47 Recovered. Now take your little lenticular sheet thingy and line it up with the two images in the upper left and lower right corners. Through the little windows you will now be able to read the message that tells you where to go to input this code. When you get to the site put the code in, fill out the information, and a 5 minute preview begins of Phase 2 of the Avengers Universe. Let's just say, we're in for a FANTASTIC next couple of years with some AWESOME looking movies. I'm sure there will be more on this site later on, but that's about all there is at this point...................
OK, SPOILER ENDS.....................
This should be on Youtube and all over the internet by now if true...

SPOILER BEGINS!!!!!!!! OK, if you don't care anything about figuring this out on your own, here's the skinny. In the black folder, you will find a sheet titled Item 47 Recovered. Now take your little lenticular sheet thingy and line it up with the two images in the upper left and lower right corners. Through the little windows you will now be able to read the message that tells you where to go to input this code. When you get to the site put the code in, fill out the information, and a 5 minute preview begins of Phase 2 of the Avengers Universe. Let's just say, we're in for a FANTASTIC next couple of years with some AWESOME looking movies. I'm sure there will be more on this site later on, but that's about all there is at this point...................
OK, SPOILER ENDS.....................
What's in the preview???
I think he's quoting one of the comments on Amazon.
What's in the preview???

yeah i'm quoting the amazon comment .. sorry for that

anyway i found this for you

For those that have the set, the first look at Phase Two is live.

It features a five minute video featuring the cast of Iron Man 3 and some bts footage, and then snippets of Thor 2 filming, and small tidbits (concept art, short snippets from the director of each movie) for the rest of the Phase 2 films (including some scenes from the Ant-Man FX reel, but not the complete thing).
This should be on Youtube and all over the internet by now if true...

**edit** deleted

it's a way better quality than the other one ..

save it .. disney will delete it real soon
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