Does anyone think Justin Hartley would have enough to star in a live Aquaman film?


The Aquaman

I'm talking about Justin Hartley, who will star in the new show Mery Reef which is based upon Aquaman. If he proves he's got what it takes and shows a decent performance, anyone think it could work? Personally, I'd KILL to see an Aquaman film obviously and I think Hartley looks well suited for the role along with being only 27. Which leaves him open for doing sequels!

You decide for yourselves, and if you have an actor feel free to mention them.



And I always compare actors to my favorite picture of Aquaman, which is this one. Doesn't he look like him?

Well, any Aquaman movies I want to see are going to be like "Troy underwater... " as far as Justin goes.... I haven't seen the show yet, so I cannot attest to his acting abilities, but he seems a little on the square-headed side in that pic... of course, assuming he nails the role, then he'd be a great Aquman, film or TV...

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