Does Somerset sell out Mills address to John Doe.


Apr 19, 2006
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I've watched Se7en so many times now and each time I find something new.

I never noticed before, but Somerset consistently tries to convince Mills to leave.

Almost like from murder one, Somerset knew where this was going.

We catch fairly early on that Somerset takes and gives out bribes.

Although they never spill who he bought it from Somerset is the only one we know for sure has been to Mills apartment. He would know where they live.

Also in the car, Somerset seems to solemnly agree with John Doe's "innocent?" speech. You can really read it on his face.

Finally when they are in the field John Doe remarks "he didn't know [about the baby]" and looks at Somerset as if the two had shared a secret.

Could Somerset have sold Mills' address to the Press? i.e. John Doe?
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I've watched Se7en so many times now and each time I find something new.

I never noticed before, but Somerset consistently tries to convince Mills to leave.

Almost like from murder one, Somerset knew where this was going.

We catch fairly early on that Somerset takes and gives out bribes.

Although they never spill who he bought it from Somerset is the only one we know for sure has been to Mills apartment. He would know where they live.

Also in the car, Somerset seems to solemnly agree with John Doe's "innocent?" speech. You can really read it on his face.

Finally when they are in the field John Doe remarks "he didn't know [about the baby]" and looks at Somerset as if the two had shared a secret.

Could Somerset have sold Mills' address to the Press? i.e. John Doe?

That's a pretty damn solid theory. It's also one of my favorite films of all-time; top 20, easily.

I've had an ongoing theory for a few years now:

Somerset is John Doe. [BLACKOUT]Kevin Spacey[/BLACKOUT] is simply a patsy, or a "fool" who Somerset has set up to fulfill his role. A dedicated cult-partner if you will, who's allowing himself to take credit. It's awfully peculiar that [BLACKOUT]Spacey[/BLACKOUT] simply walks into the police department and turns himself in like it's no big deal. It's because he and Somerset both know that he's not the guy, so it doesn't matter. The police will never be looking for him now, because he just waltzed right in. Somerset is off the hook.
I've watched Se7en so many times now and each time I find something new.

I never noticed before, but Somerset consistently tries to convince Mills to leave.

Almost like from murder one, Somerset knew where this was going.

We catch fairly early on that Somerset takes and gives out bribes.

Although they never spill who he bought it from Somerset is the only one we know for sure has been to Mills apartment. He would know where they live.

Also in the car, Somerset seems to solemnly agree with John Doe's "innocent?" speech. You can really read it on his face.

Finally when they are in the field John Doe remarks "he didn't know [about the baby]" and looks at Somerset as if the two had shared a secret.

Could Somerset have sold Mills' address to the Press? i.e. John Doe?

Umm, isn't the way John Doe finds Mill's address is that Mills screamed it at him? Remember[BLACKOUT] Doe is pretending to be the photographer, Mills shoves him away, Does says something about suiing the police or writing his commanding officer or something, and Mills screams down at him something like "You can find me anytime!" and blurts out his address?[/BLACKOUT]

It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure that's what happens. That's how John Doe got the address to begin with.
Yea as set up for theories like this as this movie is I just don't see any of this having much validity. Is one thing I love about this film and ones like it though is all the debate it brings up. Like Marcellus Wallace's briefcase in Pulp Fiction. We'll never know anything for sure but we can all imagine
i don't think that's what happened. interesting thought though.

i think somerset was trying to get rid of mills, telling his captain he wasn't ready etc because he feels mills"feeds off his emotions". he was too emotional, too hot headed. he couldn't disconnect his personal feelings from the job, and he predicted it would be his downfall. he was right.

the thing with the baby? somerset knew because mills' wife told him.

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