Well, the scenes that are on the DVD (and the theatrical cut I saw) are, in the midst of the dark Peter montage, we see Peter hitting on Betty, then Jameson and Robbie interrupt and come in and look at Peter's pictures. It goes like this:
Robbie: "Black suit Spider-Man. Peter, these are incredible! We gotta have these, Jonah."
Jameson - "I'll pay you the usual rate."
Peter - "If you want the shots I'll take the staff job, double the money."
Then, after a quick shot of Peter pointing to a girl in the streets, we see him grab a piece of candy, sit down, and pull the wrapper off with his teeth, while Jameson and Robbie look at him strangely.
Unless you're talking about something other than this, then no, there's no scene missing on the DVD from the original theatrical cut.